February 7, 2025

Life Lately

Cooking with Madison
Enchilidas and Lasagna this week!

And Rhett realizing that salad isn't that bad!

Reading this book. And highly recommending it as well!

Homeschooling Flynn and a couple extra students.
Note the tissue box. Flynn has the cold from He**.
She is a good sport, though, and is hanging in there.

Wearing pajamas most of the time. And I don't usually take selfies in my pajamas, but my friend Heather got these for me, and I wanted to show her how much I loved them.

Watching this guilty pleasure. And yes, Debbie, we like him so far!

Praying this beautiful prayer for several special people in my life.

Celebrating Madison and Nico's little pup, Draper, who is five already!

And not wanting to leave this one out, Cosmo is playing a lot of fetch with his fun new yellow ball. But never with the scary red one!

Finally, with apologies to all who do, and with the promise to watch, eat, and sit quietly with my cozy blanket and my book. Good Luck to all!

That's it for today, my friends.
Thanks for all the prayers. I appreciate them greatly.
I am so happy my Mom made so many others happy.

Thanks for visiting!

Billie Jo

(Google for the fun images.)


  1. Have a wonderful weekend. Enjoy the book.

  2. Oooh - I like that author. I'll have to look that one up.
    Your food is making me hungry. :)
    Hope Flynn is better quick!

  3. I just read an article about this author. How her doctor colleagues don’t know she is a best selling author. I might have to read this since it is set in Maine. Thanks for the rec.

  4. I love your island. So much good space to bake and play. As for jammies! I LOOVE jammies. In mine right now. They are the best. When I go clothes shopping, I love trying on jams. The best

  5. Love that you and Madison enjoy cooking together. So much fun and good memories. Who doesn't love jammies? That set is cute so I'd take a selfie too. Enjoy your weekend my friend!!

  6. It's so wonderful that you cook with your daughter,
    Billy Jo—it's like continuing the tradition that started with your own mother.
    May you always be this happy!
    Their little dog is so adorable!

  7. Our family had no clue the superbowl even was this weekend until yesterday; can you tell we are not sports people? My youngest just has a couple of chapters left in two subjects and we're done homeschooling for the year; this year felt like it went by oddly fast so I'm now trying to plan out what we might want to tackle next year for his last year. I'm going to have to check out that book. I've read a few by Freida and usually enjoy them.

  8. I love Super Bowl Sunday. It's the quietest, calmest day to go shopping. 😆

    Your food always looks yummy - even when it's in process.

  9. I'm going to be on my Kindle with ear plugs in. Only watch for my Budweiser commercial but seen it already.

  10. Draper is adorable. And Cosmo has color preferences? So smart! The food looks so yummy! You are looking adorable, and I love your phone case.

  11. Lots of cuteness in the post...and oh my goodness, I will take a slice of that lasagne please. looks so good. Love the Pj's. I wore my Pj's all day long when it was so cold outside. I figure..I'm not going anywhere so why not be comfy. Yours are adorable. We will be cheering on the Chiefs. Patrick Mahomes is one of our Home guys, so we are hoping for a Super Bowl 3 win. Hope you all have a fabulous weekend...

  12. Hi Billie Jo. Fun post. I had been wondering about that book, so I may get it on my Kindle. Thanks for the recommendation. We won't be watching the Super Bowl here either and I am just fine with that. Have a good weekend! See you again soon!

  13. The lasagna looks delicious. We like salads as well. I ate leftover Hawaaian meatloaf for lunch and I need to get a piece of fruit as well. I am drinking delicious caffeine tea as I like it. Oh no it's 4 o-clock and may keep me awake late night!! arg!! I am glad you are having a good time and adorable dogs you have and your daughter has. Have a good weekend!!

  14. I had to laugh at the scary red ball!! Aren't our furbabies so funny sometimes!! Oh my goodness, that food all looks so delicious! I've not read anything by that author but have made note to explore her on Amazon. I love my Kindle!! Wishing you a blesse weekend!

  15. I feel the same way about the Super Bowl. No interest. Yay! for pajamas. I climb into mine each evening right after dinner.

  16. What a great work area! Everything looks delicious. Time flies by when you have a dog. The grow old way too fast! May you have many more happy years with that precious little boy.

  17. I right there with you about the Super Bowl! I love my nightgowns and will run around in one at home as long as we're alone. :-) Too many years I had to get up and dressed and be at work by 7:00 am. No more! Retirement is great!
    Love the cooking time with Madison and birthday kisses to that sweet puppy. Poor Flynn. Our girls, Mandy & Piper had Influenza A two weeks ago and it was nasty. It's awful when your kids are sick isn't it?
    Take care and enjoy your weekend.
    Blessings and hugs,

  18. Hahahaha :) I am laughing at you tagging me about Grant :) So far he seems like a great guy :) Your dogs are so cute and the food looks delicious! Enjoy your reading time. That's what I'm hoping to do this weekend and maybe a little bit of sewing.

  19. Been keeping you in prayer, Billie Jo....

  20. That food looks delicious! Aww those extra students of yours are just too cute. I hope Flynn feels better. There's a lot of nasty stuff going around. My Brianna just got over a cold, too. I'm with you ... don't care about either team this year. Have a great weekend!

  21. I agree with you about the Super Bowl. Unless my team is in it, I have no interest. But going to a Super Bowl party at my son and dil's just to visit with them and the grandkitties and their friends.

  22. I didn't even realise you were wearing pyjamas. I thought it was a rather lovely blouse.
    Happy weekend, Billie Jo. Xx

  23. Cute PJs! I hope the sick feel better soon. We had enchiladas last night for dinner. I do watch the Super Bowl, eat the snacky foods and hoping it is a good game:) Enjoy your day dear friend! HUGS!

  24. We've got the game (Super Bowl) on as I check out the blogs of my friends. In my jammies, you are so right about how they feel. Your puppy with the cupcake is soooo cute!

  25. Sounds like a full and cozy week! Enchiladas and lasagna—yum! Hope Flynn feels better soon, and those pajamas must be extra special. Wishing you all warmth, good health, and happy moments ahead!

  26. Oh Billie Jo, I had to laugh at the Super Bowl picture haha. That is SO me. You have really spent lots of time in the kitchen lately, and that lasagna! It looks delicious! That's such a sweet picture of Rhett. Sons in the kitchen are so delightful, right? The Philippians verse is special and a gentle reminder, thank you. I am just catching up on your wonderful posts, Billie Jo. I hope you are doing Ok, and Happy Valentine's Day to you, dear friend. Love the red hearts on your side bars, and I wanted to thank you again for the bigger font on your posts. I just came from visiting another friend, and I had to put my glasses on, so I appreciate your bigger font so much. : )



Thanks so much for saying hello!

Billie Jo