April 5, 2024

Refrigerator Delight

Well, Hello there! Sorry to leave you hanging on Wednesday. I am usually consistent with posting on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, but Wednesday got away from me this week. I had an appointment, and that threw my whole day off. The title of today's post is from the files of things my Mom used to say, as are so many of the things I do. Because when your Mom is the best, you have a childhood filled with memories to draw from. My Mom cooked dinner every night when we were young. Dad got home from work a little after five, and dinner was at 5:30. She was a great cook, and I remember loving everything she made except one. Chili. I cannot and will not eat a bowl of chili. Can't explain it. Just is. Every so often, my dad would go somewhere, and takeout wasn't the rage then, let alone DoorDash. So Mom would serve "Refrigerator Delight. She would take whatever leftovers and random things she found in the fridge, and we would help ourselves. This post is just that. I looked through my photos and found the ones I still needed to share. What do these photos have in common? Nothing. Except. Like Mom's Refrigerator Delight, they are a collection of things that define moments in our happy family life. First up. Nicolas and Madison were thrilled to finally meet Marty.

Speaking of Marty, I wanted to reintroduce the assortment of pups in our family. Sometimes, I read a blog and need clarification, and I hesitate to ask because...Shouldn't I know this? This person is my friend; I have read this blog for years! I cannot ask. Tell me I'm not the only one? Anyway, here are the dogs that call us family.

This is Mocha, my little Yorkie. She is eight years old and never leaves my side. Unless she does. And then she barks. Or howls.

Next is Draper. Draper is four years old and is Madison and Nico's Havanese pup. He is the sweetest dog and loves them so much.

Here is Jenny, Christopher, and Peyton's beautiful Lab. I don't know how old she is, but she has been Christopher's for a long time, and Peyton loves her so much! Jenny is so relaxed, well-behaved, and kind.

Next is Cosmo, Steve's ten-month-old Cavapoo. When we lost our Kirby last summer, Steve knew no other dog would take his place. Cosmo isn't trying to do that. He is here to love us and make us smile. Cosmo is by far the cuddliest and most tender-hearted dog ever. I know Kirby picked him out for us. 

Finally, here is Marty. He is Flynn's Maltipoo puppy. He is three months old and a cutie! Flynn researched, studied, prayed, and wished, and finally, she chose Marty. Or maybe he chose her; whatever the case, he is the newest member of our family, and we all adore him.

What else? Oh yes. I had my hair chopped, and I am thrilled. It is short and healthy, and I can still pull it back with a couple several bobby pins if I want. And I really am not someone who takes pictures of herself on a regular basis. I just always like to show Madison as soon as I am done. 

Peyton and Chris had us all over for dinner last night, and it was delicious. She made lasagna and homemade breadsticks, and Kyrstin made a delicious salad with homemade dressing. Madison brought ice cream to go with the skillet cookie pizza Peyton made for dessert. Although there is absolutely no photographic evidence of that, I assure you, it was amazing! Steve and I sat on her cozy couch and watched all the kids play cards after dinner. Although I was lovingly teased about how I would write about it on the blog, I am going to do just that. I felt so much joy and contentment watching those little children we brought into this world as young adults and one teen, along with the amazing person each chose, playing and laughing together. God is good, you know. I loved, loved, loved being a mom of little ones. But I am loving this chapter of my life, too. So very much.

Finally, here is an assortment of random photos that I could try to caption, but in the interest of us all moving on with our day, I will not. This is just life—ordinary life—the best life there is.

Have a wonderful weekend, my friends!

Billie Jo


  1. Hey Billie Jo! Sounds like some good eats for sure. I love your mom's outlook too. That makes it fun. We do leftover nights here, just whatever is in the fridge that needs eaten. Fun to do that. Wishing you lots more yummy foods your way. Cheers, Ivy.

  2. Happy Friday, Billie Jo, what a great assortment of pictures - such a cute haircut for summertime! I’m going to borrow the term refrigerator delight😊 it’s perfect! By about Thursday I’ll see what’s in the fridge, there's not usually enough leftovers for all of us to eat the same thing, but we can all enjoy something different - and I don’t feel like I’m wasting food. I love seeing all the pups – they bring such joy to our lives. I know how you feel about asking questions - I feel the same way. But lately I just chalk it up to there’s too much in my head, and I have to delete something! Have a great weekend, hard to believe we’re in April.

