August 12, 2019

In Case You Are New

This is me.

This is my husband, Steve.

This is us.
Steve and I are blessed with four amazing children, one awesome son-in-law, and two adorable puppies.

Our oldest daughter is Madison.
She is 22 years old and is recently married to the love of her life, Nicolas.
Nicolas is from Denmark. Their paths crossed through social media, and he flew across the ocean to meet her. They currently reside here. Nicolas works with Steve as an Internet Business Manager, and Madison owns and operates her own Bridal Boutique. She is also a certified makeup artist.

Our second daughter is Peyton. 
Peyton is 19 and graduated from high school a whole year early.
She is currently working at Madison's store while simultaneously helping me run our home as head cook, baker, laundry folder, television programmer, and awesome big sister. She bakes the world's best chocolate chip cookies too.

And Peyton has recently met her person!
 Christopher began playing the violin at the same mass we attend. They met, and the rest is history.
He makes her so very happy.
And that makes me very happy.

This is our one and only son Rhett.
Rhett is 17 and looks exactly like my dear late father.
Which is awesome, because my father had 5 daughters and no sons.
Rhett is currently beginning his senior year in high school.
He cyber schools, and works with Steve as well.
Rhett loves movies, cars, and Taco Bell.
He is an amazing young man and doesn't mind taking his mom to see the latest movie releases.

Our baby is Flynn.
She is 9 years old and is the sweetest little soul around.
Flynn is starting 4th grade this year and is homeschooled by yours truly.
Flynn loves Barbies, reading, swimming, and being with her mom.
She also loves Religion class, and strongly dislikes math.

Kirby is our 11-year-old Lhasapoo puppy.
He worships Steve and adores Peyton.
He loves socks and Kraft cheese slices.

And this is my Mocha.
Mocha is my 4-year-old Yorkiepoo puppy.
Mocha loves me.
And cheese.
And me.

Steve and I met a few weeks before I left for college some 32 years ago.
We dated for two years, were engaged for two years, and married 6 weeks after I graduated from college. We have been married for 28 blissful years.
(Just ask him.) 
I am an early childhood/elementary school teacher and taught second grade for 5 wonderful years before retiring to become a full-time wife and mother when Madison was born.
I enjoy being home, my family, hot coffee, all holidays, scary movies, good books, thin pizza, warm fires, and cozy winter days. 
I dislike exercise, cheesy movies, conflict of any kind, being in the sun, being in the cold, spicy food, and being away from home.
I began this little blog eight years ago to document the day to day life I am so blessed to live, and in the process have met many amazing people from all over the world, some in real life. I have made life long friends, not only for myself but also for our family. 
I encourage anyone reading who has even thought about starting a blog, to jump right in! You will be so glad you did.

(Thank you to Brenda for suggesting I do a post for any new readers.)

Have a wonderful week!


  1. ...and your little blog is a delight my friend...and I am glad we are friends. more smiles

    It seems I already know you, although we have never met and I have watched your children grow through the years. I simply can not believe that Flynn is in the 4th grade, unbelievable. Smiles

  2. That is so cool that she owns a bridal boutique at her age!

    I love, love, love all the skirts here. Something tells me you guys make them yourselves...?

  3. I loved getting to know you! What a wonderful idea for a post! I've been blogging for 10 years so I might be due for a post like this. Do you mind?

  4. I am not new but there were still things to be learned. I am so happy Peyton has found someone and is happy. And I did not know you liked thin pizza best. I feel like there were some other details I learned too, but mostly it was a reiteration of how much I adore your family.

  5. You have a beautiful family and I am so excited that #2 has a new ?

  6. Yes! Me too!
    He is a new boyfriend! : )

  7. What a great post!! Some things I already knew, some I didn't! You have a lovely family.

  8. Thank you for letting us get to know every member of your family!! You have a lovely family!! Best wishes to each one of them and blessings. I saw the apron and it reminded me of an apron project I want to make! Have a wonderful week.

  9. Thank you so much
    I am new to reading blogs and sometimes it is confusing. I especially like the names because when bloggers refer to family with nicknames it is confusing!
    Love love your blog!
    Lovely family!!!

  10. I love your family posts and the photo of your 4 children at Madison's wedding is beautiful. Thank you for sharing! xx Susan

  11. I am new to your blog, Just so happy I found it! I love reading about your daily life, your beautiful children, etc. Thank you so much for sharing!

  12. What a great way to welcome new friends. I love your family and appreciate your friendship. Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

  13. I love your Christmas apron and your minnie ears! You and I truly are kindred spirits. I am blessed to call you friend. Hugs. ~Juli

  14. This was wonderful Billie Jo! I enjoyed reading about you and your wonderful family! What a great idea to share with new friends and old alike!

  15. Congratulations to Peyton! They make such a cute couple! I keep waiting on her to open a bakery or to be on a season of Food Network's Baking Championship!

  16. A beautiful post, indeed, you have such a precious family and you are precious too, Billie Jo. I am so happy I found your blog, you are always so encouraging, and delightful!
    I wish all much continued joy and happiness.

  17. Hello dearest Billie Jo my Lovie!!
    Sorry I'm playing catch up....again. Lol! Love this post so much. Even though I've been around for quite a few years. Although I didn't know that Peyton found her person. That's so awesome! You are such a beautiful soul with such a beautiful family. And i'm so happy you've been a blogging bestie for so many years now.
    Much love and blessings to you my fellow Fall loving kindred spirit. xoxo
    PS: I'm with Flynn - yay religion class and boo math!! 😉

  18. I enjoyed reading this so much! It is wonderful to see your beautiful family and "meet" you all!


Thanks so much for saying hello!

Billie Jo