April 29, 2024

Monday Morning Coffee

Good Monday morning, my friends! How was your weekend? I hope it was just what you planned for back on Friday afternoon! Our weekend was full of family, food, and fun. As a self-described introvert who thrives on spending cozy time at home, I enjoyed a wonderful weekend not doing that! We went to dinner at Steve's brother's house Friday night. My sister-in-law and friend Beth made the most delicious meal of stromboli, a spinach salad with feta cheese, mandarin oranges, dried cranberries, pecans, and fresh fruit salad. It was so nice visiting in their beautiful home. 

On Saturday afternoon, we went to mass and then had dinner with my best friend Heather and her husband, Dave. We went to a local restaurant and ate, visited, and laughed until we had tears in our eyes. Peyton and Chris invited Flynn to spend the night at their house, and she had the best time. Christopher taught both Peyton and Flynn some archery tips. They made homemade pizza, watched a movie, and played games. Flynn had a blast.

Sunday afternoon, we visited my momma, which was wonderful! She cried happy tears, as did I, when she saw me, and the weather was so lovely we could sit outside and visit. It was Mom's first time outside this spring, and she was thrilled! After our visit, we went to dinner with my sister Margie and her husband Chris. We went to the same little pizza place we used to in high school, and I got the same delicious steak and cheese sandwich I got back then, too! And may I add, deep-fried mushrooms dipped in ranch dressing are highly underrated. 

Some people say Peyton and Flynn could be twins.

I'd have to agree. And how appropriate since Peyton has been caring for Flynn since she was born.

I can testify to the fact that the pizza they made is AMAZING.

In closing, Reminder to self: 

This is good.

And this is good, too.

Happy Monday, my friends!

Billie Jo


  1. What a wonderful family-filled, fun-filled, memory-making weekend – the best! The pizza looks great, and I love that spinach salad, but it’s been ages since I’ve had it. I think I know what’s for dinner! 😊

  2. This sounds like an awesome weekend!!! And now I really want pizza!

  3. How lovely! It's crazy how much Peyton and Flynn look alike to me and I only see them through pics. (Though someday friend!!) Sounds like delicious food and great company: all things that make a weekend grand!

  4. Love the weekend catch up! I teared up just reading about you and your Mom tearing up seeing each other. Love that so much. 😍 And I've always thought that Peyton and Flynn look a lot alike - so I'm glad to know I'm not the only one. Lol How wonderful that your children are all so good to one another. And your dinner with your in-law's and that pizza both have my mouth watering!
    Blessings on your week ahead.

  5. Sounds like a wonderful weekend of food, fun and laughter. Pizza looked great. Here's to a fun rest of your week!

  6. Sounds like an amazing weekend! Sometimes you just have to get out and do some things! Haha! I'm like you, I am very much a homebody, but enjoy fun times out every once in a while to see people and have new experiences, but then I'm thankful to be home again. So glad Flynn had a fun time, too. Glad you had a good visit with your mama. I know that did your heart good! I've been seeing some good things about that book. Such a sad reason for it to be written, though.

  7. Hope your week is just as lovely! Enjoy!

  8. Hi Billie Jo. Sounds like you had a wonderful weekend filled with friends and family! That's the best kind of weekend. That book sounds very good. I'll need to see if the library has it. I had been trying not to buy so many book, but so far I am not having much success. ;-) Have a great week!

  9. It sounded like a great weekend for everyone. And that pizza looks amazing! Xx

  10. What a fun weekend! That pizza is making me hungry this morning! Your time with your Mom warmed my heart!! :) Hope you're having a good week! Crazy weather and tornadoes very close to me last weekend in Nebraska. Take care

  11. What a fun weekend. Archery shooting is a fun sport, and I learned it in high school myself. The pizza looks Yummy, and homemade is even better. So glad your mom got to be outside this Spring. It's warming up everywhere, and the sun must have felt so nice for her. The white blossom tree is sooooo pretty. A happy week to you, Billie Jo.


    **LOVE your cup this morning! My best friend just gave me a cup, and with the travels, the handle got broke. Thankfully, she's getting me a new one. But I can see you love coffee cups as much as I do, my friend. : )

  12. A lovely post, such a great weekend with your sweet family. Your momma must have been overjoyed to see you. That pizza, oh my! I also love spinach salads. So glad you had such a wonderful time my friend.


Thanks so much for saying hello!

Billie Jo