  3. Have a great weekend too, Billie Jo. A life of family and ordinary things is a real blessing.

  4. Ah, your mom looks so happy! She has such a sweet smile. My mom cooked every night as well. Actually every mom I knew cooked every night. That's just how families had dinner. My dad was not a leftovers guy and I do not remember having them. Not sure how Mom cleared out the refrigerator!?! I love your hair cut. I cannot wait until mine is that length again!! Enjoy all that puppy love...oh what joy they bring us!! Have a great weekend, friend.

  5. Love the title of this my Friend - and especially the meaning behind the term. 💗 And loved your catch up. You have such a beautiful family and wonderful way of sharing them all. I ADORE your haircut! One of these days I'm going to do the big chop - just haven't gotten up the guts yet. And thanks for the puppy clarification - I think I had them all pretty well down other than I didn't remember sweet Jenny. Blessings on your weekend ahead. xo

  6. I have never seen so many adorable and cuddly dogs in one family! And you are right about needing a pooch update. I often do not know things on other's blogs that I think I should know. Plus my memory is getting bad as well. But in defense, we DO follow quite a few blogs! I love your hair! It is shiny and beautiful, and you are a natural blonde! You are beautiful!

  7. I so enjoyed this post with all the pictures of your pups and family! Yikes, do you have snow?! I love your hair cut! I wish I could cut mine off. :)
    Dinner sounded wonderful! So satisfying to just sit with your family playing games. I love hearing my family having a good time.
    Thanks for sharing!

  8. A trip down animal memory lane! I especially love the yorkie. Your hairdresser did a great job with your new hairdo. It suits you to a tee.

  9. I love your moms refrigerator delight! I just know I would love her too. She is delightful.
    The photos are great - full of joy and love.

  10. Dearest Billie Jo,
    Lovely introductions to your family's sweet puppies!
    They sure do add a lot of joy to our family.

  11. Oh, that lasagna looks delicious. It's actually one of my favorite dishes. Such fun family time. I have to say that I do get mixed up with the names of all your pups because they look like they are from the same family. But I will remember Peyton's Lab, as we used to have a white Lab ourselves, and Yes, they are such good dogs. Your haircut is cute. And it was so nice to hear about your mom when you were growing up and her cooking. I love a good bowl of chili and cornbread.

    Have a very nice weekend, Billie Jo.


  12. Super cute dogs!!!
    Good eats.

  13. What a nice random catch-up. The pictures are great, and the pups are too cute!

  14. Billie Jo!! I LOVE your haircut!! It really looks fantastic on you! I used to wear mine like that, and loved it, but let it grow out a few years ago. I'd love to get it done like that again. Anyway, I love all of your family pics and the doggy pics, too! You have such a great crew! Blessed indeed!

  15. Your haircut is wonderful! It's perfect for you and you're beautiful. I know I'm a more recent reader of your blog, but I have a strong feeling that you're beautiful inside and out.
    Your family pictures are so wonderful and you are indeed very blessed. Our kids are spread all over the world but I am very, very grateful for facetime. We make use of it very often.
    Today we had my sister, neice and her sweet husband Tim, our daughter Mandy and granddaughter, Piper over for homemade chicken & noodles. We had hours of fun, laughter and just being together, something we missed when we were in Spokane for 30 years. Family. There is nothing like the love of family is there?
    Blessings and hugs,

  16. Thank you for that walk through your pictures :) I love your hair!

  17. Nice dogs in your family. I remember making some food like your mom did. We named it why not stoop. Our kids were young and they liked it too. We saw a cute dog yesterday at Denny's restaurant for lunch after church. Nice hair cut. I get mine trimmed every 3 months. Have a blessed week. ~~Becky

  18. I understand how you feel...I, too, enjoyed being the mom of little ones but then they became adults and that season of our lives became even more fun. And now, we are watching our grandchildren grow into amazing adults as well. Loved and continue to love every single season!


Thanks so much for saying hello!

Billie Jo