August 7, 2023

Monday Morning Coffee Talk

Good Monday morning! How was your weekend? We had a nice one here, starting with Rhett's lovely girlfriend Kyrstin celebrating her 23rd birthday! We enjoyed Steve's homemade shrimp and steak fried rice, fresh watermelon, and cantaloupe for dinner before an evening boat ride and a game of trivia made by Rhett! She requested brownies and Peyton's chocolate chip cookies for dessert. We had a wonderful evening celebrating this most amazing young woman. One birthday tradition we have as a family is to go around the table on a person's birthday and tell that person something we like about him or her and one special memory we have. It was so lovely hearing what everyone shared about Kyrstin and seeing the different relationships she has made with each of us. I am blessed to have her as my only son's person, a fact that I do not take for granted. Rhett is a very dear soul and always has been. As the mother of that little boy who held my hand and picked me flowers,  I often thought about and prayed for the young woman who would one day have his heart. I could not have asked for a better woman than Kyrstin. She is kind, fun, loving and fits into our close-knit family. She loves my son, and he loves her, which makes me happy and thankful. I also love that she is like I am in so many ways! I also realized that night that suddenly, I had become a woman I admired and loved so much, Steve's Mum. It hit me that Kyrstin is like I was when Steve and I were young, and I am now like his Mum, the woman who raised the man I love. Life goes by quickly, doesn't it?!

Also, this weekend, Peyton and Chris invited Flynn to go to the local fair with them, and of course she was thrilled! They had a great time eating fair food, winning prizes...yay SpongeBob!...and seeing all the animals. I am thankful the older kids enjoy including Flynn in their fun times. I am older now and happy to be home on the couch, knowing she is having fun!

Mocha and Steve are finding their new relationship comforting. And it is actually a joy to watch. Mocha knows exactly what each of us needs and is always there to help.

Here she is, snuggling on my bed while I do the laundry. And please note the piles of clean laundry on the window ledge. The laundry room is right off the bedroom, and after it is folded, I make piles for the people to pick up. Some pick them up, while others prefer to pick off the pile. And I am okay with that! 

I hope you have a lovely week! I cannot believe some schools are beginning again so soon. That makes me sad, especially when I look outside and see the kids playing and swimming in the lake, doing exactly what kids should be doing in the summer. Kids should be kids, and summer is short enough. When I was little, school was out from the first of June until after Labor Day. And that is my rant for the day.

Have a great day, my friends. Thanks for stopping by!

Sorry, not sorry!



  1. I understand about going back to school early. Sad. However having taught from 1994 to 2013 and subbing to 2018, I realized kids were usually excited to be back but burned out after spring break. My grandsons don’t mind going back early here in Florida and oh my eager to finish at the end of the year. My seniors especially want to be finished in April. I always kept my fun fun Shakespeare unit for the last few weeks. We did so many activities that they stayed on target. Love love your blog. Brenda

  2. They actually passed a law here that public schools cannot start prior to the 3rd week of August (which is still very early, I think we always used to start the last week or maybe even after Labor Day) but of course, some schools like my preschool are exempt somehow. SIGH. I, too think it starts much too early. It's always so pleasant and comforting to read about your family and see how all the love just comes through in your writing. Hope you have a wonderful and cozy week!

  3. That is so sweet that your grown kids welcome Flynn into their outings. That is because you raised them that way! What a fun and poignant reflection to see that you have become Steve's mom, and Krysten is you. And such a blessing to know that your son has found a loving, caring girlfriend. As moms, that's all that we hope for for our children. I think it's ludicrous that schools start back to school in August. I'm for starting after Labor Day---the way we did when I was growing up. However, when I homeschooled, we schooled through the summer, took the fall off, and began our new year in November.

  4. What a beautiful couple they are! It is often said that men choose a woman like their mother, whether subconsciously or not. I have found this to be true with our son as well. His wife is so much like me in so many ways!

  5. Okay the first half of this post made me tear up. How wonderful your kids are finding the right person for them and you are so blessed to be along for the ride and included! It makes me so very very happy. That's the goal right?

    Iowa has a law that without a waiver you can't start until August 23... so guess what day we all start school? August 23. MN was always after Labor Day. I will say, it is nice to have just a few days to adjust to school and then to have a long weekend to refresh before the big September push.

  6. I agree, it seems so early for schools to be starting. Even in our area. They always started just after Labor Day but this year, they will begin in just two weeks! I'm hanging on to summer....for as long as I possibly can!!

