July 5, 2023


No matter what stage of life we are in, what changes each new chapter brings, the ocean stays the same. Its constant is a comfort. Whether we come as young parents with little ones dragging bags of well-loved beach toys or as older ones with grown children and the time to sit quietly watching the waves, the ocean remains the same. And that, to me, is comforting. 

Have a cozy Wednesday, my friends!

Billie Jo


  1. Lovely!! When I started following your blog, Flynn was a TODDLER!! Where does the time go?

  2. The ocean is one of the reliables, in all her forms!

  3. There is something so majestic about the ocean and when on the right beach, so peaceful. Enjoy your Wednesday my friend. :)

  4. Hi Billie Jo. Yes, the ocean is awesome. So glad you are able to spend so much time there with your family. Enjoy! See you again soon!

  5. The beach is a constant source of peace and comfort to me too....when I can get out there. Sadly, I live only 10 minutes from a beautiful beach but it isn't very often that I make it there. Life gets in the way entirely too often. So glad you were able to find some time to relax and enjoy the waves and salt air!

  6. Whenever I feel out of sorts, I like to go to the sea. X

  7. Beautiful pictures! I love the ocean, but now that I live in a land-locked state, I don't get there very often.

  8. Beautiful pictures, Billie Jo! The ocean has always been my happy place. I hope to live closer by the coast someday so I can spend more time there. It's the perfect place to take a walk, to unwind, to pray and reflect, and breathe in that wonderful sea air which does wonders for allergies!

  9. Amen! Just love this so much. It reminds me of our precious Lord above. He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. And the comfort that brings. As so much in this life constantly changes around us. Beautiful my Friend. xoxo

  10. What gorgeous photos. And especially the first one, with the bird directly over the sunset!

  11. I couldn't agree with you more, Billie Jo! Love, love, love the ocean and all the joys and comfort it brings.

  12. Oh, you lucky girl... it's been ages since I've been to the beach. So, enjoy enough for you and for me, too.

  13. I like walking along the shore line. Haven't done it in years though.

  14. sigh...it looks so peaceful. There aren't any beaches near us, and it's been ages since I was at the ocean...enjoy it for me!!

  15. So lovely! I've only seen the ocean a few times, but Lake Michigan looks like that and it too is so peaceful!

  16. I love at the coast and seeing the waves and birds. I remember taking our daughter when she was 5 months old to the beach when we came to Oregon for my brother's graduation 1980. After being gone for a few years from Oregon I missed the beach there. We did live near a beach in Felixstowe, England 1977-78. The beach had gravel over the sand, Interesting!!! That was before we had children. Good memories of coasts and lakes. Rivers are nice as well! Have a good week!!

  17. Constants wherever you find them are comforting!! For sure!

  18. Oh, these photos are so pretty, Billie Jo. It's nice to look out to the great waters and reflect from time to time. Yes, it does look comforting, and I like how the waves come in and beat on the shores. I'm so glad you had such a good time, my friend.



Thanks so much for saying hello!

Billie Jo