August 30, 2024

Friday Fun On Labor Day Weekend

Hello, my friends. And Happy Friday! Well, the sun has set on another lake summer, and as much as I love autumn, I am always a bit sad when we take our last boat ride of the year. It seems one minute, we are zipping around on the Fourth of July with so many others, tubing, skiing, and swimming in the cool water, a break from summer's hot, humid days. And the next, we are taking an evening ride on a near-empty lake, signs of autumn surrounding us with cooler air, fading leaves, and that distinct feel of fall.

That is life, I suppose. A slow transition from one season to the next. We often seem to cling to one as it ends, even as we happily anticipate the beginning of the next. So, as Steve cleared out the boat and made plans to cover and store it, I took out my Pumpkin Spice candle and made plans to decorate for fall. 

Speaking of fall, and you know I love that, here are a few questions for you, my friends! Feel free to leave your answers in the comments. Mine are right beneath. 

1. Do you decorate your home for fall? If so, when?

I try to wait until Labor Day. So far, so good! 

2. If you decorate for Halloween, do you do it when you put out your fall decor or wait a bit?

I usually wait until the end of September for all the spooky!

3. Do you have a favorite fall scent?

Can you guess? Yankee Candle Pumpkin Spice!!! 

4. What fall treat are you looking forward to the most?

Definitely Chocolate Chip Pumpkin Bread and pumpkin spice creamer. Oh, and Fall Harvest Cake and Spiderweb Munch! Pumpkin Cake with Cream Cheese Icing is good, too. Apple pie. Ohhhhh! Pumpkin Pie! 

Happy Labor Day Weekend, my friends! It has been a bit since I have been around visiting. I will rectify that this weekend. We will be back in Maryland for the fall, and I look forward to some slower, cozier days!

Billie Jo

August 28, 2024

Just Some Really Random Stuff Today

Hello! Welcome to Wednesday and a round-up of some really random things on my mind and my phone. 

First this. I have no recollection of why I took this photo. Most likely, it was a picture for a post about a delicious Italian recipe or because I couldn't remember what type of Olive oil I bought at the store. The world may never know.

Remember last week when I posted about the perfect, fallish, cooler weather we were having? Me either.

However, I can pretend it is a glorious autumn afternoon with a pumpkin spice iced coffee! McDonald's has them now, and because they will surely be out of them when fall actually arrives, I got one yesterday and thoroughly enjoyed it.

And just a reminder to anyone who needs to hear it, anxiety sucks. It can make you feel like you are going crazy. It fills your mind with so much worry that you literally can't get out of bed. You miss the person you were before anxiety took a stronghold on you...all these things. I did, too. And if I may be so bold, I want to validate all those feelings. Yet, I also want to remind you there is hope. With help from loved ones, a doctor or therapist, commitment to the hard work required, compassion for yourself, and maybe medication, you will be able to move past this anxiety-filled time. You will be you again. Just so you know, I am here cheering you on!

Well, I need to get going with my day, although...

LOL! Have a wonderful Wednesday, my friends.

Billie Jo

( Pinterest for all the fun. )

August 26, 2024

Monday Morning Coffee

Good Monday morning, my friends. I hope you had a lovely weekend. We started the weekend with an informal dinner on the deck with our neighbors and our friends Heather and Dave. Our neighbor makes the most amazing Jerk Chicken, and he made two huge pans of it. I made some homemade macaroni and cheese with a new-to-us Mango Cucumber Salad. It was easy and delicious! I will link it down below. The Jerk Chicken recipe on that page is different from the one he uses, so I cannot vouch for it!

Saturday, Steve, Flynn, Peyton, and Chris went to a Pirate game in Pittsburgh. They had a great time, even though the Pirates didn't. Oh, well, Next time. 

While they were out and about, I was having my own fun. I spent the day alone, just me and the pups. I got caught up on Flynn's scrapbook and had delicious leftover jerk chicken and macaroni and cheese for dinner. I did several loads of laundry, with three fluffy friends helping me sort the socks. I also spent much of the night like this. If those dogs enjoy snuggling on the couch, cozy as can be, who am I to deny them that, right?? Meanwhile, back in Maryland, Madison and Nicolas took one for the team and made sure my Jeep didn't get lonely while I was away. Thanks, guys.

