December 4, 2024

O Christmas Tree

There is something so peaceful about having a tree adorned with sparkling lights in our homes this time of year. For me, it is a reminder to slow down and recognize that this time of year is special. The glistening lights remind me how much I love and wait for these few short weeks every year - How I love to sit in the darkness of the early mornings, just me and my coffee, and how much I love gathering with my family at the end of the day. Our Christmas tree is warmth, light, calm, and cozy. It is both memories and anticipation. It is here now, and I am glad.

Have a lovely December day, my friends.

Billie Jo


  1. That's one of the prettiest and most artistic Christmas trees that I've seen so far. Just the right amount of decorations and red bow on top is a nice touch. Some of the trees on the internet sites are so overdone that you can't see the tree, yours is just right.

  2. Just lovely!!! What a dreamy tree for you to bask in!

  3. I too love the magic of Christmas. A lit tree, a christmassy scented candle and our go-to Christmas playlist on YouTube playing in the background as we do our daily advent-ure! I love it all..

  4. That is a gorgeous tree Billie Jo. The perfect tree to sit by and enjoy the lights and beauty.
    We haven't put very many decorations out yet. I've been sick and Hubby doesn't exactly love decorating. Piper wants to help me, so maybe this weekend. Anyway, our tree doesn't look at all like yours. Your's is beautiful.
    Blessings and hugs,

  5. My day has been going well but to see your Christmas tree is an additional delight. So so beautiful!

  6. It is GORGEOUS!!!! And I love how you snapped it in the three kinds of light. Even the tree skirt is beautiful. Should be on a magazine cover.

  7. I know we love everything being cozy and warm and family centered - Isn’t it the best, early morning when it’s quiet and seeing the glow of the tree? Oh what a beautiful way to begin your days Billie Jo! I have to say I absolutely cherish this early darkness, a sparkling tree, and a crackling fire. Snow me in until March, please!

  8. Hi Billie Jo! That is a really beautiful Christmas tree. Enjoy the season with those you love.

  9. Such a beautiful tree you have! I love the white skirt as well! Yep, a tree is a magical thing this time of year.

  10. What a lovely tree. I am with you as I love to sit with the tree lights on and enjoy the sight as I have my Christmas tea in the mornings.

  11. Good morning Billie Jo... Your tree looks so very pretty and calming. You have the perfect place to enjoy your the windows behind it. Your words describe the perfect moments for enjoying the season...

  12. Your Christmas tree is beautiful! Sitting in the dark with my Christmas tree lit up is one of my favorite things to do as well.

  13. Your tree is beautiful in a beautiful space!
    I did mine for the grandchildren this morning and decorated the mantelpiece for them. Have a nice day.

  14. Your Christmas tree is pretty all lit up! And I love the white snowy tree skirt. The last photo is lovely - it's always nice to see the tree all bright when it's dark out. Something so magical about that.

    Enjoy the wonderful season, Billie Jo!


  15. Your tree is beautiful, Billie Jo. I'm enjoying my morning coffee right beside my own tree this morning. It has lights on but it's not decorated yet. That's today's job. Xx


Thanks so much for saying hello!

Billie Jo