September 16, 2024

Monday Morning Coffee Talk



Good Monday morning, my friends! How was your weekend? We had a wonderful September weekend here in Maryland. Friday night, I made an old family favorite recipe of Stuffed Peppers, and we took them to the condo for dinner. While they were baking, we went down and sat on the shore. The waves were so big! I could have sat there all night. Except for the dark. And the cold. And the peppers.

Flynn's favorite band is Twenty One Pilots, and they played a concert not too far from here! Steve has always been the concert-goer, so he took Flynn for one of the best nights of her life! Proof below.

Meanwhile, I was tasked with watching the dogs, a job I embraced wholeheartedly. Dogs seem to enjoy lying on the couch watching TV for an extended period of time. Who knew?! What else?? Hmmmm. Oh, yes. I had a birthday!!! 

Yep. I turned 55. Fortunately, I consider myself about 19 or 20, so it really isn't that big of a deal to be five years from sixty! All kidding aside, it was a beautiful day, and I was celebrated by my people with love, gifts, and a delicious cake made by my Madison. There was also the best takeout ever! Because on my special day, I chose to be me—home in my cozy clothes.

So, so good.

Well, it's time to get up and get going on this September Monday. Today is school for Flynn and me, and then we are all going out to dinner. I have some laundry to do and some books to be read. I hope you have a lovely, cozy day. Thanks for visiting!

Billie Jo

Here is the recipe for our stuffed peppers...from almost exactly ten years ago!!!


  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! Age is only a number and it's great you still feel so young.

    What amazing parents you are. I hope Flynn had a great time. I'm sure you enjoyed that relaxing night at home. I'm the same way - I'd rather be at home than out among the crowd. No shame in that, right? Have a great week!

  2. I make a stuffed pepper recipe almost exactly like this! Happy birthday!!! The cake looks amazing and my mouth is watering. I never heard of this band! I guess that makes me really old. Maybe they are local?

  3. Dearest Billie Jo,
    Happy belated Birthday—you are still young!

  4. Happy Birthday! so glad it was a great day! I will be 55 next month and I am not looking forward to it at all. I don't know why. Age has never been a concern of mine.

  5. The happiest of birthdays, just a little late! I'm almost 10 years older than you. I'll be 65 in February and it doesn't bother me at all. I'm thrilled to be nearing Medicare age after being on Obamacare for three years since Dennis retired.
    Your peppers sound so delicious and your cake looks yummy! Anything chocolate is perfect in my book!
    We're driving north on I-29 right now on our way to a KOA in Mitchell, SD. Tomorrow we'll be in the Black Hills again if all goes as planned. For one entire week we get to do whatever we want to! That sounds wonderful.
    Have fun with the schooling. I miss the days when we were homeschooling our kids.
    Blessings and love,

  6. Yum on the stuffed peppers!
    Steve is a good dad, great memories being made! We have friends whose daughter is also a huge 21 Pilots fan and he's also gone to concerts with her.
    Happy Birthday my friend! Glad you had such a nice birthday that was just right for you.

  7. Happy Birthday, my dear friend! The weekend sounded wonderful. Thank you for sharing your stuffed pepper recipe. It's really similar to mine. I'll give it a try this winter.

  8. I am so glad you had a great birthday! 55 is great, so much life ahead! We love Stuffed Peppers too, well actually one kid doesn't but we are working on it. I personally love Stuffed Peppers!

  9. Happy belated birthday, BillieJo. Glad you got to celebrate just like you wanted to. And, let me tell you... I'd give my eye teeth to be 55 again!!

  10. Happy Birthday, dear friend!! I meant to text you on Saturday ( I remembered that morning) but got busy with my day and forgot. It sounds like you had a wonderful day celebrating with your favorite people! Your cake looks delicious! Have fun going out to dinner tonight. Hope you and Flynn are having a good day homeschooling!

  11. What a beautiful birthday you had! And the Stuffed Peppers look great! Have a wonderful year!

  12. Happy Birthday. 55 sounds young to me. :)

  13. Well Happy belated birthday to you! I think staying in and being cozy is the best too. I LOVE that Flynn got to go to that concert with her dad, how special is that?! Stuffed peppers...mmm...that's going on my meal plan list...

