October 9, 2023

Monday Morning Coffee


Good Monday morning! I hope today finds you cozy, healthy and rested. Or at least one of the three! Well, yesterday was the first day I finally felt fall. The air was cool, and the leaves were falling a bit, and it just looked like fall. I just love that feeling. I wish I could put into words the happiness and contentment I feel when I step outside and feel the crisp air, smell the familiar scent of leaves, acorns, and tree nuts in the air, and see the trees shake off their leaves and watch them swirl to the ground. It is nostalgic, cozy, and home to me. That feeling is me, back in my childhood home, after dinner with my family in the TV room where my dad started a fire in the big stone fireplace as the night stretched before us. That is why I love fall. 

Our first fall weekend here looked a bit different than at home, but it was no less wonderful. Friday night, Rhett, Kyrstin, Flynn, and I went to the movies to see The Creator. I knew nothing about it except it is a science fiction film about the future on Earth, but it was really good! Very suspenseful. 

Saturday morning, Steve and I went to the farmer's market and got apples, potatoes, carrots, garlic, onions, eggs, and delicious Amish bread. I am looking forward to roasting the vegetables tonight! Then, we did a quick clean of the house. I did the bathrooms, Flynn swiffered the floors, and Steve unloaded the dishwasher and tidied the kitchen. I threw in a few loads of laundry and folded them before we headed to the beach for the night. The condo is only ten minutes from the house, so we dropped Mocha off and went to a beautiful mass. We went to dinner at a new-to-us Italian restaurant before heading in for the night. 

Yesterday was a cozy day. Steve and Rhett headed to an antique car show, while I did not. When they returned, we watched in shock as our Steelers somehow managed to win a game that, to quote my dear father, "They had no business winning!" After the game, Steve and I took a couple chairs down and sat on the beach like the old married couple we are. The beach in October fits me perfectly. It is cool, not hot. Quiet, not crowded. But still so beautiful and calming. As we sat there, I remembered the days back when we had three and then four children with us. Some splashed in the waves, while others happily stayed with me, playing with our Sesame Street sand toys and making "cake" for me to eat. (Any guess who that was?!) I remembered thinking back then, when I saw an older couple alone on that beach, that someday that would be us. It was not imaginable at that busy, blessed, fun time in my life thinking that these little ones would not always be mine and mine alone. I knew in my heart they would grow up, as that is what they are supposed to do, but it seemed so far in the distance I couldn't even catch a glimpse. Suddenly, we are here. Sitting alone on the beach on a late Sunday afternoon. Thankfully, God blessed us with Flynn, who, at almost fourteen, is the best child ever and allows us to continue the very best vocation ever. And although no longer the little guy with the silly grin, Rhett, at 21, also enjoys spending time with us, and we are so thankful. Madison and Peyton are hours away right now, but they are always in my heart and on my speed dial. Through the magic of cell phones, we get pictures of each of their days. Like Madison and Nicolas making dinner...

And Peyton with her beautiful dog Jenny and the perfect pumpkins she grew!

Our weekend here summed up in a few too many photos:

Well, it's time for me to get going. Today, Flynn and I will homeschool. I plan on making chicken and vegetables for dinner and working on some laundry. I hope you have a cozy Monday, my friends. Thanks for reading!



  1. Good Morning Billie Jo! I so enjoyed reading about your weekend. Our week has not begun as we planned, (story on my blog), but I'm still enjoying a cozy morning at home. It's 39F outside but here in the condo I have my laptop, a cozy fall candle burning and my sweet Zoey in my lap. Later I'll unpack all of the camping "stuff" and tidy up the house again before doing some cross-stitch or knitting or crochet. I have all three on the go right now! :-) Life is good. God is so good to us. Thank you for the beautiful ocean photos. I do miss living close to the coast so I'm going to live vicariously through you my friend! Happy Monday!
    Blessings and hugs,

  2. Looks wonderful and cozy!! Miss you all so much! BTW did you say Peyton grew those pumpkins??? Amazing!!
    Talk to you soon! xx

  3. Great pictures! Full on Fall weather hit here Friday and it is just lovely.

  4. Your photos are gorgeous! And I can so totally identify with what you said — I have been in a rather bad place through all the hot weather we have had all summer and two days ago fall actually fell and my entire outlook and energy changed! I have felt wonderful and have so much energy and desire to do things. I guess I am not.a summer person after all.

