October 30, 2023

Monday Morning Coffee: Halloween Week Edition!

Good Monday morning, and Happy Halloween Eve! We celebrated this weekend with our annual Family Halloween Party. We sure missed Peyton and Chris, who were here last weekend, but she surprised us by sending down these amazingly delicious cookies for the party! The kids went all out with the costumes this year! We ate, played games, and had lots of fun together. I was thankful that the dining room furniture arrived just in time!

If Saturday was all about Halloween fun, then Sunday was for cozy and quiet and the beauty of an ordinary autumn day. 

Today is going to be beautiful here, so Flynn and I are going to do school earlier than usual and then head to the beach. The rest of the week is going to be much more fall-ish, so we thought we'd get one more beach visit in. Thank you for all the love for Cosmo, our furry new family member. He is absolutely precious and, so far, quite the snuggler. Mocha is warming up to him, too! I hope you have a wonderful day, my friends. And have a Happy-Not-Too-Spooky-Halloween!!!



  1. Looks like the family had a great time at the party! That's so fun that you do things like that together. Enjoy your time with Flynn at the beach!

  2. Looks like you had a nice Halloween celebration with the family. The cookies are adorable. Enjoy your walk on the beach today. It's cold here.

  3. Happy Halloween! Looks like such a fun celebration and wow, those cookies...yum. Enjoy your wonderful weather today. And congrats on that new furry family member. Hope you have a wonderful week!

  4. Oh, what a fun time, and I enjoyed seeing all the costumes. Madison looks so cute in her blonde hair. There was just something about Flynn's costume that made me smile. Peyton's cookies look so Yummy. I wish I had one (or three) to go with my coffee right now haha. Your candle holder is just right and makes the table festive. The Fall foliage around your new home is so pretty, and it looks like such peaceful surroundings. And isn't Princess Sassy Pants the best? I immediately came right over when you said you have one of her pictures today.

    Happy November days to you, sweet friend.


    ***I think they're closing the McDonalds up here cause they didn't get enough business, which really surprised me cause there were always long lines when I drove through. But the eateries I heard that might replace it is Burger King or Taco Bell, which will be nice. Gotta have our fast food once in awhile, right? ; )

  5. You guys have so much fun! Love the costumes :)

  6. I love how you and your family really get into each holiday in such a festive way. Happy Halloween! And enjoy the week ahead.

  7. It was a very good halloweens party, celebrating the moment. It is so good. And what a beautiful pictures of the nearest wood in autum.

  8. Happy Halloween! Everything looks so festive. Those cookies are adorable! I love the children's costumes. Hugs to you my friend!

  9. Love the costumes!! So cute!! You all know how to do Halloween right!! Enjoy the beach -- it's in the 20s in Nebraska for a few more days till 30s and 40s return! Too cold too soon!

  10. Everyone looks so festive in their costumes! It's another warm day here today in the low 80s, but tomorrow will barely reach 50 degrees. Breathe in some sea air for me - I'm missing the beach.

  11. Your dining room setting for the party is suitable spooky and elegant at the same time. The costumes are awesome, and the cookies look so cool. A shame to eat them, as they are little works of art.

  12. It looks like you all had so much fun. I would love to have one of those cookies right now. I love how your family loves each other and being together.
    Blessings and hugs,

  13. It looks like you guys had an amazing time! I love reading and seeing pictures of all of your holiday traditions! Those cookies look fabulous!!
    Enjoy your Halloween tomorrow! Here it is supposed to be COLD (they are calling for snow tomorrow night into Wednesday morning! EEK!)

  14. What a fun weekend! Your Halloween party looks like it was fun, and those black candles are amazing. It kind of makes me want some! I hope you got your beach visit in today; it's very chilly and dreary where I live in Tennessee, but I love the weather. It feels extra fall and cozy. Happy Monday!

  15. Looks like you had so much fun! Love to see your family enjoying each other.
    I love your fall photos, so pretty!

  16. What great looking cookies. I love one about now. :)

  17. You had a wonderful weekend by the look of it. I hope this week is just as lovely!

  18. Hi Billie Jo! What a fun family Halloween party! All of your costumes are awesome and those Halloween cookies look absolutely delish. The fall photos are beautiful. Cutting school a little short to spend time at the beach sounds like the best way to begin the week. Have a good one. Happy Halloween to all of you! See you again soon. :-)

  19. Catching up on posts dear Friend! First of all, Cosmo is absolutely precious! And next - your crew truly went epic on their costumes this year! I just love it! And you put on quite the fun spooky spread. :) I hope you got to watch your Halloween movie already (maybe even a few times? Lol) Your color is gorgeous there now! The beach sounds like a great plan while you can. And tomorrow we can start thinking all things holidays ahead. ;0) Happy Halloween! 🎃 👻 🍁

  20. Your family really knows how to celebrate. Great pictures. Happy Halloween!!

  21. What a lovely idea to have a family Halloween Party. Thank you for all the great photos, so enjoyable! Happy Halloween!

  22. I love that y'all do a Halloween dinner together! Peyton just knocks it out of the park with her cooking! The cookies look amazing! The costumes are awesome as well! So much fun!


Thanks so much for saying hello!

Billie Jo