  14. Happy Belated Birthday! Stuffed bell peppers?! I haven't made those in years. Maybe I should try them again. We always liked them but now that two of the girls are gown and out of the house I just don't cook like I used to.

  15. Happy belated Birthday Billie Jo... So you and Steve have birthdays close together? Glad that Flynn enjoyed the concert and how awesome for her dad to go with her. I know you sure enjoyed your evening at home.. relaxing and watching kind of evening. One of my very favorite dishes is stuffed peppers. Thank you for sharing the recipe. Enjoy your dinner is always nice when we don't have to cook and clean up.

  16. Well, happy birthday!! I'm glad you were celebrated well by your people. Just as it should be!! Wishing you a year ahead just packed full of blessings!! xo

  17. Hi Billie Jo~ Well, happy late birthday!! I love that you wanted to stay home and have your birthday in your, comfy clothes ;0) Flynn looks like she was having so much fun with her dad! Nothing better than a good concert. The stuffed bell pepper recipe looks delicious, and it's the perfect time of year for them! Have a great week! Hugs, Barb

  18. We had stuffed peppers one evening last week, too! Our peppers were huge this year and so tasty! Thank you for sharing your recipe.
    And a Belated Happy Birthday to you, my young friend! xx

  19. Happy Birthday---55 is a speed limit too!!! Enjoy your next year in life!! My daughter flew to Maryland today and looks like she's arrived there. I like the ocean that you showed. The weekend was busy as I drove to Eugene after doing a bit of shopping in Salem. Good to be with a photographer friend for a couple hours. Have a good time with your daughter with homeschool. It is getting cooler lately and rain most likely tomorrow. God bless you and family!!=====Becky

  20. Happy Birthday! I know you enjoyed your weekend!

  21. Happy Birthday, Billie Jo! And soon, the arrival of your favourite season. Xx

  22. Happy Birthday Billie Jo! It sounds like just the right amount of family and fun :) I always prefer low-key celebrations. All I really want is good food and hanging out with my favorite people :) Have a wonderful week!

  23. Happy birthday! I am so jealous that You can spend a day watching the waves. That would be a perfect day for me. The stuffed peppers recipe looks delicious. I have made stuffed peppers before but will try your recipe the next time. Enjoy your birthday week.

  24. You are YOUNG...I had just gotten my Bachelor's degree in my late master's age 59-almost 60 and almost a doctorate at almost 70...and was teaching high school and takes a special mother to home school her are a dedicated person with a gift of giving of yourself. Prayers for this school year with your sweet daughter. September is a good month for birthdays...I will join you soon but alas...I am much much older...

  25. Happy birthday wishes to you, Billie Jo! How fun for Flynn and her Dad to attend the concert. Your birthday meal with cake looked so good. Have a wonderful week!

  26. Happiest of happy birthday blessings to you beautiful Friend!! I'm so glad you had such a wonderful weekend and a beautiful birthday. You deserve every good wish and blessing in this world dear One!
    You know we had an amazing weekend too. Lol I'm playing catch up in blogland a bit. I just love that we married on your date. It just feels like it's an extra special day in September. 😉

    And the stuffed peppers sound sooo good - I haven't made those in ages. Just copied your recipe for my file! Thanks for always sharing your family fun, cozy homes, and wonderful recipes. Blessings on your week ahead! xo

  27. Congratulations on a beautiful birthday!! And, brilliant idea to serve your cake with fresh fruit. That balances it all out and makes it a healthy dessert celebration!!:) Here's to the best year at 55!!

  28. That cake looks so Yummy! And a happy birthday to you, Billie Jo. I smiled when you mentioned your stuffed bell peppers. They were a favorite growing up when my mom made them occasionally. Flynn looks like she's having fun at the concert. And I love that cozy cup of coffee pic with the leaves. Fall is here! : )



Thanks so much for saying hello!

Billie Jo