January 6, 2025

Monday Morning Coffee

Good Monday morning, my friends! Well, here we are, the holidays, now sweet memories, tucked safely away in our hearts. Society dictates that we get back to real life now, back to work, school, and all those activities that keep us running everywhere all the time. Yet, at the same time, trees lie dormant, and animals hibernate, taking clues from nature that it is time to slow down and settle in for the dark, cold winter months. What if we all did the same? What if we begin living seasonally, following nature's lead, and take this time of cold, dark winter days to rest, recharge, and allow our bodies and minds to prepare for spring's bright, warmer days? I may give it a try. But then again, I already do. And it is good. What will things look like around here these winter months? A bit like this...

 Mornings will be enjoyed on the couch with sleeping puppies and my coffee.

I will spend some time with this soft, fluffy blanket and this vintage magazine Madison got me for Christmas. She knows my love of Alfred Hitchcock and found this one published the month I was born!

Christmas lights may be gone, but candles will bring light to the early evenings. 

And I will bake simple but delicious cakes like the one I made for brunch this morning.

Have a cozy day, my friends. Stay safe, warm, and cozy.
And thank you for visiting.
I am always happy you do!

Billie Jo


  1. I like your plan for this time of the year. It is the time I like to recharge as well.

  2. Sounds like a lovely day. That magazine is so cool!
    I always want to get a fresh start at the beginning of the year so am cleaning cupboards, but have a candle lit and take lots of breaks!

  3. Very well said my friend. January and February are slow months for me as I reflect, nap, read and enjoy home and family. I think living seasonally is what our minds and bodies crave and it is so healthy for our minds and souls. Enjoy your day!!

  4. Now that sounds like a perfect day. It's so cold here and curling up in my chair with a cup of tea and my knitting sounds just about perfect. But, I have an MRI at noon so I guess I'll need to get dressed at some point.
    Blessings and hugs,

  5. We have snow on the ground for the first time this morning. My husband is working from home, and I've got to finish putting the tree ornaments away. I'm going to bake something yummy this afternoon. A friend is coming to visit.
    Enjoy winter, my friend. I'm going to!
    I awoke to a fir tree candle fragrancing the house. My husband got up early.
    May you receive clarity from God about what's next in this new year for you. Step into your God given destiny!
    Be blessed,
    Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage

  6. A great start to the season! Enjoy this cozy time!

  7. Such a wonderful gift from Madison! You've reminded me that I have a bottle of orange olive oil that was purchased especially for the cake recipe you shared. I think I'll bake one this week :)
    Enjoy these slow days of winter. I am of the same mindset. We work so hard to create our cozy homes, and then feel guilty for enjoying them. But, I don't!

  8. Always enjoy your posts and their cozy feeling so much! I really do want to make an effort this year to not feel so rushed (whether by society or my own inner self feeling like I NEED to do things). That magazine was such a thoughtful gift. Hope you have a wonderful, unrushed, and cozy week ahead!

  9. The cake looks wonderful! Madison is a genius gift giver!! Ever heard of a candle warming lamp? It makes your candles last so much longer. I got one for Christmas and will be posting it. You will love it! If you're interested, you can type in Candle Warmer Lamp on Amazon. they had a lot at T.J. Maxx, but sold out fast.

  10. Yes! I want to hibernate very badly. You have the right idea friend. Slow paced and cozy for the win.

  11. Happy 2025 dear Friend! I think your sentiments make perfect sense and it is a wonderful way too ease into this new year. Still cuddling in and enjoying winter and all the gifts the slower season brings. Wishing you so much joy for the New Year! 🙏🏻✨

  12. I could definitely be down with living seasonally. I sort of do, being at home, but I sure wish the rest of the world did as well. It's a nice thought, for sure! I see you are a Yankee Candle fan! I just learned last night that the owner's son started another candle company- Kringle Candles- years ago. I had never heard of Kringle and I am anxious to give one a try! Stay warm and cozy!

  13. Not a fan of Alfred Hitchcock (nor anything scary, for that matter); but if I lived close by, I'd visit you for coffee and a slice of the Orange Olive Oil Cake!

  14. Hello dear Billie Jo! I'm finally back from my long blogging break and I am delighted to come here and view your beautiful blog and get caught up! I've decided to begin living life seasonally with you! What could be better for us? Your cake looks delicious!

  15. You are so right. Why do we have to go back to real life? My grandparents were farmers and my grandpa told us January and February were his favorite. He had harvested in the fall, sold his product and this was the time that he reapired equipment and waited for the warmer weather to turn the fields. He was a great man.

  16. Sounds lovely - and looks delicious! I hope you enjoyed your snuggly morning (the weather sure did its part to help, right?) and that your January will continue to be exactly what you need. Taking clues from nature always seems to be helpful! Happy Monday, friend!

  17. Ii like winter and enjoy being outside at first!! :)

  18. Hibernation sounds idyllic. We are 6 days into the new year and we have been so busy and my January is looking to get busier and busier.

  19. So difficult to hit this second week in January and get back to the Norms of life. I had spring flowers blooming on Saturday, and now their only hope is that I have covered them enough to continue living...Oh Nature...what a guess you are. Cozy days are here and you describe the perfect kind of day...Happy Monday Billie Jo....I always enjoy my visits here.

  20. Hi Billie Jo. That Alfred Hitchcock magazine from the month you were born is so cool! What a great and meaningful gift. I hope you have a good and cozy week. I'm back to school now. Can't wait until I retire and stay home and be warm and cozy in the winter. Have a good week. See you again soon.

  21. I also believe that it is so.
    These months (at least their weekends) are relaxed.
    We need a stop before the demanding Spring.
    Have a beautiful happy and lucky year Billie Jo.

  22. Lazy little dog needs to man up and go outside for a while, chase some squirrels and moles to earn his keep.

  23. It sounds like a perfect way to spend the season.
    I've recently been reading online about how we should avoid the whole 'New Year, new me' mind set. And how we should put fewer demands on ourselves during the winter months. Xx

  24. I think the animals have the right idea.
    That Alfred Hitchcock magazine is so cool. What a thoughtful gift! My sister and I watched "The Birds" many times when we were younger.
    Around here we have been enjoying fresh oranges. I am going to check out that cake recipe as it sounds delicious.


Thanks so much for saying hello!

Billie Jo