September 14, 2012

Weekend Plans

It's Friday! We made it to the weekend. Hooray! Tonight Madison has her first Friday night football game. She is so excited, and so am I. When I think of high school football, I think Friday nights. I remember when I was in high school, Fridays were the most exciting days ever! I was a majorette, and we wore our pep uniforms to school. Then my friends and I would all get together and get ready. I loved the excitement, the crisp fall air, the beautiful colors of the fall leaves, and the sounds of the band playing as we marched onto the field. After the game, my mom always made a pot of hot chocolate on the stove and my sisters and I would stay up and watch Night Tracks to see the newest music videos. Now I am really dating myself! In any case, Madison is excited about her first Friday game. Her first two varsity games were Saturday afternoon games. The first was soooo hot and last weekend it was cold and rainy. Friday promises to be a perfect fall Friday.

Saturday morning I plan on taking my father and his roommate McDonald's coffee and visiting with them. I always enjoy listening to the many stories of their lives. After that I have...NOTHING! Yes, that's right, nothing. I am so excited to have a Saturday free of commitment and plan to relax and enjoy. Peyton and I may make a date with the scrapbooking box. I am way behind. Like way behind. I do enjoy scrapbooking so very much. I just have a hard time finding a block of time to set aside to do it! At least I have all the photos for each child sorted in envelopes. We will see. I may just make myself at home on the couch with the kids and a good movie... : ) After mass, I plan on a simple dinner of homemade macaroni and cheese with fruit and bread and butter. I have a wonderful recipe my mother made up for the best macaroni and cheese. It calls for a small can of tomato sauce. That's what makes it so good!

Sunday is also light on activities. Madison has work and Steve and Rhett have an away soccer game. We usually attend all the games, but this one is quite far away and I need to be home to get Madison to work. So that means Peyton, Flynn and I will have a Sunday afternoon at home. I think I will make some pasta for dinner and catch up on some odds and ends around the house. The Steelers have a late afternoon game on Sunday, so dinner may be late! At least I will be awake for the whole game this week!

Well, that's all for now. I hope you all have a wonderful September weekend, whatever your plans may be. Thanks for stopping by. : )

Steve and Rhett all ready for last week's soccer game.
It was a close loss...3 to 2.

Flynn and I went a little crazy in the produce section  this morning.

And just so you don't think we are becoming way too healthy, we are very excited about our September cupcake delivery! Yum!


  1. oh the way you described friday night football games was perfect...except i was IN that marching band!!:) when we take the girls to our high school football games it just all comes back in a ruch of memories. as soon as those drums start playing i can barely keep my feet still!!:) haha what a band nerd!!!:)
    tomato sauce huh? you must share this recipe so i can pass it along to my hubby the cook. it sounds interesting and yummy!
    don't envy you on the scrapbook catch-up! i am still trying to do that with plain ol' photo albums...ugh...daunting! but it IS fun to look back at all the old photos.
    have a wonderful and relaxing weekend billie jo

  2. Look at all of that yummy fruit and those wonderful looking cupcakes!
    Have a great weekend!


Thanks so much for saying hello!

Billie Jo