September 20, 2024

Around Here Lately


Madison made muffins ~ Cosmo slept through school ~ Steve and I had a little date night ~ A new visitor arrived ~ And Madison made chicken soup. 

Fall Daily Fun This Week

1. Went for a short walk to see the fall changes
2. Snuggled under a cozy fall blanket
3. Watched Gilmore Girls
4. Decorated the porch for fall
5. Wore Halloween pajamas
6. Watched a spooky movie and made Halloween cookies
7. Had our first soup dinner of the season

And... This weekend, Fall becomes official! Let's celebrate with a few of my favorites from the creative minds of people who are not me!

Have a cozy weekend, my friends! I am going to pour a cup of pumpkin spice and visit with you! 

Thanks for visiting.

Billie Jo


  1. Billie Jo...Your cartoons are so cute... Soup Mode! I love it!! It is that time of the year and soup of any kind makes me so happy. Glad you and Steve were able to take in a Date night. These are important. No school for Cosmo..He was in a happy place. Hoping for some cooler temps this next week. We have been in the upper 90's. Oh well...doesn't stop my mind from thinking it is Fall already. I'm looking forward to seeing your upcoming photos of the fun things you all will do this weekend...

  2. bwahahaha! Made me lol! Getting some fall decorations out now... This weekend is it! :)

  3. It's still so hot!! I love August but man I don't love August weather in September! GImme a sweatshirt please!! Hopefully soon. I love your soup and baked goods. Of course Gilmore. Did you step on any crunchy leaves on your walk? I think it's my favorite park of fall to be honest. Simple simple pleasures: stepping on a crunchy leaf.


Thanks so much for saying hello!

Billie Jo