October 21, 2024

Monday Morning Coffee And Ghosts Of Halloween Past


Good Monday morning! There are only ten days until Halloween. I have loved this holiday since I was a kid, wearing the plastic costume that came in the box with the mask that made breathing impossible. I loved Halloween party day when I was a teacher. I loved the little seven-year-olds laughing when I couldn't tell who they were in their costumes. I loved the simple but festive cupcakes with orange icing and the cups of orange Kool-Aid sitting on their little wooden desks when they returned from the costume parade. 

I loved Halloween with my little ones, who started thinking about their costumes in July when the magazines began arriving in the mail. I loved planning Halloween night dinner and rushing to put costumes on before loading up in the van with plastic pumpkin buckets waiting to be filled with candy. Steve drove, and I organized, sorting wands, capes, coats, and masks. Each year, the kids grew older and taller, and the costumes changed - except my little Cinderella, who made an appearance several years in a row - and I remember vividly sitting in the van watching them go house to house, thinking that one Halloween night would be the last time for dress up and candy. I need not have worried.

We still celebrate Halloween here. The kids still dress up, and now we have a Halloween party complete with a costume contest, games, prizes, and festive food. Someday, I know, this too will end. Someday, my four will have families of their own, and while I will miss this fun, spooky time with them, I have so many happy memories of Halloweens past to look back on and smile.

Happy Almost Halloween. my friends!

Billie Jo

October 18, 2024

Some Of The Things

Happy Friday, my friends! So, what does October look like around here? Let's check my camera roll to find out! 

Food is always a favorite. Our family group chat is often filled with texts sharing pictures of our dinners.

Our dinner one night this week was a delicious autumn stew, or chili, as she refers to it, made by Madison. I will share the recipe below. It was so good!

Rhett shared this picture of the yummy chicken parmesan Kyrstin made,

And Peyton sent her own picture of spicy chili and homemade pumpkin cornbread! Next, I found some pictures I had taken during our homeschooling. Look at these precious students during their quiet time.

And then there is this guy. He is so cute but just as mischievous as he looks!

Madison took this picture before Steve and I went out for a night on the town last Saturday. What exactly do two young—OK, middle-aged—married people do on a Saturday night? Well, first, they go to mass. Then, they head to the beach to sit and look at the ocean.

Then, they go to a favorite casual little restaurant for dinner. No pictures exist, but trust me. They would have shown the BEST Alfredo Fettuccine ever. 

And more food! Steve made these amazing cheesesteak sandwiches for dinner this week. They were as good, if not better than any takeout we have had. Steve did all the cooking, but I do have to take credit for my impeccable culinary skills. Look at those perfectly sliced tomatoes and that finely shredded lettuce! 

Finally, is it even a holiday without Pillsbury Funfetti Cupcakes? Madison and Flynn had fun making these this week. I had fun eating them.

Well, there you go—some of the things we have been doing around here this beautiful month of October. I hope you are having a wonderful month doing whatever makes you happy. You know, I have thought about this lately. I love this month when the leaves change and fall, and the air is crisp and cool. I haven't gone on a walk to enjoy the beautiful weather. I prefer to look out my window and sit on my deck to enjoy it. It is so easy now to compare and fault ourselves for not doing what others are doing in their perfectly curated social media world. If it isn't your thing, that's OK. It is OK to be yourself and do your own thing. Just do you, my friends.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Billie Jo

And this note from Madison

~ I use this recipe but I used all ground beef instead of any beans. I added sliced zucchini. I also added some hot sauce and cheddar cheese on top. ~

October 16, 2024

Take Your Time. It's October.

It's October—the middle of October. I realized yesterday that this most beautiful, peaceful, cozy time is what I have waited for all year. I dream of these days during the hot sun of July, and now, they are here. I hope I am making the most of them because, like the colorful leaves on the old tree outside, they will disappear all too soon.

Enjoy your October, my friends! 

Billie Jo

(Google for the October images. )