February 14, 2025

Happy Valentine's Day!

Hello, and Happy Friday! But wait! There's more. Happy Valentine's Day! I'm not quite sure how that happened since last week was Christmas, right? It actually did look like Christmas here this week—cold and cozy as can be.

After almost two years, I finally finished our dining room! 

And when I was looking for something to put on the wall, I found the most perfect thing.

This Norman Rockwell picture. 
It is the exact same one my mom had hanging in our house when I was young. I like to think she sent it to me, and now I think of her every time I see it.

Thankfully, Etsy and eBay have several other Norman Rockwell items that I could purchase.
And now I am done.

Speaking of my Mom, I miss her.

I am showing myself some grace, slowing down, doing less, and resting more. Thanks for the love, my friends. Have a Happy Valentine's Day, too!

Billie Jo

February 12, 2025

Just Wondering Wednesday

 Just wondering your thoughts on some very significant issues this Wednesday morning...for example...

1. Do you refrigerate apples? 

We do, and we don't. I always put them in one of those drawers in the fridge, but recently, we have been keeping them in a bowl on the kitchen island. You know the saying: out of sight, out of mind. It is proving to be true. Suddenly, sliced apples are the in thing around here.

2. Do you have a problem finding clean towels and washcloths on a regular basis?

Okay. Hear me out here. I do laundry all the time, and I actually enjoy it. However, for some reason, we consistently have a shortage of clean towels and washcloths. It is bizarre! Clearly, the answer is to buy more sets of towels. Why have I not done this? I have no idea. 

3. Do you have a set schedule for cleaning your house, or do you clean things randomly as they need it?

Years ago, young Billie Jo cleaned her house every Friday—floors, tubs, the whole deal. When my kids were younger, having everything clean and tidy for the weekend felt good. That worked well for me during that chapter of my life. Older Billie Jo has less enthusiasm for scheduled cleaning. It is a clear hit-and-miss situation, with occasional whole-house tidying. This chapter of my life is slower, with more breaks for coffee and naps.

4. What is something small that often goes unnoticed by others but really bothers you?

Okay, this is random. I realize how ridiculous it sounds, but I cannot stand the black ring of soot on candle jars. It just really bothers me! I am constantly wetting a paper towel and wiping it off. Sad, but true.

Finally, here's a picture of our dinner last night. We had something else planned, but it was cold, snowy, and dark, and we were in the mood for one of my mom's go-to quick meals: toasted cheese and tomato soup. We served it on parchment paper because the dishwasher was already packed, leaving no room for plates.

Any thoughts on these pressing issues, my friends? I'd love to hear! Have a cozy Wednesday. Thanks for visiting!

Billie Jo

February 10, 2025

Monday Morning Coffee


Good Monday morning, my friends. We spent the night at the condo, so my Monday morning coffee is coming to you from here at the beach. 

Rhett and Kyrstin hosted us for the Superbowl, and they went all out! They prepared Buffalo Chicken Dip, Mexican Street Corn Dip, a Fresh Salad Bar, Deviled Eggs, Chocolate-Covered Strawberries, and Oreo Balls, and ordered pizza and wings. Madison brought a pasta salad, and Steve made a pineapple dessert. Flynn and I provided a few cans of soda because we didn't want to arrive empty-handed!

While I intended to go strictly for the food and company, I did watch some of the game. When it comes to a championship game like that in any sport, I feel bad that one team has to lose. So congratulations to the Eagles fans and to the Chiefs fans; I am sorry. Next season will be here before we know it.

In other exciting news, Peyton and Chris got a new dog! Allow me to introduce you to Tundra!

Isn't she beautiful?! Peyton has always loved Huskies. Her childhood favorite...

Remember Webkinz?
She loved this one!

Christopher works with a family that has a new baby and an older dog. They wanted Tundra to go to a loving home. Peyton and Christopher met her, bonded with her, and brought her home this weekend! 

Their sweet Jenny has already welcomed her in.

Madison and Nicolas celebrated their sixth wedding anniversary! I am so proud of these two and the life they have created.

And lastly, this weekend, Flynn joined the ranks of the Dunkin Iced Coffee Club! Well, it's time for me to get going. We are cleaning up here, heading back to the house, homeschooling, and then getting ready for The Bachelor tonight. And I am sure I will find time to snuggle with these two.

Happy Monday, my friends!