  7. I love your birthday tradition and I'm sure Kyrstin was touched by it.
    Fun times at the Fair!
    Glad Mocha is giving comfort to all. It's so hard.
    I'm not ready to think about school starting!

  8. I love that the kids find fun things to do together that bring them closer! And I am with you 100% - school should not start until after Labor Day. Kids need to be kids - playing, unwinding, relaxing from the stress of school and homework deadlines. I don't know who decided school should begin in August - probably the same cranky parents who can't wait for school to begin. They don't realize what they're, down from my soapbox!

    1. Agree with you 100%. Summer is so short as it is.

  9. You have a close knit family which is a blessing for sure. Have a great week.

  10. Your family is so beautiful and I love how much ya'll do things together! I wish my parents would have wanted the same before we moved away. They rarely did anything with us.

    YES! School is starting way too soon :( I think it should start closer to September, as it did for so long. Also, teacher's need to be paid wayyy more and more focus should me made for different programs for all students, no one is a cookie cutter. Rant over! :)

  11. What a beautiful blessing Kyrstin is! You are so lucky to have a good relationship with her. Trust me, I know how far the other direction it can go. Our daughter-in-law tore our family apart. Okay....happier thoughts. The birthday dinner sounds divine and I love the tradition of telling the birthday person what you like about them. As for time passing quickly...oh, yes, much too quickly!

  12. P.S. Here in TX a low percent of students passed the STARR test. It hasn't been this low since the early 2000s. So, the state of Texas logic is to add more weeks of work. I disagree. Students need less work and might be more up to learning w/o such a heavy burden they put on them these days. You can only retain so much information everyday.

  13. Both you, Flynn and her older siblings are so fortunate for their relationships with her'
    School starts here Wednesday. I have never understood the economics of starting in what is always the hottest month of the year. Just the power bills for air conditioning alone would seem to dictate a later start. But they never ask me!

  14. When my husband and I announced our engagement to his parents, the first thing my mother-in-law said was how she wanted to be as good of a mother-in-law to me, as hers had been to her. And she was! I think of her often, and hope that I am measuring up to my wonderful sons and daughter-in-law.

  15. Hello lovely Friend. 😊 Happy birthday to Kyrstin! The fair looks like it was lots of fun. And I love that Mocha has such a sweet sympathizing heart for you all - that sweet baby. 💕 Love your Wednesday Addams moment. Lol 😉

  16. Oh, you are anything but Wednesday Addams! :) What an moment, realizing you are now in the same position Steve's mum was. Life has a beautiful way of surprising us like that. I agree with you, kids don't really have a full summer break anymore. My granddaughter got out the end of June (the 27th this year!) and is headed back the end of August. Hardly enough time to get to enjoy everything summertime has to offer.

  17. Hello my friend :) I love how dogs can sense our emotional needs. It really is special. And your future DIL is beautiful :) I am nothing like my MIL, but Collin (my youngest) certainly married a carbon copy of me, which we get a big kick out of. When I watch Morgan and Collin interact, it's like holding a mirror to David and I and I just laugh ;) And I had my "back to school" rant last week. Our neighbor girls have only been back for a few days now and they are already complaining. I suspect it's because they weren't ready to give up on summer yet. Another reason I'm so thankful we homeschooled. I like being in charge of my kid's schedules. Have a wonderful day! See you back here on Wednesday :)

  18. What a beautiful couple they are and what an added blessing Kyrsten brings to your family. I wish them a lifetime together filled with love and happiness and all the things we mothers want for our children. Yes, summer has flown by as it always does. My kids go back to school on the 23rd. Summer always seems to start slow and then bam here we are. Crazy. I hope you have a great week ahead!

  19. Yes Billy, School always started after Labor Day! I love your Home!.

  20. What beautiful post. Happy Birthday to Krystin. I am wednesday Addams too!

  21. Happy Birthday Kristin! Looks like a great day and always so good to see people enjoying themselves. Happy August to you all.

  22. Your window ledge is my dining table :) Always covered in laundry.
    Belated birthday wishes to Kristin! X

    1. Kyrstin, sorry. This is why I shouldn't use my phone (autocorrect) to comment :)

  23. Happy Birthday to Kyrstin. Yummy Birthday brownies! It looks like Flynn is having a great time at the local fair. So good of Peyton to take her. That's a cute SpongeBob she got to take home. I miss the county fair in my hometown. It was always such fun. That is a neat idea to fold laundry and make piles for them to pick up. It makes me sad also that school is already starting for some. I remember 'back to school' always being in September, and I wish it still was. This was a wonderful post, Billie Jo, with a little of this and that. ; )



Thanks so much for saying hello!

Billie Jo