October 25, 2023

Would You Believe

~ I know every single episode of Seinfeld by heart?

~ I really want to get a tattoo on my wrist?

~I played the clarinet in school and was actually pretty good?

~ I am really creeped out by owls?

~ I have never driven in a city?
( Be glad. )

~ I have the remarkable ability to sleep anywhere, anytime? 

I don't drink alcohol.
( No hate. Just don't like the taste. )

I strongly dislike being in the sun?
( And being hot. Or sweaty, Or both. Just hate it. )

~ I floss my teeth twice a day, every day.

~ I don't like shoes. I don't like shopping for them, or buying them or wearing them.

Well, it's true! 

Before I go, I'd like to answer a few questions from previous posts.

Jennifer wanted to know if it was too cold for swimming. ~ Indeed it is! Fortunately, our condo is in a building with an indoor pool that is never busy this time of year! 

Dianna asked if Madison still blogs. ~ So nice to see you here, Dianna! Madison doesn't blog anymore, but she is on Instagram, and you can find her by clicking HERE!

lejmom asked about the lake house, this house, and the condo. She said she was a bit confused about where we live, and believe me, sometimes I am too! ~ Our primary home is our lake house in Pennsylvania. A few years ago, we bought a condo on the beach that we have vacationed at since the kids were little and realized how relaxing it could be! Steve recently retired, and since I homeschool Flynn, we decided we could spend more time here. We bought the house where we are now, and someday, hope to make it our forever home.  The house is in a wooded area near the bay, about fifteen minutes from the ocean and the condo.  For now, we plan on splitting our time between the lake house and this one. We go to the beach and stay at the condo most weekends when we are down here. We will be heading back to Pennsylvania in early November for the holidays. 

Well, I hope you all have a wonderful Wednesday, my friends. Thanks for visiting! Be sure to make some time for a good Halloween movie this week. Halloweentown and Twitches are some favorites here! 

Both are Disney movies available on Amazon Prime Video.




  1. Hooray for swimming inside - LOL! And, I should have figured that out...but, I must admit...lake house, beach condo, bay house!! I'm still a bit confused. But it doesn't take much to confuse me. Hope you are having a great day and loved the extra "oh but it is true" statements! Fun. I just found out a friend of mine is also creeped out by owls. Hmmm I don't like shoes (esp. buying them - ugh), shun the sun (and sweating!), don't drink alcohol but really need to floss more often!:)

  2. According to your list we have lots in common. I was first chair, playing the clarinet in school! I don't drink either for the same reason as you. Also the sun thing, for the same reasons. I wore flip-flops in Nebraska, outside, all last winter if that says anything about wearing shoes. I dislike them. :-) But I usually only floss my teeth once, not twice, unless I've had corn on the cob or something similar.
    I would love to be closer to the water. The Missouri River doesn't count. lol. We miss being able to drive to the Oregon coast in a day. We're sort of land-locked here.
    Take care and wishing you a wonderful Wednesday.
    Blessings and hugs,

  3. I got a plumeria tattooed on my ankle back in Lahaina Maui. I think it was around 56 when I got it. Sad to know the place burned down a few months ago in the big fire they had.

  4. I will check out these movies for our granddaughters! I hate shoe shopping, and we adored Seinfeld!

  5. I, too know every episode of Seinfeld and I can see an episode 50 times and still laugh. I got a tattoo in my 50's (a small one ) and have never regretted it. But I do love the sun, summer!
    Am sorry Madison doesn't still blog, I enjoyed her blog as I do yours.

  6. I don't like shoes either! And in all categories, like you. :) Thank you so much for letting me know about Madison. I will definitely check her out on IG.

  7. Here's a fun fact about my family: my aunt graduated high school with Jerry Seinfeld. Massepequa High School in Massepequa, NY (Long Island). I saw his picture in her yearbook. She said he was pretty quiet.

  8. Thanks for answering the question about your homes :) I will check out Madison's IG as well. Love hearing about your awesome family. Have a beautiful cozy day!

  9. I too was a bit confused about your all houses. Thanks for clearing things up!!
    The only shoes I love are my walking ones. They have to be good for all the walking I do. :)

  10. That was fun. I also hate being hot, although it happens rarely. I'm usually cold. :)
    I like to have bare feet, but again, I usually have slipper on because I'm cold.
    I don't like the taste of alcohol either. Beer - yuck! I do like a glass of wine from time to time. I have other vices, like chocolate!

  11. You have as many properties as Charly and I. When we sell our big condo (the one we used to live in), we will only have two - our house and a smaller condo that we rent. We are planning to buy another home that will be our primary residence when we are both retired. It can get confusing. This was a fun post. I don't drink either - never have. I hope your week is going well. See you again soon.

  12. I do remember several of those things from knowing you through the years dear Gal. I'm curious what kind of tattoo you'd want on your wrist? I used to want a bracelet tattoo...but then when I got one at 30 yrs old I got a heart ring with the band holding initials of my hubby and Aaron at the time. But thankfully I ended up naming my daughter Annie. So the ring now stands for them with the 2 A's making up the "band"of the ring (think of the A's laying down sideways). I now think I'd like to get some tattoos on a finger or 2 on the other hand. Stay tuned I guess... Lol

  13. This was a fun read! I enjoyed learning some things about you. I got a small tattoo of a heart on the inside of my left wrist in February of 2020. I am left handed and when I asked the artist if it mattered which hand, he asked if I wanted to see the tattoo a little or a lot? I said a lot, so he suggested I stick with the left hand, since I'm left handed. I picked a heart, because it reminds me to pray for the people I love, that they would love the Lord their God with all their hearts, souls, minds, and strength. I've never once regretted it and am considering a second one. The only suggestion I would give is to make it a very meaningful one. I hope your week has been good!

  14. What fun statements to read to learn more about you, Billie Jo! Not a fan of hot/humid conditions and I don't like to sweat. Have a wonderful Thursday!

  15. A lovely list Billy Jo. Thank you for sharing your answers. Your home sounds wonderful, in a perfect location too.

  16. The blondie recipe will be on my blog soon. Just got it from my son's girlfriend! You really need to try 'em:)

  17. Hallowe’eny as our grandkids call it is on the horizon. Enjoy!

  18. Your answers made me chuckle, my friend. I just bought a pair of boots on Amazon, and had the hardest time picking just the right ones. I don't like buying shoes either. I don't drink alcohol either - when I'm at the girls' house, I'll have a glass of wine, but that's about it. How nice that you play the clarinet. Oh, wouldn't that be something if you got a tattoo on your wrist. Always love these posts, Billie Jo, and getting to know you a little better.


  19. I like the sun 🌞 but I have to be careful being in it too long. I played piano a few places but not in school. I wish I had another piano 🎹 but I have a small keyboard. Of course I were shoes. Sandals in the summer. I need to get another pair of shoes soon.
    Is your condo in another state? Hope you have a good week. 👍-- Becky

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Really am enjoying reading the question/answer thing at the end of your posts. Shoe shopping, ugh. I don't like to do it either though I've finally learned (the hard way) that when I need shoes I do need to go and actually try them on before I buy them. So fun learning more about you in these posts.

  22. Even though I know everything that's about to happen in an episode of Seinfeld, I still laugh like it's the first time watching it!


Thanks so much for saying hello!

Billie Jo