April 20, 2020

A Very Productive Weekend

Ok. Not really. I did wash my makeup brushes. Twice, because the first time I used moisturizer. Don't ask. Made breakfast for dinner. Gave Mocha a makeover. And made some yummy treats. Oh watched Mass too. How was your weekend, my friends? Oh. And is anyone else finding some of their pictures are disappearing and being replaced with a weird circle symbol? 

Have a good afternoon!


  1. Yes on the weird circles. Sigh...Not much to report from here...unless you want to hear about my trip to Walmart to pick up my prescription and being escorted by a Sheriffs deputy to the pharmacy (there are deputies being posted to enforce the NY Executive Mask Order), then, my son got pulled over while riding his bike (yes, exercising) because he wasn't wearing a face mask. Oh, you really don't want to hear this...anyways...another great post, my friend.

  2. Bilie Jo- I just saved that recipe. I love easy things like that!!!!
    Doesn't it feel great to get things accomplished?
    I am always amazed how 'dirty' my makeup brushes are when I wash them-I always use shampoo. lol xo Diana

  3. sounds like a great weekend to me. I also gave 2 of the dogs a bath over the weekend. Afterward, My bathroom looked like a black lab exploded.. which was a bonus, because it forced me to clean the bathroom too. : )

  4. Yes, I have lost pictures as well and had to repost some. I reposted them in a smaller size and they stayed on the blog, but I don't know that really made a difference. Weird. I think I would like to try that recipe. Sounds good. Have a great week.

  5. Happy Tuesday, Billie Jo! ♥ So glad you had a lovely, productive weekend!
    It was so hot on Sunday that I got very little done...but thankfully cooler weather is here again, so I am feeling inspired to get busy again. Sending hugs!

  6. Not much going on here but my brushes need washing too:) That recipe sounds YUM! Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

  7. That recipe sounds delicious. Oh how I wish Peter wasn't allergic to peanuts!!

  8. Your sweet pup is just the cutest!

  9. haha, I'm glad you had that extra time to get the moisturizer out of your brushes ;)
    All of our days look the same, dog baths, lots of food and snacking and cozy time with family.

  10. So you have washed the makeup brushes twice? I thought I was the only one that made mistakes like this...

  11. Yes, some of my pictures are not showing up! What's that all about? And I can't see some pictures on friend's blogs either. I smiled at the Quaker Oats, old fashioned kind, cause that's what my mom used to make for us kids. I usually use the 1-minute oats, but I love the old fashioned kind too. Your breakfast looks so Yummy, and your doggy is precious in all her outfits. It's so nice to see that you do all you can do to make your family comfortable and safe during this time.


  12. Sometimes breakfast for dinner is essential. xx Susan


Thanks so much for saying hello!

Billie Jo