January 29, 2025

Thank You

Thank you, my friends, for your comments, emails, messages, thoughts, and prayers. Please know that I read every single one of them...more than once. The love you showed me and my sweet momma helped me through the most difficult moments of my life. 

Even though I knew the day would come, I was not prepared for the grief and sadness of the final goodbye. My mom was the constant in my life. She was there for every single moment, the happiest days, the sad ones, the challenging ones, and the joyous ones too. She was always there for me, holding me up and cheering me on.

I am thankful to God that I could do the same for her. On her last day, my sister Margie and I held her hands, sang with her, and reminded her she was indeed the best mother ever. She was beautiful, peaceful, cozy, and warm. 

She is laid to rest now, next to my Dad, and I am sure she is rejoicing in heaven. She taught me many things, including finding joy and adventure in every experience. I kept a list of things she said these past few months that I wanted to remember. Margie and Mom called me every day after lunch. One day last summer, during one of those phone conversations, I said, "I don't know anything exciting! Sorry about that!" And Mom's response? "Well, just being together is great!" 

A new chapter in my life begins..one without my momma here. She is and will always be near, though. And I will try to live every day with the joy she brought me and so many others in my heart. Again, thank you. I appreciate everyone who took the time to reach out to me and my family. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. My mom sang all the time. One of her favorites is this one:

Row, row, row your boat
Gently down the stream.
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily,
Life is but a dream.

Life is, indeed, but a dream.

Billie Jo


  1. I love these photos! Your mom was indeed a special lady - who raised you so well! And gave you lots of wisdom to carry on.
    Prayers continue!

  2. I'm sure you had a very rough week, and I hope you can feel God's love and peace in your mom's memories. You are a wonderful mom just like her!!

  3. What wonderful photos. Your Mom was so beautiful! And kindness just radiates from her. It is still hard for me even after many years of losing my Mom. Again, I'm so very sorry. If you ever need to talk, e-mail me any time. I guess life IS just a dream. But when your Mom woke up in Heaven, her amazing and real joy began.

  4. The pictures and memories are so precious! God bless you every day and always!

  5. I'm so glad you had such a wonderful relationship with your beautiful mom and that you've done the same with all of your children. You're carrying on that legacy my friend and you're doing it SO well! Big hugs to you during this very difficult time. You'll always have the wonderful memories and the peace of mind knowing she is smiling down on you and your family from heaven.

  6. You made me cry but happy tears. I sing that song to my grandson every time I'm with him.

  7. I do believe your mom is still with you, just in a different way. Her life and legacy live on in you and in your children and someday your children's children. I love those pictures you shared. Hold onto the memories. Sending you lots of love and warm hugs.

  8. The pictures are beautiful, such a small snapshot of a beautiful life well lived. I have lost both my parents and for me, it was developing a "new normal". My father has been gone 26 years and I think of him everyday. My mother, almost 5 years now. I am sending you love....

  9. I am so sorry for your loss. Kay told me about it, and I cried. We have both been praying for your comfort and peace. I know she is up there with your dad, and they are having the most marvelous reunion. My thoughts are with you at this time you grieve.

  10. I have thought about you so, so much in these past few days. I'm glad you could be there with her. I know you will miss her so much, and I'm so thankful you remember and wrote down the things she said and how she made you feel. I pray those precious memories will sustain you on the really hard days. The pictures of her are so wonderful! I see so much of Madison in her younger pictures! I'm still praying for you and your family. ((hugs))

  11. Such a beautiful post, Billiejo, as all of your posts are. We should all try to be like your mother. Your tributes to her both now and before she passed, are all so touching and inspiring (a little convicting, too, when I see how I have fallen short in some of my parenting). Thank you for sharing these touching words with us. May you feel the Lord's comfort every single day.

  12. This post is another wonderful tribute to your dear mom, as the love you have for her shines through so clearly with every word you write. Sending love and hugs. Xx

  13. May you continue to feel your mother's loving embrace in these bittersweet days ahead. <3

  14. The things you've said in your posts about your Mom remind me so much of my Mom. Oh, how I miss her even after over 35 years. I still think of things I want to tell her. Just think. She is having the time of her life, forever now, in Heaven with your Dad. I've been thinking of you so much and praying for you all.
    Blessings and hugs,

  15. What a blessing you are, my sweet friend. I teared up when I read these words, "A new chapter in my life begins..one without my momma here." because I remember distinctly how those first days, weeks, months and year were when the Lord took my sweet mother Home. Praying for you, dear Billie Jo.
    And I loved all of the pictures at the end! Your momma was such a beautiful lady...inside and out.

  16. What great photos of your mom. She will always live in your heart. What a blessing to have had such a wonderful mother.

  17. Hi Billie Jo. You were truly blessed with a loving mother. Yes, I believe she is now with your dad and other loved ones rejoicing in heaven and watching over her children and grandchildren. I know that we will be with those we love again one day. These are beautiful pictures of your wonderful mother. May God bless your family with peace as you go on into the future.

