August 14, 2023

Monday Morning Coffee


Good Monday morning, my friends. I hope your weekend was relaxing or crazy busy; whatever makes you happiest! We are home, having arrived late last night, but not too late that I couldn't get things unpacked and myself showered. I am a creature of habit and find it hard to deviate from my schedule! I took this photo through the car window when we stopped for a dish of ice cream yesterday, and looking at that beautiful sight led me to think about slower and simpler times.

I was thinking about how many things in life today are rushed and how much we might miss by all the multitasking we can do now. I remembered my Grandma Mil, my mom's mom, sitting in her chair by the window on any given day, sipping a cup of coffee, talking on her corded phone for hours at a time. I thought about how she didn't ~couldn't~ unload the dishwasher, scrub the bathtub, or organize a closet while she was on the phone. Her phone cord didn't reach that far! Her attention was primarily focused on her conversation with the person on the other end. Then I thought about how I often do numerous things while on the phone. I sort laundry, dig through files looking for one specific paper, and even clean the garage. I realize now that I cannot give my full attention to the other person and what he or she may be saying because my mind is being bombarded by too many things at the same time.

This need for instant gratification and accomplishment has become so prevalent that I fear we are missing so much of the joy of simply being. Have you recently tried to sit and talk on the phone without doing something else simultaneously? It isn't easy! We seem accustomed to allowing and even promoting the desire for excess information and the need for constant accomplishment that the very acts of being, living, visiting, and resting are now seen as laziness and selfishness.

When I ask people why they stopped blogging, I am often given the same answer. It is usually something along the lines of Reading blogs takes too long. Or I don't have time to sit and write a blog post! Instagram is so much quicker! Exactly. Blogging does take more time. Reading blogs takes more time than scrolling on Instagram, being bombarded with so much information that the mind cannot process it before moving on to the next. I am all for technology. After all, I use it every single day to connect to my friends here in blogland. However, I also long for the days when the world moved much slower. When my parents had a cup of coffee after dinner while talking about their day. I miss the days of being able to watch the news for thirty minutes and then turn it off and go outside to enjoy the quiet of a summer evening. 

It is possible to do these things. I can certainly try! What is that saying? Change begins with you? Or Change starts at home? Something like that! Well, I will stop there, my friends. I need to write a grocery list, do some laundry, and eat breakfast. I hope you all have a wonderful day and will join me in prayer or loving thoughts for the people affected by the recent horrific fires.

Thank you for visiting!



  1. I always say I long for simpler times and am constantly trying to balance getting done the demands of my day with trying to slow things down. Your words are so true here. I'm going to keep trying. Happy Monday! Miss you lots! : )

  2. I had four attempts to have a conversation with my family yesterday. All the activity around them kept taking them away. This availability all the time is for the birds!

  3. I stopped the news years ago. Love your blog.

  4. Great advice...and such a pretty picture. And you enjoyed that view while having ice cream - even better. PS - give me blogging any day over IG. Just sayin:)

  5. Oh I agree. You can no longer just do one thing.. you are expected to multitask because you can. And the instant gratification of apps like Instagram are not just addicting to us but have a strong hold on kids as well.

  6. Oh so true! I do have Instagram too and it is quick, but you can't build relationships or feel like you get to know people that way. And I love getting to know sweet people like you!

  7. I have never commented...I am bad like that...

    I do not have a blog and am 76 years old...but I found you somehow and love your blog.

    I miss the quiet times as well, and am trying, even at my age, to slow down and savor the small moments. When my kids or grandkids call, I purposefully sit in a chair and concentrate on them.

    My DH and I are both retired and wonder how we ever had "time" to work--we are so busy. But we are getting better in allowing ourselves to just sit and talk or read and not feel guilty for doing so.

    1. Hello! So nice to meet you! Thank you for your kind words, and for reading. I hope you have a cozy evening.

  8. Billie Jo, such true words my friend! I hate talking on the phone while doing other things. My mind is so simple these days that I truly get distracted by the smallest thing. You are so right about the stigma of not being busy, being seen as lazy. Yet, we didn't feel that way before everyone knew all our business on social media. Uggg...this crazy world is going way too fast! I think we need a resurgence of homemakers to demonstrate what living and taking care of family used to look like. I think it's on the rise, but we need more.

