June 17, 2024

Monday Morning Coffee Talk

Good morning! Was your weekend everything you wished it to be? We had a lovely one here, with delicious dinners cooked by the kids for their father, a beautiful mass, a relaxing visit to the beach, and a long afternoon nap for me. My son brought me flowers, Madison and Nicolas made Steve his favorite pasta dish, he talked to Peyton on the phone, and Rhett and Nicolas took him out for a drink. 

Flynn, Marty, Cosmo, and Mocha will finish our school year this week. I am happy to say they all passed eighth grade. A few of them need to work on some minor behavioral issues over the summer, though. : )

Oh, and if there are any questions, Halloween is always in style here.

Billie Jo


  1. Good Morning! Everything sounds lovely! Happy Father's Day to Steve!
    Congratulations on another successful school year! High school next year? Can't be possible!
    Have a wonderful week! It's going to be HOT here. Halloween is always in style here too. In my mind, I'm already there : ) Miss you guys! xx

  2. I have a lightweight Christmas quilt that hangs out on my love seat 100% of the time. I do keep it folded so the tiny ivy print just looks like a variegated green quilt. But when I am using it at night while we watch TV the Santa print is the one next to my body.

  3. Happy Monday Morning Billie Jo! What a beautiful weekend. Although the weather was iffy, we had a great morning at church yesterday, lunch with our daughter's extended in-love family. We were able to video chat with Alex and his family in London and our other son Jamie in Montana. A special day to talk to all three of them!
    A finish to the school here is pretty special. Piper has tennis camp this week so Papa is driving her this morning and I'll drive her the next two days while he's volunteering at the Open Door Mission. Piper time is always special.
    Have a great week my friend, joying in all our Lord has blessed us with.
    Blessings and love,

  4. The last week of school for another year! Good grief…time flies!

  5. The little bouquet is gorgeous! And the pasta dish looks so delicious. You are the WAVE Master. Your photos of the waves are always spot-on and so perfectly beautiful. Makes me feel like I need to dry my computer screen!

  6. Halloween is always the best anyways - so keep it up!

    I feel like I can hear those waves crashing.... ahhh!!!

  7. Love the beach pictures! I can smell the salt air :)

  8. Looks like Steve had a wonderful Father’s Day! The pictures are just gorgeous! Yay for the end of a great school year!

  9. Gorgeous photos! That pasta dish looks so delicious. Glad you had a good weekend! And hooray for the end of the school year!

  10. Congratulations, to all the eigth graders! Where has the year gone? Lily has just five weeks left at primary school now. I've spent this evening filling in forms and installing apps ready for her starting secondary school in September. Xx

  11. Hi Billie Jo. It's hard to believe we will both have ninth graders next year! Congrats on another successful year of homeschooling! That's a delicious looking pasta dish by the way! And what gorgeous flowers. It's a hot one here today and expected to get even hotter throughout the week. Indeed summer has arrived. I hope you are having a cozy day!

  12. Sounds like Steve had a very nice Fathers Day. The ocean view is spectacular!
    Glad school is done. I bet it was the teacher who had some behavorial issues!

  13. Hi Billie Jo! Sounds like such a nice weekend and a great Father's Day for Steve. Congrats on the completion of the 8th grade. Somehow, I 'm thinking Flynn probably wasn't the one with some behavior issues. ;-) Have a great week. See you again soon!

  14. Oh my, the waves, love that view...and the pasta, oh my, yum. It sounds like your family had a wonderful Father's Day! :)

  15. Hello, my friend. I have returned from vacation and am getting back into the swing of things when it comes to the world of blog. I've missed you but thoroughly enjoyed being in Maine for our youngest granddaughter's highschool graduation.

    I love your pictures of the waves...SO beautiful and peaceful. I can almost hear the water lapping along. And I am pleased to hear that your four 8th graders all passed. I'm sure the behavior problems will be worked out during the summer. :) So cute. xx

  16. Hi Billy Joe,
    looks like you had a great weekend.
    Happy Father's Day to Steve.
    The ocean is fantastic,
    the flowers are wonderful!
    I'm glad all the kids have moved on to the next grade!!

  17. Happy Tuesday to you! So glad you had a nice weekend and hope the week is off to a good start! And hooray for another school year in the books!! No doubt, everyone did so well because the teacher was amazing!!:)

  18. Sounds like a fun weekend :) And isn't finishing one school year and buying and exploring options for the next, so fun? I loved planning for the new year. The kids were just happy to be free! :) Boys.

  19. Oh the waves look so lovely...I could easily fall asleep to their sound. Great food, cheery flowers, and yay on wrapping up school - congrats to both of you! What a Dynamic Duo!!

  20. Lovely ocean pics, Billie Jo. Good for Flynn for completing eighth grade! That pasta dish looks really good. And so thoughtful of Rhett to bring you flowers. Sons have a way of bringing a smile to our faces often. ; )


    **your shell coffee cup is pretty!


Thanks so much for saying hello!

Billie Jo