  18. Oh Billie Jo, Sissie and I were worried about you! Having lost our mother to dementia six years ago, we know the feelings of bereavement, and your strong Faith will get you through! She taught you that, hold onto it.

  19. Billie Jo, Holding you in my heart as you feel so much these days. I am always here if you need me. Take good care my friend, Tara

  20. Thank you for sharing your beautiful mother with all of us. Praying for you as you navigate your new normal.

  21. Thanks for sharing your mom with us. She was beautiful inside and out! It shows in every photo! You will always miss her. Mine has been gone 30 years this year and I miss her. But the love lingers forever and aren't we so very blessed by that and knowing we will be together again one day. xo

  22. She will live in your heart forever. So sorry for your loss. Look for her to visit you as a Cardinal. She will always be with you.

  23. You are her continuation,
    she has left you a great legacy Billie Zo!
    You were lucky to have such a mother but you are also a wonderful mother to your children!!
    I think when our parents leave we also feel older, but oh well!
    Your pictures and words about her are very beautiful!!

  24. What beautiful pictures and thoughts you shared about your precious Mom, Billie Jo. Continued thoughts and prayers for you and your family.

  25. Beautiful memories of a wonderful woman.take care!

  26. Once again Billie Jo, I am so very sorry for the loss of your mom. Your words and the photos of your mom tell a story of how wonderful she was, not only as a mom, but as a person. I have been keeping you in my prayers and will continue to do so. Hugs to you this day.

  27. Thank you very much for sharing these beautiful photos. There is a part of your Mama in you, cherish the memories, your Mama watches over you. I wish God's blessing and good days.

  28. Danielle;
    Quelles magnifiques photos, vôtre maman était une femme merveilleuse et vous l'êtes vous aussi..
    Oui; un nouveau chapitre de vôtre vie commence, mais soyez certaine que vos parents vous protègerons toujours. J'ai eu la grande chance et le bonheur de vivre 75 ans auprès de ma mère dans le même village .. la vie sans elle n'est pas facile mais il en est ainsi..
    Soyez certaine , que vôtre maman manquera a toutes et tous ceux qui suivent votre blog, elle était si rayonnante!
    Bon courage Billie Jo💕

  29. Dear Billie Jo,

    I'm sending you a big hug. When my momma moved to Heaven, I felt lost for quite awhile. There's no one like one's momma.

    May God comfort you and your family. May he remind you of the good things.

    I'm glad you thought to write down her words.

    Row row row your boat... that made me smile.

    God's peace to you,

    Laura Lane

  30. These pictures of your mom through the years are wonderful, Billie Jo. I especially love the Holy Communion photo. It's so dear that you wrote down some of the things she said the last few months to remember. She will remain in your heart forever. Sending a hug to you today.


    **I love the sweet love birds on your side bar and the Pink Valentine theme. : )

  31. I enjoyed seeing nice pictures of your mom and dad. My husband liked the Pittsburgh Steelers as well as he lived closed to Pittsburgh years ago. I miss my mom as well and I still have photos here and there of her. I still have a work card that has my dad's name and face on it. It's in my drawer by my computer. You are in my thoughts and prayers as you grieve the loss of you mom. Good memories. Virtual hugs!!==Becky

  32. I was always so touched when you would share things about your mom. She sounds like such a wonderful lady. I know God will comfort you and your sister with his presence and wonderful memories that will always be there. Thank you for sharing her with all of us. Lots of cozy hugs for you my friend.

  33. Billie Jo- I am so happy that. you have such wonderful memories of your mom and that you were so connected to her. That is a huge blessing and doesn't always happen in life. She will live on through you and your children and all of your memories of her. Hugs to you, sweet girl- xo Diana

  34. I've been thinking of you beautiful Friend. I love your Mom's song and her sayings. Such a lovely and wise Lady. Love the pics - your Mom is so pretty!! (like her daughter) I will be continuing to think of you and sending love and prayers on the wind for your continued peace and healing...that they may land right in your heart. 🙏🏻💗

  35. For some reason, I still cannot comment!! I'm lifting you all up in prayer! She had a beautiful life!!! Love you my friend--Jamie

  36. Hi Billie Jo. Please know you continue to be in my thoughts and prayers. I think of you often, and when I do, I lift you up in prayer for continued comfort and peace. Your mother was such a lovely, beautiful lady. I know our dear moms are smiling down on us. Hugs to you, dear friend!❤️

  37. These pictures are just wonderful, Billie Jo. I know your heart hurts. I feel like I know your mom a little bit through things you've shared - here and in other posts. You have preserved some good memories here. Prayers for continued healing of your broken heart.

  38. I lost mine not long ago and miss her a great deal. So happy that she was such a positive light in your life and in your heart. That lasts forever. It is wonderful.


Thanks so much for saying hello!

Billie Jo