May 15, 2024

Mum's Creamed Lettuce And Potatoes

Happy Wednesday, my friends. Aren't these flowers sweet? Madison brought them and arranged them in this cute Mason Jar. They make me happy every time I see them. 

I had a few questions about the creamed lettuce and potatoes we had on Mother's Day, and I am always happy to share the recipe! I first tried this amazing dish when I was dating Steve, and his mom, who we always called Mum, made it during the summers. Mum was an excellent cook and somehow threw together a delicious meal in no time without relying on any recipe. Steve has perfected his Mum's creamed lettuce and potatoes and is passing the unwritten recipe onto our children. If you want to try it, this is all you do. We only make it when garden lettuce and baby potatoes are in season. That is the best!

Rinse and pat dry your garden lettuce. Mix some mayonnaise with some regular vinegar. Use less vinegar, and stir until creamy. Chop some green onions and put them in. Pour this over the lettuce and refrigerate. Boil some baby potatoes, drain, cut, and fry until crispy. Place potatoes on your plate and top with the creamed lettuce. Add salt and pepper to taste. Enjoy! We add this to any summer meal.

I mean, how could you not?!?!

Well, it's time for me to get going. I need to wash my face, do something with my hair, put on my uniform for the day—an oversized crewneck and yoga pants—make my bed, and get breakfast. I make it a point to do this every day, even when I know I won't be going out. My sweet mom always said, " If you look good, you do good. And if you do good, you feel good! " Moms are always right!

Billie Jo


  1. Thank you for sharing this. It sounds delicious.
    I try to get up and going unless I am doing some particularly "dirty" job and then I wait until afterward to shower.

  2. Thank you for the "recipe". It sounds delicious and I'll be giving it a try soon. Mom's do know best! :-)

  3. Hurrah, the recipe! Thanks, I have printed it!!

  4. A very sweet flower arrangement. I love flowers in canning jars. There is something so homey about them.
    Thank you for sharing Mum's recipe. It sounds delicious!

  5. I have always been intrigued by this recipe too. I definitely want to try it this summer! I love the idea of the contrast of the rich fried potatoes....with the fresh creamy lettuce. Sounds right up my alley! Thanks for sharing. 😋

  6. Oh friend, how did you know I was going to ask for that recipe?! It looks like one of the tried and true, handed down recipes – the best ones. And the dressing is almost like one that I love on broccoli salad, or pea salad – mayonnaise, vinegar, and a little sugar - can’t wait to try yours. Actually, I have everything I need to serve that alongside chicken tonight! Yay!

  7. How lovely to receive the beautiful flowers.

  8. The flowers are so pretty! I have never heard of potatoes and lettuce together but I have to say it looks good.
    Your mom does give good advice.

  9. Hi Billie Jo! Good advice from your mom! I will have to try the creamed lettuce and potatoes. Sounds so delicious! I hope you are having a good week.

  10. If you look good, you do good. Moms are so smart!! And, indeed, make the best cooks!! I have never heard of creamed lettuce but that photo sure makes me want to try it! And I love flowers in mason jars - beyond pretty!!

  11. The salad you shared sounds delicious ! My daughter brought roses in from plants we have. I enjoy seeing them indoors too. I hope to trim some of the roses off soon. Most likely next Monday. Of course you look good 👍 😉!!


Thanks so much for saying hello!

Billie Jo