  5. Ah, the coziness, yes! We were in Arizona for 16 days, Paul and I and just our youngest Camille, who is 15. I reveled in spending time with her, enjoyed the heck out of it. Parenting is such a blessing, and it does go by fast. The weather there was perfect, sunny and warm and usually in the low hundreds or high nineties. But, home to REAL autumn, chilly New York, is actually quite refreshing. I love Peyton's pumpkins, amazing! I tried growing them this year and the bugs got them. Thank you for writing, love love love your blog...

  6. What beautiful pictures from your weekend, BillieJo! Love the pictures of Peyton and her pumpkins! Wow, they look amazing. Lovely picture of you and Flynn! Have a wonderful Monday and week.

  7. Oh Billie Jo, your words were so wonderful about the kids getting older. Very wise. Yes, they are only a phone call away, and we do love our pictures. And it surprises me that it just takes an hour to see the girls, and I'm back there in the midst of things. Peyton's pumpkins are wonderful! And she grew those herself? I love that picture of her and the pumpkins. There is just something so special about it. Madison's meal looks delicious. It looks like rigatoni, which my mom used to make. You have done so much cleaning and organizing in your new home.....and decorating. I can smell your spiced pumpkin candle from here, and what a cute coffee cup that is. Beautiful ocean pictures too, I have to say.

    Have a pleasant October week, Billie Jo. I always delight in your Monday Coffee posts, dear friend. ; )


  8. Have a wonderful week, my friend. The beach this time of year is a beautiful gift to humanity!

  9. It looks like you're settling into your new space and routine beautifully. ;) And it sure suits you! Such lovely pics of the beach - I LOVE the wave shots. And you described the lovely feels and smells of Fall so well. I'm soaking up every little moment too my dear Friend. Blessings on your week ahead! 🍂 🌾🍄🧡

  10. Looks like a picture perfect weekend! How nice that the condo is so close. Definitely the best of both worlds! Happy Monday to you!

  11. She grew those pumpkin.. incredible. The idea of ending my day with the Mr. next to me, feet in sand sound like pure perfection.

  12. The pumpkins ARE perfect, and Peyton is gorgeous! So are your waves and sunset photos, how beautiful! I love them, as I don't remember ever being at a beach. I want the recipe for this Rigatoni dish, it looks so good and I want to make it! How wonderful that your houses are so close.

  13. October at the beach is the best! Looks like such a great way to spend the Fall!

  14. Yes, fall has certainly arrived here too. Know what you mean about those crisp mornings.
    Cool picture of the big wave!!

  15. Happy Monday, Billie Jo. What a sweet and tender post I can remember looking at older couples and wondering if I would ever be that old....and now I am older than many of those I used to call old. lol. A good family is a blessing and childhood memories are the best. xo Diana

  16. Those beach photos are stunning! The crashing waves, that half curl... so peaceful. I loved your look back, remembering how you thought these days were so far in the future and now here you are. Life is pretty amazing, isn't it?

  17. A lovely post, BilliJo. I remember similar, but different, experiences when we were younger and for a moment could imagine my older self, or us an an older couple. Never dreaming how quickly that time would actually arrive. Your beach pictures are gorgeous. What a wonderful place to sit and enjoy a part of your day.

  18. Always a pleasure to visit Billie Jo. I feel the same way about this time of the year. I have the windows open, and feeling the crispness in the air is soothing to me. Sweet childhood memories too. I have had my head in the sand as I don’t remember seeing anything about this movie The Creator. As I enjoy science fiction I am sure I will enjoy it so thanks for the recommend. Sounds like you have had a very productive and fun week. I love walking along the beach in October more than in the summer months. Counting your blessings is a great thing to do, and you have many. Thanks for sharing them with us :)

  19. Hi Billie Jo. Sounds like you are enjoying your new home. Sitting on the beach in the evening sounds so lovely. Great pictures of the beach, and your lovely family. So glad that you are enjoying fall in your new home.

  20. I just know it was Peyton making sand "cakes" for you. And now she is all grown with a dog and growing her own pumpkins and still making delightful desserts.

    The beach sounds perfect. I am so glad you're there!

  21. I love the beach in the fall, too. Moreso as I get older. It sounds like you're having a wonderful time. I love your descriptions of fall! Great pictures.


Thanks so much for saying hello!

Billie Jo