August 31, 2020

Why I love Fall

It is no secret that I love fall. Not the ~Instagram photo of a Pumpkin Spice Latte mug in a pile of leaves with pumpkins and cozy socks~ love. But a true appreciation for the beauty that this time of year brings. I always say that I loved autumn before loving autumn was cool! But why? What is it about these three months of the year that make me so happy? 

I love the feeling of a brand new start. As a child, a teenager, a college student, a teacher, and a mom, I have always loved the beginning of a new school year. I cannot adequately explain it. It is just a feeling of happiness and anticipation I feel when I think about freshly scrubbed classrooms, apple-themed lessons, sharp, fresh-smelling crayons, and after school snacks. 

I love the earlier evenings with just enough warmth to sit on the porch and watch the day end. The lamps come on a bit earlier, the blankets come out of storage, and new seasons of our favorite television shows begin. We gather together in our family room and enjoy the cozy feeling it brings.

I love the transition from cookouts on the grill to cozier autumn meals. I pull out my soup and crockpot recipes and sift through them as the smell of pumpkin spice fills the air. ( Fall scented candles are by far, in my opinion, the very best ones of all. ) Strawberry and peach are replaced with apple and pumpkin as the staples in our desserts. With the warm touch that nutmeg and allspice bring, of course.

I also love the pause that fall brings. It is a respite between the more active days of July and August and the festive days of December. It is a chance for me to catch my breath and settle in for a bit to reflect and to plan. All this is not to say I don't enjoy summer. As I get older, I appreciate the beauty that season brings as well. 

Kayaking on the lake, breakfasts on the deck, early morning sunlight before a gorgeous summer day, summer storms, freshly picked corn, cozy afternoons, and peach desserts are a few of the things I love about summer. But fall will always have my heart. Always.

And this Pumpkin Pie Greek Yogurt is another reason why!
So good!

Have a wonderful last day of August, my friends.
Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Please tell Ms. Flynn I find her incredibly brave for kayaking. I agree, Billie Jo with everything you said in your post, smiles. Have a beautiful day, friend.

  2. You have said it perfectly!!!!! :-)

    And thank you for being another person, who actually like earlier evenings. Seems we are in the minority. But early evenings, even very early winter ones, seem cozy to me.

    And we are lucky that we feel this way, listening to so many, who really do not like them.

    Lucky us!


  3. We've been using our crock pot all summer since it doesn't heat up the house, but I am so excited to switch to heavier homier foods in it!! Come on fall!

  4. Couldn't have said it better. So much to enjoy as Autumn starts, could I also add the change of colour and falling leaves which brings its own thrill and beauty.

  5. Love Fall too and today it's only 74! A welcome relief from the 90s and high humidity! Squirrels are knocking acorns out of the trees and that's a sure sign fall is on the way! Take care sweetie!

  6. Oooooh all of that! We are kindred fall spirits. :)

  7. I love fall as well! Such a beautiful time. It is cooling off here as well and today we were in the 70s. Your pictures are splendid. Flynn has really grown up. Have a lovely week.

  8. Well said and I totally agree. I'm noticing the cooler days and I'm loving every minute. Like you, I look forward to the beauty of all seasons but Fall has my heart. And I must try that yogurt...YUM!

  9. I took the lemon wax melts out of the warmer and threw in a couple apple this morning. Now I'm trying to decide on which candle. Here's to the best Fall season ever!!

  10. I do agree that fall scented candles are the best. The scent and overall theme of fall is definitely one of comfort. Hope you have a wonderful fall season!

  11. Beautifully said as always my kindred Friend! I'm with you about Fall having your heart. It holds mine forever as well, and always has. I don't know if started with being born in October - so it was a fun month with my bday and Halloween. But I've always loved Fall the best. My kind of smells, weather, beauty, foods...all of it. And also for the new beginning it always brings, as I always loved school so much and really should have been a teacher. I'm planning to go back to school...hopefully next year. I knew I wasn't going to go back to work in social work, which is my degree. But I think I want to pursue occupational therapy to help others - especially older adults - remain as independent as possible. I feel called to that line of work. Along with continuing to volunteer in hospice. Enjoy these final days of summer as we prepare for our favorite season of them all! 🍁 🎃

  12. Oh Yes, I love Fall too, and all the things you mentioned made me smile, especially about each new school year. I remember them well. Don't you just love the smell of crayons? I was telling Nel the other day that I still have her crayons from grade school. All your photos are wonderful. That cookie jar is delightful, and the soft glow of your candle is so pretty. And that sweet smile of Flynn's gets me every time. : )

    Wishing you beautiful September days, Billie Jo.



Thanks so much for saying hello!

Billie Jo