Just like that, my one and only son turned 14. To me, it was a bigger deal than when he turned into a teenager last year. Why? Well...because...he's...bigger. He LOOKS older. He is officially taller than I am. I glanced at him the other day and saw a young man. A great young man. So...in celebration of my Rhett turning 14, here are 14 totally random facts about him...
Rhett Stephen
1. He totally surprised me when he was born. I totally though I was having a girl!
2. He is the only one of my children to have NEVER gone to Time Out. Yes, really.
3. He does not drink milk. At all. Ever.
4. He gets his dairy from ice cream. But only vanilla.
5. He is the most sensitive of my children, always caring...always making peace.
6. He looks so very much like my dear Dad.
Rhett and my dad on his last Father's Day with us.
7. Rhett loves movies. His collection exceeds 200. And he watches and rewatches them all.
8. He has the best sense of humor. And keeps us all laughing.
9. He loves comic books, especially DC ones. You know...Batman and Superman.
10. He dislikes fruit. Strongly. Except Mandarin Oranges. Those...He loves.
11. He loves being at camp with his Dad. Simply hunting, watching movies or playing cards.
12. He was the first boy to be born into my family in 25 years, and the second one ever.
13. He is and always has been a happy child.
14. He is loved by us all. Very much.
This is how we celebrated our Rhett...
Madison spoiled him with her famous Blueberry Muffins for breakfast.
He loves them...and only consumes blueberries if they are baked into these yummy muffins.
He didn't want a big party this year...but Peyton and I insisted on a small Captain America: Civil War theme. You know...since he's seen it five times so far. : )
Peyton baked his cake! His very favorite...chocolate with her homemade peanut butter frosting.
We took pictures in shifts before Mass...as we were getting ready! And sometimes...we weren't all ready!
There. Much better. Except for Mocha's ears.
But I take what I can get. : )
Me and my boy. : )
Aaaaaand again with Mocha's ears. : )
These two. Only 24 months separate them. And they are best friends always.
One with Dad...
And a selfie with Madison. : )
Grandma and Aunt Margie celebrated with us too.
He opened presents with a little helper...
Who was very excited for him!
His big sisters were excited too...they couldn't wait to give him their gift...
Coupons for things they will do for him!
They call them "Rita Bucks"...A long story...
but include things like Dairy Queen trips and doing his chores.
And he was thrilled!
There was cake and singing and contemplating wishes...
And a hug from a mommy who is incredibly proud of the young man her baby boy has become.
Happy Birthday Rhett!!