July 23, 2021
Ordinary Summer Days and Nights
July 21, 2021
Let's Talk About Bedrooms!
Through the past thirty years, Steve and I have lived in several different houses with various children in each one at different times. Today, social media is filled with images of elaborate nurseries and bedrooms, and I am so thankful I did not have that kind of pressure on me back when my babies were born! I remember ordering a cute little set from the J.C. Penney catalog for Madison, adding a rocking chair, and knowing it was perfect.
I always felt it important that our children's rooms reflect who each of them is. I let each of them choose the color and theme, within reason, for their bedrooms. The fluorescent green stage of Rhett's room is proof of that! And I never forgot that bedrooms were just that. Rooms with beds in them. If they are not picture-perfect, who cares?? As long as each of my kids was happy and cozy, I was happy. I remember a time years ago when no one in my family was sleeping in their own room except me!
Flynn was little and had been very sick. She was sleeping with me because she was waking in the night coughing very badly. Steve slept downstairs on the couch, and Rhett slept down there with him. They watched tv together and fell asleep with the television still on most nights. Madison had her own room, but she didn't sleep there. She preferred sleeping in Peyton's room with her because Peyton had twin beds, and they liked to stay awake talking and laughing. Sometimes Rhett would sleep on the floor in our room. Sometimes Flynn would. At one point, Steve and I had a dresser and a crib in our room for Flynn, and I wouldn't have had it any other way!
What is my point here? As always, I encourage young mothers to do what works for you! Look at all the elaborate and fancy nurseries and bedrooms out there, and then choose what you and your child like. Think about more than the aesthetic. Remember your child will be playing in that room. Toys and books need a spot. Favorite characters like SpongeBob and Barbie will be in there too. Someday you may need to squeeze another bed in there. So relax. And do you.
Peyton recently moved into her sweet home with her new husband Chris, and that left a small extra bedroom here. I have not had an extra bedroom for a long time, and it made me sad! So, I decided to make it a happy place and put a few things we had together with some new sheets and cute signs to make a guest room for friends and relatives who come and spend time with us. What is happier than Mickey Mouse???
July 19, 2021
Monday Morning Coffee

July 14, 2021
July 12, 2021
Monday Morning Coffee Talk
July 9, 2021
Meal Of The Week And Shark Week Starts
July 7, 2021
Can You Name Some Of My...
Very favorite old television shows? These are the shows I watched growing up. They were all in syndication, and back then, we could only watch them when they aired. Today I can stream them on any of the numerous channels available. They bring back memories, take me to a simpler time, and after all these years, still make me laugh. Can you name them? Did you watch them? Answers down below!
July 5, 2021
Monday Morning Coffee Talk