July 19, 2023

Just For Fun On A Wednesday

Good morning! With so many streaming channels available now, many of them free, I am finding some of my favorite shows from long ago available to watch again. Some of these I haven't thought of in years and years! Let's see if you remember any of my favorites. I'll put the answers down below!


Let's start with an easy one, but one I still love!


This one I loved! My sisters and I watched it all the time years ago.


Another favorite. So funny!


This one may be hard! I haven't seen it forever! 


This one is my very favorite show ever. I watched it every single day when I was in college. It is hard to find now, but if I see it, I stop what I am doing and watch!


Finally, this is my very favorite drama from years ago. Again, very hard to find! But so so so good!

What are some of your favorite shows? I'd love to hear about them!



1. The Twilight Zone (1959-1964)

2. Get Smart (1965-1970)

3. Hazel (1961-1966)

4. Land of the Lost (1974-1977)

5. Who's The Boss? (1984-1992)

6. Knot's Landing (1979-1993)

Google for the Images


  1. Hi Billie Jo. Fun post and trip down memory lane! Have a good day!

  2. I still enjoy watching Hazel---have all the seasons on DVD. And Land of the Lost, I had a huge crush on the young man in that. I've been watching The Big Valley lately. Another oldie, but goodie.

  3. I also remember all of these shows. I also loved Hart to Hart, Dallas, WKRP, Eight is Enough. I enjoyed TV shows more then than I do now. Enjoy your Wednesday!

  4. I only knew Who's the Boss! My house watches a lot of Murder She Wrote though... 12 seasons is a lot of episodes worth!

  5. Who's The Boss is one of my favorite shows! I still watch it to this day. Yes, it's hard to find, but sometimes you can find the episodes on YouTube. So glad you found some channels available to you, Billie Jo. Pluto and Tubi and Netflix are a few that I watch. Have a good rest of the week.


  6. The Walton’s. None of the above though. Love your blog. Brenda

  7. A walk down memory lane. I hadn't thought of these shows in years. I must say TV doesn't do it for me these days. Glad you have found your favorites.

  8. I loved Who's The Boss and watched every single episode growing up! It was my absolute favorite show. And now I'm rewatching it with Charlotte - she loves it too. We find it on Youtube tv.

  9. I watched them all except Who's the Boss and Knot's Landing.

  10. Those old shows were good! I never saw Hazel and will have to look it up.
    Twilight Zone was always a favorite. We loved Little House too. So many of the new shows have so much bad language not to mention the agendas so many seem to have.
    Thanks for this fun post!

  11. Those were some of my favorites too along with Little House on the Prairie, Family Affair and Dragnet. We never watch TV anymore. I mean never. Nothing is worth watching. Not even the news. We do watch YouTube constantly. Lots of old shows and concerts on there.

  12. Oh my goodness, yes! I loved all of those! Plus Dynasty! I've always been a tv person, so there are too many to name, but recently I found FAMILY on Tubi, was half way through the series and then they discontinued it! I was so mad! It was the family drama starring Kristi McNicol.

    Great post down memory lane :)

  13. Oh dear! I don't recognise any of those shows. X

  14. I did not do well on that quiz - but I do (vaguely) remember Hazel. I don't think I have even heard of Land of the Lost?!? Ah, the days of good television:)

  15. Who's the Boss is a HUGE favorite of mine. I always watch it when I run across it randomly. I've been enjoying listening to the Who's the Boss Podcast. It started during the pandemic but I only just discovered it this year! Haha!

  16. I remember watching all of those years ago except last two. I like Little House in the Prairie, other family shoes and a car show that would drive itself at times. Good tv memories.

  17. 😂 how fun! I remember & watched all of those. I have so many favorites I still watch when I can. Like threes company, the rifleman, little house on the prairie, Charlie’s Angels…on and on. tfs ~Row.


Thanks so much for saying hello!

Billie Jo