April 27, 2020

Simple Happiness On A Monday

A cup of my favorite vanilla coffee by the fire on a quiet, chilly, April morning ~ A new tablecloth in a freshly scrubbed dining area on a Saturday afternoon ~ Simple decor all dusted and arranged and ready for spring ~ A delicious takeout dinner from a local friend and businessman's restaurant ~ A pleasant surprise on the front porch on Sunday morning ~ That turns out to be delicious homemade nut roll from a sweet sister-in-law ~ A special treat to go with my probiotic juice and afternoon read ~ A beautiful mass from our wonderful pastor online ~ And snuggles with a precious pup ~ 

These are just a few special things keeping me calm and cozy during some uncertain and unsettling times. What brings you happiness these days, my friends? Share them with everyone, won't you?

Happy Monday!


  1. Simple happiness indeed. That's all good stuff my friend!

  2. Hello, thank you for stopping by Country Dreaming.
    Hope to see you again soon.

    We have enjoyed going for drives, stopping and getting carryout when tried of cooking.
    Cozy blankets, time on our deck, reading and hanging with my husband.

    Take care.

    M :)

  3. I see you are reading Simone St. James new book. Wow, I really want to get that one. Let me know how you like it! Have a happy week! See you again soon.

  4. I love your dining room area! It's so nice to fit 7 people around a circular table. I love the new tablecloth :) Enjoyed seeing the sweet moments that are precious to you! Cuddles with the sweet pup so delightful... they always want me to take naps with them, lol! Life here has been pretty much unchanged, we are quite blessed. I often tell my husband, if it were not for the news, we would not even know something was so wrong with the world. I'm thankful for a big yard to keep me busy at home, and a garden that is requiring a lot of my attention right now. Many blessings to you!

  5. Your home is warm and cozy! Lately I've found happiness in knowing God is in control. Just being at home with family, not being so rushed. I know it hasn't been this way for everyone but we've been blessed to just rest and relax at home.

  6. Sounds idyllic warm and cosy. Baking and getting the garden sorted with a little crafting is keeping me going. Take care and stay safe.

  7. Prayer has given me the peace during this CD19 time. Love seeing pictures of your beautiful home.

  8. Looks perfect and peaceful there. You're using your time very wisely 😉 Lol I thought I'd get a million projects done, but I've maybe completed 2! But enjoying time with kiddos very much. And I finally mastered a great loaf of homemade bread! Small victories in this crazy time. Stay well and safe Friend 🙏 ❤️

  9. Toasting marshmallows in the backyard fire pit and snuggling down for movie watching has been some of our favourite pastimes this week. Simple pleasures are the best. xx Susan

  10. Nice post filled with calm, cozy, yummy thoughtfulness and pretties all around your home. So nice to feel comfy at home. Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

  11. Looks like the perfect place to cozy up in . . . I love your dining table and chairs! I'm trying to not find comfort in food lol as I don't want to gain the "Corona 15" so I tend to cozy up with my sewing machine or make cards to send to people who are shut in and that's given me lots of pleasure and helped pass the time!

  12. Your home is so cozy and joy filled! I loved reading this post! God bless you and your beautiful family. Hugs to you. ~Juli

  13. So nice of your friend to bring you take out. The pizza looks Yummy. I haven't gone through the drive-through or even had take out meals during this time. The nut roll your sister-in-law made looks so good, and a perfect treat go with a cup of coffee. All these little things mean so much during this time. Your Spring décor is light and lovely, and I like your coffee cup most of all. ; )

    Stay safe and well, Billie Jo.


  14. Love the decor, and your cute pup. What keeps me happy these days is just being in the comfort of my home and not having to rush here and there. Time with my family and extra snuggles with my pup too.


Thanks so much for saying hello!

Billie Jo