November 28, 2023

Welcome, Christmas!

Remember when it was September, and we could not believe it was fall? Where did summer go? And then, at Halloweeen, we said it was impossible that Thanksgiving was only a few weeks away! And now, we are at the beginning of the Christmas season. In the blink of an eye, we will be planting flowers and cleaning off porch furniture. I love this time of year and have decided to make a conscious effort to be in each moment and enjoy it completely. Then, when it is over for another year, I will be comforted by the fact that I savored each and every moment of Christmas 2023. 

I am going old school this year. I am not going to be influenced by the influencers to buy, spend, and consume. I am going to use what we have and cook what we like. Rather than riding the social media train, speeding through the season, scrolling, buying, and feeling pressure, I am hopping off. Instead, I will stroll through this beautiful time of year with my family, doing what we like together. Just like my mom used to do. 

Happy Wednesday!

Billie Jo


  1. Beautiful decorations! I'm also trying to take the time to simply enjoy the season a bit more this time. Hope you are in the middle of a wonderful week!

  2. Dearest Billie Jo,
    Wise words here above.
    Exactly our Moms and Grandmothers never lived for social media or for spending because it got dictated/brainwashed... Sorry, not for us as it isn't even a recipe for any added happiness.
    Family is important!!!

  3. Such a lovely wreath, my friend. Very pretty and welcoming on your front porch! Have a happy afternoon.

  4. Your front door porch is so welcoming and perfect for the season. :) And your home always looks so cozy. I love your ideas for this year - amen to that! Enjoy savoring every minute dear Friend. xo

  5. Lovely decorations!! I find if I concentrate on the real reason for Christmas it's a peaceful happy one. :)

  6. I LOVE this, Billie Jo! I love that you are going to use what you have and cook what you and your family likes! We are jumping off that train together, my sweet friend! xx

  7. Slow down, time! I am really enjoying these cozy days, with white lights glowing all around the house. I put up garland over the kitchen sink window, with white lights in it, love it. We wish we could leave it up all year. To be content with what you have is a beautiful thing. I am working on keeping things simpler this year...I have 40 on my list, and that's just my kids, spouses, grandkids, and husband. I love them all so much, want to give each of them everything, want them to feel loved and adored, cherished...but I can do that year round, having my home open for them and making them meals, ect. One or two simple gifts each, except for the four who still live at home, should do...I do love visiting your blog, Billie Jo, it's always calming and serene:).

  8. I think that's a wonderful way to approach the holiday season! I am already SO over the emails I've been bombarded with, many from the same exact website, several times a day! Like you, I just want a simpler and quieter Christmas this year.

  9. Christmas arrives whether we are ready or not. And I am not yet ready :) Fingers crossed I can make a start this weekend.
    Your decorations look beautiful. X

  10. I love this! I hope, as the world gets crazier, that more and more people will realize that we can slow down and savor the holiday once again. We need to bring back the beauty of Christmas, which is simple and all about family (and Jesus). I'll have to refer back to this post as a good reminder :)

  11. Hi, Billie Jo! I am with you — using what I have and taking the time to enjoy the season. Your photos are lovely and so is your decor. BTW, I posted awhile back about being concerned about my blog’s safety but I feel it is all good and I was just overreacting so please feel free to visit without fear! Have a wonderful Advent!

    1. Hello! I went to your blog, but I see it is set to private. Just wanted to let you know!

  12. Strolling through the Christmas season is a perfect idea. I would like to enjoy every second as time passes so quickly
    I love your decor... so elegant! I have just finished decorating our front porch... Im trying to keep everything cosy and welcoming... I hope I've achieved it
    Phoebe x

  13. Absolutely love this and will be doing the same. We don’t have much as far as Christmas decor but what we do have brings joy along with treasured memories.

  14. I want to savor all of the moments, too! Another thing I have to remember is to keep my expectations in check. Sometimes mine are too high, and I feel disappointed a lot. I blame social media for this! I've tried to not be on that as much so that I'll stop the comparison game. It's a struggle sometimes!

  15. Oh me too, Bille Jo. I plan to enjoy the Christmas season and try not get stressed out over anything.

  16. That's the best way to spend the Christmas season, doing the things that bring peace, joy, and love. Such wise words on here today, my friend. : )



Thanks so much for saying hello!

Billie Jo