Billie Jo

Google for the non-mine pictures. : )

February 7, 2025

Life Lately

Cooking with Madison
Enchilidas and Lasagna this week!

And Rhett realizing that salad isn't that bad!

Reading this book. And highly recommending it as well!

Homeschooling Flynn and a couple extra students.
Note the tissue box. Flynn has the cold from He**.
She is a good sport, though, and is hanging in there.

Wearing pajamas most of the time. And I don't usually take selfies in my pajamas, but my friend Heather got these for me, and I wanted to show her how much I loved them.

Watching this guilty pleasure. And yes, Debbie, we like him so far!

Praying this beautiful prayer for several special people in my life.

Celebrating Madison and Nico's little pup, Draper, who is five already!

And not wanting to leave this one out, Cosmo is playing a lot of fetch with his fun new yellow ball. But never with the scary red one!

Finally, with apologies to all who do, and with the promise to watch, eat, and sit quietly with my cozy blanket and my book. Good Luck to all!

That's it for today, my friends.
Thanks for all the prayers. I appreciate them greatly.
I am so happy my Mom made so many others happy.

Thanks for visiting!

Billie Jo

(Google for the fun images.)

February 5, 2025

If You Bake Anything This Week


Bake this chocolate chip coffee cake.
Literally. The BEST.

I like to make a special breakfast on Sunday mornings. Sometimes, it's quiche; other times, it's bacon, toast, and eggs. This past Sunday, I made this coffee cake. And I swear we think it is AMAZING. 

If you want to give it a try, I will link the recipe right 

The only changes I made were using chocolate chunks because we didn't have chocolate chips and regular plain yogurt because we were out of Greek yogurt. Also, I used my hands to make the crumb topping. No need to dirty a food processor, right? Plus, I don't even have one! 

I hope you try it, and if so, I hope you and your family enjoy it!

Billie Jo

February 3, 2025

Monday Morning Coffee

Good Monday morning, my friends! We are back in Maryland, and I am cozy on my couch with my coffee and pups. Today, Flynn and I are going to homeschool, and I am quite excited to introduce her to one of my very favorite people, Mr. William Shakespeare. There is so much to know about him before we begin the piece I have chosen for her this year, Romeo and Juliet. 

I heard a rumor from a very reliable source, Madison, that she and Steve are preparing dinner tonight. I also heard the word "lasagna" mentioned a few times, which is good! After dinner, we will hit the couch for Episode Two of one of the all-time favorites in this house...The Bachelor! This show is a staple in our home during the long winter months, and although I know it is cringy, it is also entertaining. We are always rooting for the one nice, normal girl in a house filled with various interesting personalities. Sometimes, we are rooting that she DOESN'T get a rose because we think she can do much better!

Finishing this morning with a few thoughts for the month of February, courtesy of Google...




Happy Monday, my friends!
Looking forward to catching up with you.

Billie Jo

January 29, 2025

Thank You

Thank you, my friends, for your comments, emails, messages, thoughts, and prayers. Please know that I read every single one of them...more than once. The love you showed me and my sweet momma helped me through the most difficult moments of my life. 

Even though I knew the day would come, I was not prepared for the grief and sadness of the final goodbye. My mom was the constant in my life. She was there for every single moment, the happiest days, the sad ones, the challenging ones, and the joyous ones too. She was always there for me, holding me up and cheering me on.

I am thankful to God that I could do the same for her. On her last day, my sister Margie and I held her hands, sang with her, and reminded her she was indeed the best mother ever. She was beautiful, peaceful, cozy, and warm. 

She is laid to rest now, next to my Dad, and I am sure she is rejoicing in heaven. She taught me many things, including finding joy and adventure in every experience. I kept a list of things she said these past few months that I wanted to remember. Margie and Mom called me every day after lunch. One day last summer, during one of those phone conversations, I said, "I don't know anything exciting! Sorry about that!" And Mom's response? "Well, just being together is great!" 

A new chapter in my life begins..one without my momma here. She is and will always be near, though. And I will try to live every day with the joy she brought me and so many others in my heart. Again, thank you. I appreciate everyone who took the time to reach out to me and my family. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. My mom sang all the time. One of her favorites is this one:

Row, row, row your boat
Gently down the stream.
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily,
Life is but a dream.

Life is, indeed, but a dream.

Billie Jo