April 22, 2024

Monday Morning Coffee


Good Monday morning! The sun is shining today, and when I stepped outside to take Mocha and Cosmo out, I felt spring. Each season has a distinct feel to me, and although I am not good at describing it adequately, you know what I mean. It may be specific to each of us, but today, I felt spring here in Pennsylvania for the first time this year.

Along with that feeling came a brief nostalgia and memories of spring mornings past ~ Rushing out the door on my way to high school without a jacket and without having to wait for the car to warm up and the windows to defrost ~ Driving to work in the light of day knowing my precious second graders would start asking me if they have to wear their coats outside at recess ~ Snapping two little ones into the blue and white double stroller for a morning walk and pointing out the buds that will bloom and the leaves that will appear ~ Rising early to watch the world wake up as I sip my morning coffee. 

Although I am, at heart, an inside girl, content to watch all the goings on from the comfort of my cozy home, I am happy that spring has arrived. I look forward to open windows, longer days, green leaves, and afternoons on the porch. Now, I am off to check my supply of allergy medicine, which will surely come in handy along with all the good spring brings. Just saying. 

Have a lovely day, my friends!
Thanks for visiting!

Billie Jo

( Photo is from a favorite website, happi )


  1. Today will be a good day! It has been Springy here and back to a chilly morning today. It's OK because Spring will be here again and Summer to follow. I love the memories those scents bring too. Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

  2. Every season has a distinct feel for me also. I hope you have a wonderful week.

  3. I could actually feel the Spring weather as you were describing it! LOL! My eyes actually started itching! Bwhaha! :) Have a beautiful day!

  4. I am excited for Spring too. I love the pics of your puppies

  5. Hooray for spring! I feel it here too this morning (of course, Virginia is not that far from PA!!) Oh and you brought back memories of working at school and the daily negotiations of whether jackets were really necessary at breaktime!! For morning break but probably not after lunch - lol! So many good memories associated with my time working at the school!! Spring also meant the finish line was just in sight!!:) Love that note to self!! Thanks for sharing. Happy Monday!

  6. Spring is my favorite season of all. I love the windows and doors wide open to the breeze before the humidity of summer makes it necessary to close them again. We've had ridiculous winds here though. Today is gusting to 40 mph. With the pollen count the windows will be closed again today although it will be warm.
    But, today WILL be a good day.

  7. The birds which are returning from their winter visits south always mean spring to me. Our leaves are a month away. Enjoy the week.

  8. We were enjoying full on spring when Mother Nature decided to play a trick on us and send much cooler temperatures. Even so everything here is fully leafed out and most of the pollen damage is over.
    Enjoy your start of spring.

  9. What a gorgeous photo of Mocha, with the grey tones of the stone and the sun as a spotlight on the face! You make spring sound better than I thought!!! I take three allergy meds!

  10. Spring is the most beautiful season for me!
    The cookies look very delicious.
    Your dog enjoys breakfast happily.
    Have a beautiful week Billie Jo🌷!

  11. There is something about each day. It's lovely. Yesterday though we had the heat blasting. Buuuurrr. Hope the allergy meds help. Cheers, Ivy.

  12. Hello dear Friend! Yay for Spring! I'm ready for digging in the dirt and planting flowers. Long walks later in the day to catch the sunset. The sound of the geese squawking as they land on the bay. Having fires out on the deck without worrying about mosquitos yet. Finally feeling it up here too.
    Blessings on your week and happy earth day! 💚💙

  13. Happy Spring, Billie Jo. I know what you mean about feeling the season in the air. Our weather went from the high 80s to the low 60s. When I stepped outside on the cool day I was instantly transported to my childhood days in Michigan when I could hardly wait for spring's arrival. I felt like putting on a wind breaker and getting out my jump rope. LOL
    Man, those cookies look SO good!!

  14. Have a lovely spring, Billie Jo! P.S. Those cookies look delicious! Have a good week. See you again soon!

  15. You’re right, each season is distinct – whether it’s traditions, a to-do list, or sweet memories. Spring always gives me a “hurry up” feeling - there’s so much outdoor work to do after winter. I remember hearing, “enjoy the season you are in” and I try to remember that. Enjoy the week doing the things you love best!

  16. Happy Spring :) And yes, all the allergy meds :)


Thanks so much for saying hello!

Billie Jo