  9. Oh how I miss blogs. I love reading yours. Something’s can’t be expressed in a Instagram post. Glad you have stuck it out. Old school forever!

  10. You are so right! We even have family members who brag about how busy they are, saying, "Oh, I couldn't possibly do this, we have so much going on..." and then they begin to recite all the things they have to do. It drives me nuts! Even the bible says "Be still and know that I am God".

  11. Such wise words here today, my friend. We all have a choice how to spend our time on this earth. I pray that my time is chosen wisely.

  12. You're so right! And it's really hard to do these days - I read an article somewhere that said rest does NOT have to be earned. Am trying to remember that

  13. Oh Billy Jo, Sissy here! I so agree!

  14. We trying to live that simpler time and it sure makes life happier. :)

  15. Hello dear Friend! I couldn't agree more Billie Jo! I feel so blessed to be at this stage of life where my kiddos don't need a million things from me. I'm not working my old social work job and felt like I was juggling many things all at once. I love reading on my deck in the sunshine. Talking to my Mom for an hour on the phone, completely focused. Going to lunch with a gf solving the problems of the world. I feel for those feel they need to do it all. Or just enjoy being hyper busy. I think there's a lot they miss that matters most. Looks like you had a wonderful getaway to your beachy happy place. ;) Have a blessed week ahead! xo

  16. Oh sweet girl, you hit the nail on the head. LOL I do many things while on the phone. I even put it on speaker if I have to have both hands free for another task. I work puzzles or write letters while trying to watch news and weather. We all need to slow down it seems. . Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  17. I would love to live in a simpler time, and have more downtime to read blogs, and blog more often. When I am in rhythm of blogging, I feel relieved, as I get something off my chest.

  18. Oh yes! You are exactly right. I am always multi-tasking. The entire world seems to be in a huge hurry all of the time. It's so sad.

  19. Great post, Billie Jo. I like the way you think. I have been so busy and feeling so overwhelmed this summer. I need to consciously slow down. Thanks for this great post which I take as encouragement to take things a big slower and more intentional. Amen to all prayers for those affected by the horrible fires in Maui. Thanks fo an excellent and thought-provoking post. :-)

  20. I remember the days of talking on the corded phone! Simple times are the best times I'm learning as I get older.

  21. By the number of comments, we all absolutely agree - YES, you've hit the nail on the head, as the saying goes. I need to try and intentionally live in the moment, slow down, but oh the rush is always pushing me. Never enough hours in the day, always more on the to-do list...thanks for the gentle reminder. .

  22. Wonderful words, dear Billie Jo. The world is in such a rush. It makes me wonder what everyone is running from? I chuckled when you mentioned your Grandma Mil talking on the phone for hours. My aunt Norma used to do the same thing. It just amazed me how long she would be on the phone, but like you said, they were in deep conversation and focused on only the person they were talking to. Isn't that a beautiful thing?

    Have a blessed week, my friend.


  23. Hi, Billie Jo! I’m very happy that you continue to blog. I’ve been a reader for years and I look forward to every post. Thanks for sharing your sweet family with us! Love and blessings to you and yours.

    1. Hello! So happy to know you! Thank you for reading. Have a cozy evening!

  24. Love the wisdom in this post. I long for more time to just be also. Have a great week.

    Jenny in NC

    1. Hi Jenny! I hope you see this. Since you are a No-Reply Blogger, I cannot email you, but if you want to leave your email address here, I will send your prize!!! I will delete it right after!!

  25. You are spot on with all of it. I am 40 years old and my boys are teenagers now. I am working on slowing down, and sometimes I feel like I just can't figure out how! I have been working on reading more books, and less phone/TV stuff. I'm trying to view cooking as a hobby so dinner doesn't feel like a task! LOL and trying to find cleaning relaxing (very challenging LOL!).

    I am so thankful that not only do you still blog, but you use the blogspot/blogger format. I'm not a fan of the newer style. This feels more homey.


Thanks so much for saying hello!

Billie Jo