On Sunday, we took a short drive through some beautiful mountains to see my mom. I snapped a picture of a different view of the lake because it looked so pretty as we drove by. We had a wonderful visit with Mom! She was happy to see me and loved the gift we got her. It is a Twiddle Muff I found online at the Alzheimer's Store. It is soft and cuddly but also works to occupy her hands, which tend to get fidgety as the disease progresses. She loves running her fingers over the smooth pieces of ribbon! I felt much better leaving this time, knowing she is where she is supposed to be. The ride home was better this time, too.

Today is a quiet day at home. Peyton and Chris are coming tonight for dinner and, hopefully, some time on the lake. Steve is grilling burgers and sliced zucchini, and I am heating some frozen French fries! Peyton is making my favorite dessert, her chocolate chip cookie skillet! I hope you have a cozy day, my friends. Thank you for visiting!

Billie Jo

August 22, 2024

Wrapping Up The Week

Well, that passed quickly! It is Friday morning already, and I am mentally back on Tuesday. We had a lovely week here at the lake, with cooler weather allowing for some cozy sweatshirt-wearing days. ( I guess they call them crewnecks these days. Not to be confused with hoodies, which are also sweatshirts, just with hoods. )We had some appointments here and there: a yearly checkup for Steve and two orthodontist appointments for Flynn, who is now the proud owner of a custom-made retainer! We had dinner with Peyton and Chris here, and Flynn and I had lunch with Peyton at her house, too. We were all happy to see our Peyton, including the pups!

On Tuesday night, my best friend Heather invited us over for dinner. She wanted to celebrate my birthday, which is in September, because we wouldn't be together then. She made Beef Stroganoff and the most delicious peanut butter pie. She even had candles so I could make a wish. After we watched and critiqued every outfit, date, and decision on The Bachelorette, she gave me some of the most thoughtful gifts, including my favorite, a sweatshirt from Loft that says Bestie. It is already washed and ready for the next cool day! It was a wonderful night.

Mocha picked up where she left off, finding all the cozy spaces to spend her days.

And Peyton and Chris took Flynn for a dinner and movie night! These two have so much fun together. It used to be Peyton pushing Flynn on the swings, or getting her milk and a bowl of strawberries while they watched Cinderella. Now, they go to Perkins and watch scary movies together. And they are starting to look quite a bit alike as well!

Tonight, we are having dinner with our neighbors. They are making jerk chicken, and I am adding my homemade macaroni and cheese and a new mango cucumber salad. Heather and her husband Dave are coming and bringing dessert. The weather should be nice, so I think we will eat outside. 

The remainder of the weekend involves a baseball game, mass, and visiting my mom! The weather is supposed to warm up, and this will adequately describe my feelings when it does.


Well, have a wonderful weekend, my friends! Enjoy these remaining August days!

Billie Jo

August 21, 2024

More Than Pumpkin Spice To Me

Yesterday was the day. Every year, about this time, I walk outside and sense the promise of fall. Yesterday was that day. The air all around felt cooler, and the hues of the leaves on the giant, old trees in my front yard appeared slightly muted. Overhead, the clouds created an overall touch of grey. And, of course, the first few leaves that only a few short months ago emerged bright green from tiny buds had detached and floated slowly down, the first part of their life complete. I breathed in that cooler air, and I knew. I knew my favorite time of year would soon arrive.

I am an autumn soul. I was one long before perfectly curated images of leaves, scarves, and coffee cups filled little squares on a website. I know this because yesterday, when I stepped outside and felt the first tangible bits of autumn, I was filled with pieces of moments in time I could see, feel, and smell in my soul. All these images, both physical and emotional, came together in one brief moment, and I knew that fall was near. What, though, is fall to me? 

Fall is the first day of school. Pictures in front of the fireplace with my sisters, all in our new school clothes. It is shiny floors that squeak beneath brand-new sneakers and smiling teachers standing in doorways welcoming you to your new classroom. It is the distinct smell of a new plastic lunchbox, maybe Benji or Charlie's Angels on the front, and a squished peanut butter and jelly sandwich inside.

Fall is last-period band practice outside on a Thursday afternoon before a Friday night football game. It is lining up with a baton in hand, marching onto the football field, hoping you remember the new routine you learned just last night. It is looking around and being in awe of the colorful range of mountains surrounding you, knowing it will last only a few days, and trying your best to soak it all to remember forever.

Fall is suddenly being the teacher and standing at the doorway of a second-grade classroom, welcoming the seven- and eight-year-olds who will become your world for the next nine months. It is watching as they go inside and smiling as they take in the decorations you so carefully laminated, cut, and hung around as they search the pencil-shaped name tags for their desks. It is starting at the beginning and knowing how far they will come together in a classroom overlooking a playground in Pennsylvania.

