August 9, 2019

Happy Things

What made me happy this week?
Freshly bathed and trimmed puppies~A midweek trip to the city to see my baby's favorite singer ever, Shawn Mendes~My cozy, simple bedroom with freshly washed sheets~And a bit of Halloween. Because. Halloween.

What made you happy this week, my friends?

Oh, and a Public Service Announcement:
When you have a small, almost minuscule pimple on your face, and your makeup artist and skincare expert daughter tells you to leave it alone, LEAVE IT ALONE. Do not, under any circumstances, try to eradicate it yourself. (See above photo.)


  1. Thanks for keeping it real, Billie Jo, smiles. Have a beautiful weekend my friend.

  2. Your dog looks so cute!! She looks like a happy child at the concert. I am getting old and don't know any of the young singers now a days. I have never heard of Shawn Mendez but I presume with that last name he is someone of hispanic origin and he looks young and cute! :) Your bed looks fabulous!! Sweet pillow!! Indeed Halloween is about here!

  3. Your bed looks so comfy, and I love that Blessed pillow.
    I hope you all have a lovely weekend.
    Also, where are your jeans from in that first pic? SO CUTE.

  4. Nothing is better than fresh sheets!

  5. You make me laugh and that baby is going to be taller than you soon!

  6. What an amazing week! Flynn will always remember her special concert with you two! I didn't immediately recognize Shawn but I do know who he is. (Yay me!) Your pups look clean and tidy and ready to snuggle. Have a lovely weekend.

  7. Bet that was a fun concert! Our pup got groomed this week too -- ours looks like a different dog! Have a great weekend-- you're always beautiful!

  8. Looks like a great week you have enjoyed, Billie, jo, especially memories with Flynn! it has been a wonderful week for me also.

  9. Haha Billie Jo, I am so guilty of NOT being able to leave those nasty little blemishes alone. Every day is a happy day when it's still summer - I love Halloween, but I's not ready to embrace it just yet. In a couple of months for sure, just not yet. Fresh shaved and bathed pups are a happy thing and so are fresh washed sheets. Oh how I love that feeling and smell! So glad you were able to take Flynn to her favorite concert. Fun memories!!!

  10. I try to leave mine alone too but sometimes you just can't!!! Your dogs are just the cutest!

  11. What made me happy this week was spending time with my little family:) I have seen Shawn Mendes twice and LOVE seeing him in concert:) Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

  12. Sounds like you've had a fantastic week. The pups look adorable and I bet Flynn had a blast. xx Susan


Thanks so much for saying hello!

Billie Jo