March 12, 2025

Things I Appreciate And Things I Don't


I appreciate:

  • People who take the time to write reviews for online shopping items
  • Getting into a bed with freshly washed sheets
  • Unexpected pieces of happy mail mixed in with all the rest
  • People who stay home when they are sick 
  • The fact that every time I go to mass, a priest is there to celebrate it 
  • Adult children who enjoy baking
  • The sounds and sights of nature outside my window

But I really don't appreciate:

  • The fashion industry's insistence that every woman wants to wear crop tops
  • People who immediately call you after you text them 
  • People who don't stay home when they are coughing, sneezing, and running a fever
  • Sticky tabletops in restaurants
  • Colds that refuse to respond to hot lemon water with honey
  • Hot, sunny places with no sign of shade
  • Celebrities who think I care about anything more than their ability to entertain me

Well, there you go. Anything you would like to add? 
Happy Wednesday, my friends.

Billie Jo


  1. LOVED this, Billie Jo! And as I read down over your lists, I was shaking my head yes to each of them. Have a great remainder to your week, friend. xx

  2. That photo of the heron is one of the things I appreciate.

  3. Some of these I can SO relate to, Billie. Jo. I don't get when people go out and about when they are coughing and sick. That's a sure way to get others sick. Doesn't make sense to me. And the sights and sounds of nature outside our window are so wonderful. A dove is cooooing right now. Oh, and celebrities, I'm with you on that. Have a good week, my friend.


  4. I can relate to most of these. I also don't appreciate the people who are coughing their heads off while insisting they aren't contagious. Maybe not, but let's not take a chance. :)


Thanks so much for saying hello!

Billie Jo