January 3, 2024

So This Was Christmas ~ 2023

 It seems like a dream, those beautiful days of Christmas joy we spent together as a family. I used to tell my kids when they were sad that it was over, they could go back anytime in their hearts. And now, we can come here to remember those blissful days in December.

Christmas Eve

The day was spent cozy at home, lingering over coffee and scones. We prepared, relaxed, sent wishes, and then got ready for our annual Danish Christmas celebration hosted by Nicolas and Madison.

Christmas Day

Christmas Day dawned cloudy and warm. I pretended it was cold and snowy and prepared brunch while Steve and I waited for the kids to wake up. We opened stockings, enjoyed brunch, gathered together, and opened gifts. It was a beautiful, cozy afternoon. We watched a beautiful mass together, and then some snacked, some napped, and others played with new gifts. Later, we had a lovely Christmas dinner before settling by the tree, savoring the last moments of a blessed Christmas Day.

I miss Christmas. But I know it will come back around again. And every single day until then is a chance to find that beautiful Christmas joy in our ordinary days. 

Have a cozy day!

Billie Jo


  1. I love the pics especially the one of your whole family. What a good looking group. Hope your new year is filled with good blessings.

  2. Very festive! Wishing you and yours all the best for this new year, Billie Jo, hope it's a good one!

  3. You are an incredible writer and I love how you captured every moment of your Christmas in such a heartfelt way. I'm glad you and family had a great Christmas. You're right, we can definitely find the joy Christmas brings into our daily lives each and every day. And before we know it, next Christmas will be here in the blink of an eye. Each year seems to move even faster than the last, doesn't it?

  4. I took a Christmas Day nap too. And it was delightful! All your pictures are lovely, but I can't really get over how grown up Flynn looks. What the heck?! I am so thrilled for you to have had a blessed few days soaking in all the goodness!

  5. These are such wonderful photos and I know will be cherished even more as the years pass by. You have a beautiful family and it's obvious that you all love each other and your times together. Lovely memories.

  6. Billie Jo, such a wonderful family to enjoy Christmas with. Everything looks fabulous. Yes, Christmas will be back. Happy New Year sweet lady. 🤗 hugs

  7. Dearest Billie Jo,
    Those family Christmas memories are in the books and will forever remain fond moments to look back onto.

  8. Well, I am downright jealous of your fabulous Christmas. Ours couldn't have been worse. Sickness plus presents getting to the wrong people, one present I still haven't located. My visits with grandchildren in their homes after Christmas never happened. But, there is always next year. So happy for anyone who had a wonderful, calm and organized day!! hehe

  9. Looks like a lovely Christmas shared with those you love ..l what a wonderful gift to you ☺️

  10. Looks like an ideal Christmas with your family. I enjoyed the photos of your beautiful home and family. The Danish celebration would be interesting. I watch a You Tuber from Denmark and was fascinated by the traditions she shares with her friends and family.
    Also, your cinnamon rolls look so good. I wanted to reach into the screen and try one :).

    1. Thank you! My daughter Peyton made them. They are amazing!!!!!!!

  11. Dear Billie Jo...what a lovely Christmas Eve and Christmas Day you had with your family. All of the food looks amazing and the table settings at both Madison's and your home were beautiful! Thankful for memories!

  12. It looks like it was a magical Christmas season - even minus the snow. I love the Danish traditions you all celebrate together too. It was a weirdly warm Christmas here too. But starting to get colder now and we got a big of snow right before New Year's. Yes, the magic will live in our hearts until next year. And love the idea of finding Christmas in the ordinary all year through! Blessings. xo

  13. What a lovely season you had! I loved all of your pictures. You do a great job of capturing life's important moments!

  14. What a beautiful season of celebrating the Lord, and spending precious time with your family! I love that you celebrate a Dannish Christmas on Christmas Eve! I am Dannish! My mom's parents were original immigrants to Canada from Denmark. Our Skaarup family always celebrated Christmas on Christmas Eve! A blessing to spend precious times with family - and enjoy all those sweet moments together! Happy New Year to you dear friend!

  15. I don't think there was enough treats on that table. A little more sugar maybe? :)

  16. What wonderful pictures of a lovely time together! We anticipate these occasions forever, it seems, then the time is quickly over. The pictures bring back all the pleasant memories.

  17. I love your pictures! Both the table and your kids look so beautiful! I can see you put a lot of work into special meals and a wonderful day.

  18. Hi Billie Jo. Looks like a wonderful family Christmas. Love your pictures. Great memories! Wishing you and yours much happiness in the new year!

  19. Lovely photos of a beautiful family Christmas! Happy New Year!

  20. Oh, you all look so beautiful and handsome in your Christmas Eve clothes! I love that y’all dress up! Our extended family used to do that when I was growing up, but we have gotten more casual now. Everything looks absolutely beautiful! I’m so glad y’all enjoyed a wonderful Christmas!

  21. I am glad you had a good Christmas!!! Delicious cookies and cinnamon rolls. I would like to make cinnamon rolls again as it's been a year or 2 since I've made them. Beautiful family photos with adorable dogs. God bless and Happy New Year!!!

  22. Great photos...and great memories, I'm sure! You guys certainly know how to put on a beautiful, and yummy, spread when you all get together!! Everything looks delicious! Loved seeing your cute pups in all the family photos!!:) Thanks for sharing your Christmas with us!

  23. I always love reading about your family celebrations and your Christmas memories are so beautiful. Love that you pretended it was snowy and cold outside. Hope you have a wonderful year making all kinds of great memories for the holidays and regular days of 2024!

  24. Hi Billie Jo. What a wonderful, happy Christmas you guys had! I love all the pictures or everyone. And I love your black dress! And your hair and makeup look so pretty! Happy New Year!

  25. I'm happy just seeing your beautiful Christmas pictures. Thanks for sharing and every wish for happiness and good health in 2024.

  26. It looks and sound like a lovely Christmas! And your family looks so dashing in the group picture at Madison's house! So fancy!!!!


Thanks so much for saying hello!

Billie Jo