May 8, 2020

Before She Was Mom

You all know my mom. She is the most amazing, kind, happy, loving, helpful soul ever. I have always known her as "Mom". Of course, I have seen photos of her from her wedding and from when she was little. 

But I had never seen this photo before. I came across this photo the other day, and I was able to pick her out immediately! Can you? This photo was taken when my mom was a sophomore in high school. And for some reason, it hit me differently. I had never seen my mother as Margaret, or Red, as many people called her then. I loved getting a glimpse into her life as a teenager in the 1950's, among her friends, on picture day at school. I thought about how she chose the dress she did that day, and how she styled her hair. What class did she have right before? Did she go home right after school, or walk to the soda shop with her friends? I thought of her going home to my grandma's house, and asking what was for dinner. I thought of all the things I knew about her life that she didn't know that day, as she smiled for the camera. I am so very thankful I stumbled upon this photo a few days before Mother's Day. I loved spending some time with my lovely mother... before she was Mom. 

To all the mothers, grandmothers, godmothers, those waiting to be, those praying to be, Happy and Blessed Mother's Day!

P.S. My mom is in the front row, the fourth girl from the left, in the polka dot dress. : )


  1. Your Mother hasnt changed......she still looks young, and I am so happy she is still with you. My Mom died when I was 34 and I miss her all the time.

  2. Yes I picked her out right away! What wonderful pictures of your beautiful Mom! I always love the old photos best! Happy Mother's Day to you and your Mom! HUGS!

  3. How wonderful. It's hard to think of our parents as young even if we remember them younger. Just like our kids cannot see us that way. For that matter, it's hard for me to think of myself as anyone but mom! ~smile~
    Be blessed fellow mom,

  4. That photo is a great find! It is hard to think of my mom before I was born as she was only 18 when she had me and there are not many photos of her before I was born. I hope you and your mom have a WONDERFUL Mother's Day!

  5. I found her right away!!! And I can see you...

  6. Easy to spot. Pretty girl and I love her dress.

  7. Happy Birthday to your mom from a fellow May baby.
    She was the best dressed girl in the front row. Love me some polka-dots - they're timeless!
    P.S. Happy Mother's Day to all!

  8. Loved this...and I picked her out right away too!

    This is my first Mother's Day without my Mom...she died last June at age 94..

    Hug your Mom for me!

  9. Your mom is lovely! My dear mama died when she was only 69, fourteen years ago. Her birthday was in May, and when the lilacs bloom, it's all about memories of her. My mother also had red hair, the brightest of red, right into her old age. Well, it faded a little bit, but we could still find her in Kmart.
    Happy Mother's Day to your beautiful mom!

  10. I picked your mom out right away, smiles. You resemble her, Billie Jo. Wishing you a very happy Mother's Day and yes, it has been snowing and it is bitter cold (20*).

  11. Yep, I picked your mom out right away. What a great picture to have! I am lucky to have hundreds of pics of my mom from her young girl days. Her maternal grandfather was a professional photographer and she was his only grandchild, so his camera was often trained on her.

    Happy Mother's Day to you and to your lovely mom.

  12. She's beautiful … just like her daughters and granddaughters! Happy 83rd birthday to her! :)

  13. Your mom is just precious and beautiful. She did well by you and I know you do her proud. Happy 83rd birthday to her. What a blessing to have a good mom that has been part of your adult life. xo Diana

  14. Your Mom has a radiant smile! Happy Birthday to her as well! You have a beautiful family!

  15. I say a special prayer for your mom everyday as I worry about her. She is a lovely woman with a lovely daughter.

  16. What a sweet post, Billie Jo. I just love the old pictures too and always wonder about the story behind them. What a treasured picture this is of your Mother as a Sophomore in high school. The picture of her and Flynn is a dear one too. You have a close relationship with your Mom, and that is a wonderful thing, indeed.


  17. This is so sweet Billie Jo! I hope you all had a wonderful Mother's Day. I picked your Mom before you even said - because i could see you in her so well. 💜 🙏


Thanks so much for saying hello!

Billie Jo