February 1, 2019

Well Hello There February!

A brand new month begins. 
Last week included Peyton's National Chocolate Cake Day contribution, 
A family of turkeys and a very snowy day,
A fun night out for Mexican with our awesome friend Dave,
Some quick Valentine pillows in my bedroom for a fresh new look,
And a very sleepy puppy, snuggling on our couch.

Have a cozy weekend, my friends.
Stay warm.
Have fun.
Cheer loudly for your team.
Eat lots.
Thanks for visiting!


  1. I love visiting your blog....it always makes me smile and today is no exception. Have a happy weekend.

  2. Love the pillows and puppy snuggling sounds like a great way to spend the day:) Enjoy your day and weekend ahead. HUGS!

  3. Perfection. Those pillows are wonderful! I love them. Aren't wild turkeys so wonderful to watch? They used to walk through my parent's backyard and I loved it. It's too busy for them here though. Have a lovely weekend, try to get enough rest.

  4. That chocolate cake!
    I love your throw pillows. So pretty.

    Happy Friday! :)

  5. Yum, my mouth is watering looking at the chocolate cake. It as a delight to see the turkeys wandering. Have a great weekend.

  6. That chocolate cake looks amazing! And Mexican food with a great friend...absolutely wonderful! Those pillows on the bed are adorable! It has been a while since I've seen any turkeys. Stay warm, my friend. xo

  7. Happy February! I am so excited it's here- January has been a bit "icky" around our place. That cake- OH MY GOSH, it looks SO yummy!! Thanks for reminding me to bring up some festive things from the basement. :)

  8. Hi Billie Jo!

    Can you believe it's already February?! Your pillows are so cute, always nice to switch things up a bit. Well, that chocolate cake looks delish!! Mexican food is my favorite, I could eat it daily. We have some wild turkeys lurking around our neighborhood as well, they are so pretty. Your sweet little pup, she looks pretty in pink.

    Enjoy your week-end!! Cheer loud for your team!

    Hugs and Love,

  9. Great pictures, hope you enjoyed a piece of that chocolate cake for me, it looks delicious! :-) Your pillows are the perfect touch on your bed and I love the picture of all of you with your big smiles :-) Have a wonderful weekend and stay warm and cozy!


  10. What a lovely post, my friend. smiles

  11. National Chocolate Cake Day sounds like the perfect kind of day to celebrate! The pictures of the snow look beautiful and Mocha certainly has the right idea when it's cold outside. xx Susan

  12. That chocolate cake looks delicious! Your Valentine pillows are so cute. I really like the look of your bedding, too. I hope you are staying warm and enjoying the weekend.

  13. Happy weekend - love the new bedroom look!

  14. Thinking of you all as you prepare for this next weekend!! I'm so excited for you! Please be assured of my prayers. God bless! Love your valentine bedroom!


Thanks so much for saying hello!

Billie Jo