Fall is realizing your dream of pushing a stroller down the quiet road with your children on a cool, crisp morning, pointing out the colors of the leaves and the pumpkins on the porches. It is dressing those children in acorn sweaters, snuggling on the couch with cookies and milk, and watching Little Bear or Franklin as the wind swirls the leaves outside.

Fall is starting a brand new school year, this time in your own home, with books, pencils, crayons, and computers, sometimes with desks, other times on couches. It is chocolate chip pumpkin bread in the oven, pumpkin spice candles burning, soup on the stove, and jackets outside after dinner. It is earlier evenings and new episodes of favorite shows together.

Fall is crunchy leaves that smell so good. It is cozy throw blankets, soft sweaters, apple pie, and acorns falling onto faded grass. Fall is more than a season to mean. It is a compilation of many feelings, memories, scents, and tastes. It is a beginning all over again each year and a chance to slow down for real this time and take every single moment into my soul. And, of course, the time of year I love so much is, indeed, pumpkin spice coffee with a splash of creamer in a favorite mug, warming my soul at the start of another cozy day. 

It is only late August. I know we will see more hot, sunny days. Summer is not over yet. However, I am comforted by the fact that yesterday, I felt the promise of autumn. And that may be the best feeling of all.

Have a cozy day, my friends.

Billie Jo

August 19, 2024

Monday Morning Coffee

Good Monday morning, my friends! And yep. That would be me drinking my Monday morning coffee in Pennsylvania! Steve, Flynn, and I came back for a week or so of lake fun before summer ends and autumn begins. 

I am blessed that Steve loves to drive, so I am happily relegated to the position of dog holder, podcast chooser, and snack handler. Here are a few pictures off of my phone from last week in Maryland.

Friends in the backyard, just like in Pennsylvania.

Fresh blueberry pies for dessert. Nicolas' friend and his beautiful family were visiting from Denmark, and we had them in for dinner. It was such a nice evening! I have posted this recipe several times before, but it is just that good. My friend Patty shared it with us years ago, and it has become a family favorite.

And my morning coffee time with my pups. It doesn't matter where we are. They know the drill.

And, for my fellow autumn-loving friends, it's almost here!

Too much? Ok. I'm done! 

Happy Monday!

Billie Jo

 ( Pinterest for the fall fun. )

August 16, 2024

Here's The Story ~ Where Do I Even Live?

Hello! And Happy Friday, my friends. I have had some questions recently about where I live and can certainly understand the confusion! So, here goes! Up until a year ago, we lived exclusively in our house on the lake in Pennsylvania. 

At the same time, we had a condo on the beach in Maryland, where we vacationed a few times a year. We used to go to the beach every summer when the kids were young, and we all loved it so much that we decided to purchase a condo rather than renting each time. This is our current condo, the one we go to almost every weekend when we are in Maryland.

Last year, Steve retired after owning and running several car dealerships in and around our hometown with his brothers. In fact, we met at one of those dealerships. He was sixteen, and I was seventeen! Because we love the ocean so much and knew we eventually wanted to make our forever home here, we bought a house about fifteen minutes from the beach and the condo. The funny thing is, we found this house, fell in love with it, and found out the owners were from our hometown after we bought it! The woman who built it said she wanted a "Pennsylvania" house near the ocean. No wonder I love it so much! For now, we intend to split our time between the two houses, this one in Maryland and the lake house in Pennsylvania. Madison and Nicolas and Rhett and Kyrstin have moved here to Maryland permanently. Peyton and Christopher are still in Pennsylvania, but we talk to Peyton daily while we are here. We want to keep our residence in Pennsylvania for several reasons, most notably because Peyton, Chris, my Mom, and sister Margie are there. Most of Steve's family lives there too. Also, Flynn is registered for homeschooling through that school district, so it is easiest to continue that way. But right now, we are here, at our house near the sea.

So there you have it. I apologize for the confusion! A younger Billie Jo would have struggled a bit with this, but honestly, I am very blessed to be taking a tip from my sweet Mom. She never got rattled or anxious about anything. Every single day was an adventure to be enjoyed. The older I get, the more I realize how true this is. As long as my family is near or a simple phone call away, I am home. 

Just a few pictures from the past week...

Flowers blooming in the front yard of the house

One more pretty ocean in the evening 

And my oldest and my youngest after new hair cuts!

Have a wonderful weekend, my friends!

Billie Jo

Pinterest for the image.