May 13, 2024

Monday Morning Coffee Talk

Good Monday Morning! I had some visitors this morning as I sipped my coffee and said my prayers.

Not pictured are two ducks paddling in the nearby water, a bright bluejay flying between the trees, and an array of tiny birds fluttering in and out of my new birdfeeder. They all seem to love it, except for the little guy with the fluffy tail, who realizes he is out of luck.

Mother's Day was lovely here. I was spoiled, loved, cared for, and fed really well. 

Brunch was pancakes with fresh berries, oven-baked bacon, and scrambled eggs with cherry tomatoes. 

Dinner was beef tips, baked zucchini, and creamed lettuce over fried potatoes.

Madison took this photo of me, illustrating how I spent most of my day. I was thankful to have a great conversation with my beautiful mother, and my sister Margie sent this photo from their Mother's Day tea. 

I hope your weekend was everything you hoped for, my friends. Have a lovely Monday. Our Monday includes school, laundry, and perhaps takeout for dinner. What are your plans for this Monday in May, my friends?

Billie Jo


  1. It sounds like a perfectly lovely weekend. It was here as well.

  2. And I just happen to be drinking my coffee now! Peets Vanilla. I have never heard of creamed lettuce. It looks so good, especially over those potatoes! Maybe you will tell us how to make it next post. Do you just mix lettuce with a white sauce? Your breakfast looks so good, and this is a wonderful photo of you. You look beautiful! What a great looking birdfeeder, and it keeps the squirrels out!

  3. It was a lovely day here as well. Today, my second grandchild will graduate from Kindergarten. I'm praying this headache will go away so I can go.

  4. I'm glad your day was restful and that you were spoiled. Happy Mother's Day, Billie Jo. Xx

  5. It sounds like you had a prefect day! The food looks so good - you have chefs in your family!

  6. Glad you had a wonderful day!!! My day involves getting through work and then home. Wash, rinse, repeat.

  7. I'm glad you had a nice Mother's Day with your family! You were definitely well fed! Everything looks delicious! My husband and daughter took me out to brunch and it was really nice. I love the picture of you curled up in a chair with a book and a puppy! I also love the picture of your mom. She looks so happy! It's an average Monday here for us with homeschool, chores around the house, and grilled salmon over a salad for dinner tonight. Hope you are having a great day!

  8. Billy Joe very nice to drink your coffee and have such visitors!
    Fresh Blueberry Pancakes look delicious and so does your dinner! We had a great time on Mother's Day.
    Monday consisted of work, cooking, shopping, bathing and sleeping!
    Have a nice week!

  9. I love that picture of you in your natural habitat. You look lovely and content. That's the goal right? Glad it was a nice weekend!

  10. Sounds like you were pampered that way you deserve dear Gal! So glad you had a lovely day. Monday here has been tidying up after yesterday's festivities. My sweet son stopping home for a quick lunch from work. Chores. When Matt is done with work we''ll go for a walk and then eat up some leftovers before vegging out in our "after 6's" as Matt calls them Lol (basically pj's) and watch some tv. Basic Mondays are the best. :)

  11. Sounds like a wonderful day! What a nice morning to spend with the Lord!

  12. A restful and delightful day - good for you!

  13. Your mom looks so pretty and happy. That's always good to see.
    Glad you enjoyed your Mother's Day and were spoiled a little bit too.

  14. Sounds like a great mothers day.
    Nice to have all those visitors this morning.

  15. Dearest Billie Jo,
    Your Mother looks quite happy and a good thing that your sister managed to visit her.
    That looks certainly like you got spoiled that day!

  16. Hi Billie Jo. Well, now I am going to have to look up that book you are reading because you and I have similar reading tastes. So glad you had a nice Mother's Day and felt loved and pampered. I hope you have a lovely week! See you again soon!

  17. Oh, I love your sweet Candy Land coffee mug! How adorable!! Your pancakes look super yummy! I'm glad you had a great weekend! Your mother looks so good! Love seeing that smile!

  18. Sounds like the perfect day :) I've never seen a bird feeder like that. We have about 4 bird feeders, but we mostly feed squirrels and the birds join in the fun :) Have a wonderful week :)

  19. It looks like you had a lovely Mother's Day and a blessing to spend it with your Mama. I love seeing your bird feeders. I'm shopping for one right now. I live in an apartment complex so gardening isn't possible. But I can watch the birds!

  20. That birdfeeder is so interesting. I don't think I have ever seen one like it! And the birds can use it easily?? Who would have thunk it:) My week has started off with window cleaning. Thankfully, my hubbie helps me. The fight against the pollen continues:) And I am off to lunch with a friend. Always a nice day when a lunch date is on the agenda! Happy Tuesday to you, friend!

  21. I am so glad you had a wonderful Mother's Day. I had a great one, too. xo Diana

  22. So happy you had a wonderful Mother's Day!


Thanks so much for saying hello!

Billie Jo