July 21, 2023

Phone Photos On A Friday

Hello, my friends! Happy Friday! This week passed quickly, as the weeks seem to do. I have a list of things to do, and this week most didn't get done. But, you know what? I did spend an afternoon with my three girls eating McDonald's and playing Trivial Pursuit. I did watch Star Wars with my family. I also binged watched a season of a Walking Dead spinoff with Flynn. I made a delicious meal of pasta, fresh tomatoes, and chicken tenders. I even went to dinner with my best friend. Time spent with loved ones doing ordinary things wins out every time!

I gave this old guy a bath this week, and he was pleased about it.

Speaking of happiness...my Mom is loving her new home! Here she is enjoying some time outside with bubbles.

Run. Don't walk to the bookstore or the library to get this book. I absolutely loved it and could not put it down. 

Finally, meet my new friend Chippy! I see him around every morning, but yesterday he came up right on the porch and stayed for a visit. He wanted me to take his picture, I am quite sure.

Have a wonderful weekend, my friends. Our dear friends are here visiting, so there will be lots of coffee, movies, games, and boat rides. Danielle is a wonderful friend I met right here through our blogs! You can visit here right HERE at her own cozy blog.

Thanks for visiting!
Billie Jo



  1. We used to have a chip monk that visited us. They are so cute. Sounds like you had a wonderful week! Enjoy your time with Danielle!!

  2. Have a great weekend, Billie Jo! I will be checking out that book soon! Thanks for the recommendation!

  3. Your mom has such a beautiful smile. She positively oozes joy and a zest for life! What a blessing that she loves her new home. I wish my father-in-law would be open to a cursing home. My daughter (who works in a library) recommended that book to me, so I put it on hold. I am one of over 50+ waiting for it right now. I don't think we have chipmunks here in SW Idaho. At least I never see any. Squirrels, yes, but not chipmunks.

    Blessings to you!! And if you get a chance, pop by to visit me at my new blog, Daffodil Lane.

  4. Meredith still calls chipmunks "Chick-munks" and it's seriously like the last of the little kid phrases she has left in her 8-year-old vocab.

    Your week sounds perfectly perfect!! Have so much fun with Danielle!

  5. Chippy is adorable! They are usually quite nervous and run away from people! So you must be the Chipmunk Whisperer! Your cute dog matches your carpet! So any shedding problems are already solved! Having fun and memorable times with friends and family beats chores and housework any time. I would love your recipe for the tenders and pasta!

  6. Looks like a good week - where does the time go?! You inspired me...I'll follow your lead, time to empty my phone of some photos, too.. Enjoy the weekend...it sounds like you have lots of fun planned, have a great time together, Mary

  7. Your Mom looks very happy amidst all the bubbles. I know that makes you happy too to see her enjoying herself. I'll have to run... to the store and get that book. I love books you can't put down.

  8. Seeing your mother happy must be give you joy too.

  9. We have chipmunks come on our porch too, and we also call them Chippy! They are so cute!
    I love seeing your Mom. She is so cute and always with a smile. I am sure the people at her place love her!
    I've saved that book to order. I hope it doesn't scare me! :)

  10. Of course your activities this week beat chores, hands down! It sounds like you've had a wonderful week. Say hi to Chippy for me. He's definitely a cutie-pie as is your fur baby.
    I'm glad you're Mom is having fun at her new home. Dennis's Mom is doing better right now too. I think she's at a fairly benign point of altheimers. She forgets things day-to-day, so it's all new every day but she still knows who we are. Thankfully. I know that will change.

  11. Chippy is so cute! And your mom looks very happy :) What a blessing that is for her and you. I think this week went by very fast too! I have no idea what I accomplished (except those things that I wrote about on the blog. I guess that will be my memory :) Hoping for a slow Saturday. Have a wonderful weekend! Enjoy your friends.

  12. Sounds like a wonderful week. So nice to see your mom smiling and enjoying her new home. I agree that Chippy wanted his photo taken. He is posing so nicely. Enjoy your time with Danielle.

  13. Billie, So really nice things got done for you. Family can't be beat. Your mom is so cute in the bubbles. That chippy is just a rodent in a cute suit. They tear things up and make messes. LOL But yours does seem to be posing. Blessings, xoxo, Susie

  14. Sounds like you had a wonderful week! Your mom looks so happy. I bet it does your heart good to see her enjoying her new home. Chippy is adorable! Have a great weekend!

  15. I forgot to say: I love your new header!

  16. I like Chippy as he is cute!! I haven't seen a squirrel in awhile. Maybe it's due to the heat. I like the photo of your mom with bubbles. I am sure that would be fun to do. I need to write 2 letters and something for finance help today then work on bible study pages to get caught up. Class is tomorrow evening. Have a good week!

  17. Oh, I am afraid of the squirrels, as you might know, but they scurry on my lawn every day! There is a little one that runs about so fast, and it surprises me. I'm glad you are liking your new visitor, the chipmunk, and that you welcome him on your porch. The photo of your mom with the bubbles is priceless, I love that one. Oh, your random photos are always delightful. Sometimes those candid ones are the best.


  18. Love the photo of your mom having fun with bubbles 💕 ~Row.


Thanks so much for saying hello!

Billie Jo