May 20, 2024

Monday Morning Coffee Talk


Good Monday morning! I have had my coffee, said my prayers, and am ready to start the day! I am currently watching a vibrant red male cardinal at our feeder, and a little bit ago, he and his lady friend were there together. I am not ashamed to say that I recently learned that female cardinals are not red and are pretty distinguishable with pale brown coloring and a tint of red in places. Who knew?! Oh! Now, a large Blue Jay arrived and frightened the cardinal away. OK, enough with the birdfeeder commmentary.

Our weekend was cozy as we continued to wait for some late spring temperatures. The weather is what the weather is, and it pays no mind to what we wish it to be. So we adapt our plans and adjust. The flowers and herbs didn't get planted this weekend. The front porch did not get washed off. The beach visit didn't happen. Instead, we enjoyed a fresh seabass meal cooked and served by Steve. We attended a beautiful mass and enjoyed a good meal and an ice cream treat afterward. We did watch Grease together for the first time in forever. We also enjoyed a casual Sunday dinner of BLT sandwiches and salad. With an amazing chocolate dessert made and served by Nicolas and Flynn. Not bad, right?

My first and my last!

Look at me, making a delicious and healthy salad!

And then enjoying this brownie with ganache. It's all about balance, my friends. ; )

I forgot to mention Cosmo, and I had a Sunday afternoon nap.

And Peyton sent this beautiful picture of their sweet Jenny. Jenny is the kindest, most well-behaved, and most loved pup. Isn't she sweet?!

Today, Flynn and I will do some homeschooling, and then we plan on watching the third Planet of the Apes movie. Tomorrow, we are going to see the new one! Rhett introduced me to these movies when he was young, and I love them. They are not what I thought at all. They are much better!

Have a lovely day, my friends.
Thanks for visiting! 

Billie Jo

The recipe for the salad is HERE. a red, white, and black woodpecker is visiting the feeder! OK. I'm done.


  1. Oh, I want to see Planet of the Apes! Sounds like a good one. That brownie is just so amazing looking. The red cardinal is the one bird I have yet to see. It seems that some of the male birds are more striking than their partners haha. It's so nice that you are becoming familiar with all the birds around you. The BLT sandwiches sound delicious, and what a fun night watching GREASE together. One of my favorite movies. That's such a cute picture of Peyton's pup.

    Have a wonderful May week, Billie Jo.


  2. Dearest Billie Jo,
    You mention the delicious and healthy salad but that is far from the truth as Feta cheese has one of the highest sodium content... Your kidneys will not love it!
    My first and last—daughter?

  3. Those Bluejays are such bullies! ALL the food looks so good!!!

  4. Always entertaining to watch and learn about the backyard birds.
    Sounds like you enjoyed some good eating. I'm off to check out the salad recipe. Looks delish!

  5. Happy little surprises in your life... Such a nice blog post. I loved it. Hugs!

  6. Hi Billie Jo. Our weather is very up and down here as well. I always enjoy hearing about what you are up to. I have only seen the first very old Planet of the Apes, but the new versions sound intriguing. I hope you have a good week. See you again soon!

  7. I love looking at the birds but do not have a feeder. My neighboring cat thought my old one was just bait.

  8. Oh that brownie looks so good.
    My kids haven't seen any of the Planet of the Ape movies so we are think it might be time for a movie marathon.

  9. It's so fun to watch the birds. We have several birdfeeders at work and enjoy the different varieties that come, and we notice that some are bullies!
    Your weekend sounds lovely.

  10. I love your bird watching. It is such a great hobby!

  11. Well, you know me, I love birds and watch them and their antics. Our weekend weather prevented other plans like you as well. But, you always fill your days with your lovely family and fantastic food. Have a great week, my friend!

  12. I used to watch Planet of the Apes growing up. Back then we had 3 channels and you took what they were serving :) hahaha. That salad is impressive! I'm going to check out the recipe. And I think every day should end with ice cream :) (oh, how I wish!). Have a wonderful week!

  13. I think you enjoy bird watching as much as I do, sweet friend. Your weekend sounds lovely just the way it was...spent with loved ones! Wishing you a wonderful week!

  14. You're such a Lady after my own heart. I've become such a bird watcher and lover too. Unfortunately, I can't leave feeders up once Spring hits because of bears. Lol Yep, the males are the bright colorful ones - same with blue jays (so they can attract mates) and the females are pale and blend into nature better to protect the babies and nests they sit on. God just knew what He was doing when he made those critters, didn't He? 😊
    I love your "balance" and I'm the same way! Lol Life is too short not to have some treats thrown in too. Love sweet Jenny and all the sweet furry babies in your life. I haven't planted my flowers yet either. One day at a time and taking it all in stride. That's true balance in my opinion.
    Blessings always. xoxo

  15. I like your Monopoly mug.
    All the food looks delicious.

  16. That ice cream dessert is so cute! Very creative. I love that Bambi mug! I saw that movie in the theater when it first came out - something my family didn't do very often. I've been in love with Bambi (Thumper actually) ever since. Jenny looks so sweet. I just want to reach out and give her a gentle hug.

  17. Aw, Jenny - she is the sweetest! I love that face!! Sounds like your week is off to a lovely start. It must have been those yummy desserts. They look delish!! Hope the rest of the week is just as "sweet"!

  18. I could spend hours watching the birds on the bird feeder. Have a lovely week! Xx


Thanks so much for saying hello!

Billie Jo