May 22, 2024

They Should Really Tell You

Good morning, my friends. Monday afternoon, we hopped into the car, drove across the bridge, and arrived at the beach for a few days of ocean air. And a birthday! Yes, my one and only son Rhett Stephen, who came by scheduled c-section on a sunny spring morning, turned twenty-two yesterday. All those well-meaning ladies in the grocery store were right, dang it! It does go way too quickly! 

Someone should really remind you of that. Amid all the happiness, flowers, balloons, fanfare, and joy that surround the birth of a baby, someone should sit us down and remind us that we have been gifted this blessing for a time. We will have but a few short weeks to hold, snuggle, and rock our new baby until those tiny limbs start poking out of the swaddle blankets you so carefully washed and stacked, thinking you had forever to use them.

We have but a short time to hold a little hand and push a little one on the swing before friends ride up the driveway, asking to come and play. Suddenly, we are walking past those very same stores we used to dream about shopping in for footie pajamas, sundresses, and matching Christmas clothes. We trade Carter's for American Eagle and the toy aisle for electronics. Summer nights change from waiting for the return of your little one from the neighbor's yard to waiting to hear the car door slam in the driveway a few minutes before curfew. And birthdays go from paper tablecloths with brightly wrapped gifts and cake with Grandma and Grandpa to causal dinners with gift cards and dessert. 

They really should tell you all that before you leave the hospital. Right after the instructions on installing a car seat or changing a diaper, someone important-looking with a clipboard should sit you down and tell you all these things. And then, after all that, they should tell you that this is precisely how it is supposed to be. And it is beautiful. All of it. The baby that we hold and love will grow and change. Exactly how a baby is supposed to do. Just like we did. And then, this important person should tell you that your relationship with your adult children will be amazingly wonderful! You will find a best friend in each of your children and begin an incredible new journey together. And you will always have someone to help you with your phone and figure out the streaming channels on the television. If someone had told me all that before I left the hospital with each new bundle of joy, I wouldn't be as surprised that my precious son is twenty-two already! Or then again, maybe I would. 

Happy birthday to my son Rhett! He is an old soul, full of compassion and concern for others. He is the funniest person I know and hardworking, too. He loves Taco Bell, being with his family, movies, video games, and his beautiful girlfriend, Kyrstin. It has been my privilege to be his mother all these years, and when I get that twinge of melancholy, I remind myself that the best is yet to come!

Have a beautiful Wednesday, my friends!

Billie Jo


  1. Dearest Billie Jo,
    Indeed, time is passing very, very fast!
    We have to remember to live very intensely and realistic.
    Happy belated Birthday to your son Rhett!

  2. You know I’m crying while I’m reading this, right? It’s one of the biggest struggles I face – for me there’s a sadness that it all seemed to fly by so quickly. Thank you for your wise words - you were inspired to share them - just what I need to hear.

  3. I have found I love having adult kids. It is a different experience but I enjoy every time I am around them. They all have snarky senses of humor and make me laugh all the time.
    And yes, the time does go by quickly

  4. So very well said. The years move fast but the best is yet to come! Happy 22nd birthday Rhett! One of the kindest souls I know! Miss you all! Xx

  5. Happy Birthday to Rhett!! This was a beautiful post.

  6. This is a wonderful photo of you with Rhett! And he looks like you!

  7. Aww, happy birthday to your dear Rhett! I remember seeing a meme of a young soldier heading off from an Army leave, with his backpack...and what his mother was seeing...a tiny little kindergartener with a huge Army's like looking backwards through a kaleidoscope, seeing them as your sweet little ones. They do grow into amazing friends though, and I am thankful for that too. Yes, they did tell us it would go by fast, but we simply didn't believe them, in the midst of all that mommying...thank you for this post, Billie Jo, love your blog.

  8. What a lovely post and tribute to the love for your son. Happy birthday to Rhett! You can just see the sweet soul in his eyes. Blessings wished for him always. xoxo

  9. Happy Birthday to Rhett!! He seems like a wonderful young man and I know you are so proud of him! I love the picture of the three of you and his cake looks scrumptious!

  10. Happy Birthday to Rhett. He sounds like a wonderful young man.
    I think even if they had told me that, I would never have believed it until I lived it.

  11. The precious gift of time is fleeting. Happy birthday to your boy!

  12. Happy Birthday to Rhett! You are so right in how fast time goes. My youngest just turned 36! My Dad used to tell me how fast time went and I didn't get it until I was older.
    PS - Rhett looks so much like Steve!

  13. Hi BIllie Jo! Lovely post! Happy birthday to your boy. Yes, the years go so quickly. My baby will be 28 next month. Lovely picture of you and Steve with Rhett. Mari is right! He looks a lot like Steve (with some Billie Jo thrown in there too). Thanks for a great, heartfelt post.

  14. I hope Rhett had the very best birthday!!! What a gift to your family he is.

  15. Happy birthday to Ret,
    may he be strong and lucky in his life.
    Enjoy him.
    Yes, time goes by too fast,
    I think our elders used to tell us that all the time,
    but we didn't pay attention like the youngsters do now.
    Yes Billie Jo the best is yet to come :)

  16. A very Happy belated Birthday to your son! Time flies too quickly for sure!

  17. Beautifully expressed, my friend. Happy Birthday to Rhett. xx

  18. Time does pass so quickly. My baby turned 32 last month and my oldest turns 46 tomorrow. Where does the time go? Happy birthday to your baby.

  19. Happy 21st Birthday to your son Rhett . My daughter Megan turns 21 in July. Reading this blog gave me chills, it is so very true how fast it goes. You have a beautiful family and you are a wonderful mother who has been a blessing to your children. Thank you for sharing your life with all of us on your blog, it is an inspiration to me. God bless you dear friend.

  20. That is such a sweet family photo of the three of you Billie Jo. I love it! A belated happy birthday to Rhett Stephen. He sounds like such a wonderful young man and so handsome. And yes it goes by too quickly. My ‘baby’ is 45 years old and a blessing indeed! Everything you say I can relate to. My son loves movies also, and he would love the shirt your son is wearing :) And most definitely, the best is yet to come my dear friend. Enjoy each and every day. I absolutely loved this post and I am leaving smiling, thank you! I wish you all the very best of things to come.

  21. I loved this post. It's so true. Now, Billie Jo... Don't be alarmed, but let me tell you... the next 10 years go even faster.


Thanks so much for saying hello!

Billie Jo