September 23, 2024

Monday Morning Coffee ~ Fall Is Here!

( Pinterest )

Good Monday morning! And...drumroll, please...Happy Fall!! It is finally officially acceptable to embrace all the cozy that I have been ready for since late July. We celebrated with a delicious autumn brunch. We had fresh autumn fruit, bacon, eggs, and pumpkin pancakes. It was a group effort, and it came together beautifully!

Unfortunately, Flynn's pup Marty was a bit too late!

And it isn't all fun and food around here; this was my view on Saturday. Do you use Murphy Oil Soap? I do, and every time I open it, I am reminded of my mom and childhood home. She always had a bottle of that, and I still remember her telling me how she loved it. I have to be in the mood for deep cleaning. Thankfully, I was because this area is so dusty! I put in my AirPods and wiped, dusted, vacuumed, and mopped until it sparkled. 

And then, I promptly showered, put on clean, cozy clothes, and collapsed on the sofa.

In even more exciting news, Our Steelers are winning! This weekend, they had some extra special fans who braved the heat to cheer them on! 

Did I mention it is officially fall?

Although we were at the house, I wanted to swim a bit yesterday, so Nicolas drove us across the bridge to the condo, and Flynn and I spent some time in the pool. The off-season is nice here, too. We were the only ones in the crystal-clear indoor pool!

Cosmo says hello and Happy Fall!

I need to get off this couch, get dressed, and start the day. Today, I will homeschool, do laundry, and decide on something for dinner. This afternoon, I plan to put on a YouTube fall-themed ambiance and catch up with you. Have a cozy day. And thank you for visiting!

Ok. I'm done.

Billie Jo

( Pinterest for the cozy images. )


  1. Happy Autumn to you, Billie Jo! Loved all your fall graphics in your post. What kind of mop is pictured with your cleaning supplies? I'm in the market for a new one and that looks interesting to me. I hope you have a marvelous Monday. Yay on the pumpkin pancakes!

    1. Hi Robin! It is a Swiffer Power Mop. I recently got it at Walmart, and I am very happy with it!!!

  2. Happy Fall my friend! Oh I know you are in my happy place! Great idea...starting the season with pumpkin pancakes! You guys really know how to make the most of things:) Always something good from your kitchen! I hope your Monday is quiet, cool, cozy and includes more than one fall-inspired drink in one of your cute mugs!!:)


Thanks so much for saying hello!

Billie Jo