April 19, 2024

The Good, The Good, And The Ugly

Hello, my friends! Happy Friday! Before we jump into the weekend, I'm sharing a few pictures of the past week in Pennsylvania. First up, the good.

~ This little guy right here  ~ 

Cosmo is the sweetest, cuddliest, most loving dog ever. 

~ So much yummy food ~

Lobster Alfredo at Red Lobster when we went to dinner with my bestie Heather and her husband, Dave...

Our first summertime meal of Steve's smash burgers and fries...

 And avocado, soft-boiled egg, and tomatoes on a multigrain English muffin Madison made for me!

Another Good? 

~ This cookbook ~

I recently purchased this cookbook on Amazon and received it this week. It is a beautiful cookbook written by a dear blog friend of mine, Marilyn. It is filled with delicious recipes inspired by her time spent in the kitchen with her mother, made with fresh, homegrown food. I made the coleslaw the very day I received the book! If you want to have an opportunity to win a copy, just click Right Here to go to Marilyn's blog, Mountain Top Spice!

Now, The Ugly.

~ A Sticky, Smelly Mess ~

May I ask a favor? Please remind me never to buy the huge, heavy laundry detergent containers with a sickly floral scent. I don't know about you, but wiping thick laundry soap off a bathroom floor is not something I want to repeat—ever. Also, I will be purchasing scent-free from now on.

Well, that is enough for today! I hope you have a lovely weekend, my friends. Quiet here with mass and a visit to see my mom. More good things.

Billie Jo


  1. Hi Billie Jo! Wow, this post made me hungry. All the food looks so delicious! Ugh, your mishap with the laundry detergent does not sound fun at all. I hope you have a very good weekend. See you again soon!

  2. Aww, such a sweet pup! I think I need to get something to eat. I am suddenly very hungry! LOL! I quit buying those big jugs of laundry soap when I discovered the PODS. they are so much easier.

  3. Such a sweet puppy!! have a wonderful weekend.

  4. Well, you should have the cleanest bathroom floor in the neighborhood! Cosmo is THE most adorable!! How much bigger will he get?

  5. Thanks for the reminder about lobster. Season open soon! Yum.

  6. Cosmo is adorable.
    I use the laundry pods. They work great for me.

  7. The food looks good! And I'm sure Marilyns cookbook is excellent. I need to check it out again, I must have missed it on her blog.
    Yikes on the laundry soap. I can't even imagine the mess. I'm using the pods and they work well for us.

  8. Oh good grief - I’ve had a jug of laundry liquid do the same - somehow leap off the washer and burst when it hit. I feel your pain! It is a mess. On a happier note - delightful pup faces and a yummy dinner. Hope the weekend is great for you😊

  9. Cosmo is so sweet. How could you ever resist that adorable face? I want to give him a big hug and cuddle. The food all looks so delicious. You have some great cooks in your family! I'm sorry about the mess in the laundry. I've never done it but I also know I don't want to. :-) I've been using pods for the past few months. I really like them. It's hard to lift those jugs of liquid soap.
    We'll be going to Mom's to visit her this weekend and of course church on Monday. Tomorrow morning I'm meeting my sister and niece for our monthly pedicure. Fun times!

  10. Yikes on the soap mishap! My husband loves for me to wash his clothes in Gain, but It’s too much for me now and I have switched to washing his inTide now. Love seeing pictures of Cosmo! Such a cutie! 🥰 You’ve been eating some yummy things! The nearest Red Lobster to us is two hours away, but I love it when we do get to go there.

  11. Food looks so yummy and Cosmo is the cutest

  12. Cosmo is so darn cute. That meals looks delicious. So sorry about your issues with detergent. Hope your weekend goes well.

  13. The Cosmo is very happy. Your food Billie Jo looks delicious.
    Detergent when it falls on the floor is a problem.
    Thanks for the beautiful things have a beautiful day🌷!

  14. Oh, sorry your laundry detergent landed smack on the floor. I don't like those heavy containers either. Those burgers sure look Yummy. Lobster is so delicious at Red Lobster. It's been awhile, and I really miss it. Hello Cosmo, you are sweet as ever. Sounds like a lovely visit with your mom. Yes, so happy for Marilyn and her cookbook. : )

    Have a wonderful week ahead, my friend.


  15. Cosmo looks adorable with the eyes!!! We like to eat at Red Lobster as well but we don't eat there much, Sorry your laundry soap was too fragrant. I used to buy the Arm and Hammer laundry soap with no fragrance. I use Thieves laundry soap from a company I purchase every month. I am able to use it longer as I can dilute with a few other things via that company. I am glad you are able to visit you mom and having a good weekend! I did a bit of watching tv show this afternoon after coming home, doing a few things outdoors then a walk. Now I need to eat food as I'm hungry! God bless you , my friend!

  16. All that food looks delicious! So sorry about that laundry spill. Our middle daughter developed eczema as a toddler so I've used 'free and clear' detergents and soaps for as long as I can remember.

  17. Did I end up in spam? I've had laundry soap spill too. Not fun.

  18. Billie, thank you so much for sharing about my cookbook! I'm sorry about the sticky laundry mess! I switched over to making my own laundry detergent, and I couldn't be happier, love it so much. I add my own essential oil for the smell, which is great, because I can choose whichever scent I like that day! :) Blessings to you dear friend!


Thanks so much for saying hello!

Billie Jo