August 26, 2024

Monday Morning Coffee

Good Monday morning, my friends. I hope you had a lovely weekend. We started the weekend with an informal dinner on the deck with our neighbors and our friends Heather and Dave. Our neighbor makes the most amazing Jerk Chicken, and he made two huge pans of it. I made some homemade macaroni and cheese with a new-to-us Mango Cucumber Salad. It was easy and delicious! I will link it down below. The Jerk Chicken recipe on that page is different from the one he uses, so I cannot vouch for it!

Saturday, Steve, Flynn, Peyton, and Chris went to a Pirate game in Pittsburgh. They had a great time, even though the Pirates didn't. Oh, well, Next time. 

While they were out and about, I was having my own fun. I spent the day alone, just me and the pups. I got caught up on Flynn's scrapbook and had delicious leftover jerk chicken and macaroni and cheese for dinner. I did several loads of laundry, with three fluffy friends helping me sort the socks. I also spent much of the night like this. If those dogs enjoy snuggling on the couch, cozy as can be, who am I to deny them that, right?? Meanwhile, back in Maryland, Madison and Nicolas took one for the team and made sure my Jeep didn't get lonely while I was away. Thanks, guys.

On Sunday, we took a short drive through some beautiful mountains to see my mom. I snapped a picture of a different view of the lake because it looked so pretty as we drove by. We had a wonderful visit with Mom! She was happy to see me and loved the gift we got her. It is a Twiddle Muff I found online at the Alzheimer's Store. It is soft and cuddly but also works to occupy her hands, which tend to get fidgety as the disease progresses. She loves running her fingers over the smooth pieces of ribbon! I felt much better leaving this time, knowing she is where she is supposed to be. The ride home was better this time, too.

Today is a quiet day at home. Peyton and Chris are coming tonight for dinner and, hopefully, some time on the lake. Steve is grilling burgers and sliced zucchini, and I am heating some frozen French fries! Peyton is making my favorite dessert, her chocolate chip cookie skillet! I hope you have a cozy day, my friends. Thank you for visiting!

Billie Jo


  1. All this food is making me hungry. Yummy.

  2. Looks like a perfect weekend was enjoyed by all of your family. Such a pretty picture with the sunlight casting shadows in your home! The mango salsa sure sounds good. I haven't bought a mango in a long time, but this recipe makes me want to change that. Have a happy week!

  3. One word, "Perfect", it is always a joy to visit with you and read of your days!
    Have a great week,

  4. Macaroni and cheese goes with just about anything! Yum!

  5. Happy new week to you dear Friend! Sounds like it was a lovely weekend. Minus the Pirates not doing so well. Lol The food sounded incredible and that salad recipe looks delicious! I'm so glad you got great time with your Mom too - the blanket is such a great idea.💜 I hope you have a wonderful night grilling and hanging with your Sweeties. xoxo

  6. Dearest Billie Jo,
    What a perfect item for your Mom (and others!) such a Twiddle Cat or Pup.
    Lovely food for enjoying with neighbors and friends.

  7. Sounds like a lovely weekend! I had one of the alone days on Friday and enjoyed puttering around the house.

  8. Sometimes it's nice having the whole day to yourself. :)

  9. Just a perfect weekend by the sound of it! Have a great week.

  10. You had a great weekend! Love the pics of your beautiful kids.
    Your mom looks great! That twiddle muff is perfect. We had several people who had something similar when I worked at the skilled home and they enjoyed them.

  11. You have such an awesome family, my friend!!! I am so happy that you share them with me, smiles. (ok not like meeeeeeeeeee as I am the only one, LOLOL). Wishing you a beautiful week.

  12. That mango salad looks and sounds delicious!! Thanks for sharing the recipe! Your weekend sounds perfect. I'm so glad you got to see your mom and that she loved the muff you gave her. She looks fabulous (and so do you!). Have a blessed week ahead!

  13. Sounds like a great weekend. We have been wanting to visit Pittsburgh and one thing we are looking forward to doing is going to a Pirates or Penguins game (depends on the time of year we go). Although, I would prefer your kind of night - snuggling at home with the pup.

  14. Your mama looks very happy! That's such a neat gift! I'm glad you mentioned it because I have a family member with dementia who is very fidgety, so I'm going to check this store out. The recipes sound so good! Gonna check those out. Glad you all had a wonderful weekend!

  15. Hi Billie Jo. So glad you had a nice weekend doing what you love with those you love most - including your furry family members. I love the picture of you, your mom and your sister. So glad you had a nice, upbeat visit. I hope the week ahead is a good one for you!

  16. It sounds like you had a wonderful weekend. I sometimes enjoy days by myself too. But not too many, I love being with family too much. :-)
    I didn't know there is an online alzheimers store. I'm definitely going to google it. I've made lots of fiddle mitts to donate over the years. Mom's not quite at that point yet but I know it's coming as I'm noticing her fiddling and twitching more often.
    I hope your Tuesday is a wonderful one.
    Blessings and hugs,

  17. Looks like a good weekend you had. My husband lived an hour away from Pittsburgh. He liked the Steelers football games. I'm glad you a good time by yourself and the dogs. I went to a movie with Phil yesterday afternoon that we've been watching to watch. "The Forge" is a Christian based movie. Same men who did the "The War Room" a few years ago. They make really good movies. It's a bit chilly outdoors when I watered the plants this evening. It's going to be warmer this week 95 degrees on Friday. Again? :-/
    Have a good week , Becky

  18. I'm so glad you enjoyed a more positive visit with your mum this time. It sounds like everyone has had a lovely weekend. The Fall poem is beautiful. X

  19. Now I need some Jerk Chicken and Mac and Cheese! Yum!! And I love that cuddly thing you got your mom. I might have to put that on my list for my MIL. Have a cozy week :)

  20. This sounds like a great weekend. Thank you for the link to the Mango salad. I know that my Sam will love this salad. Glad you posted the picture of your mom...she looks very content here. And, thankful that it was a good visit for you. Each time you post about dinner on your deck, I think of how relaxing it must be. LOL...if I lived closer, I would invite myself over for burgers and conversation on your deck. Have a happy Tuesday.

  21. I just love jerk chicken, what a blessing that you even had leftovers! I always enjoy seeing how you and your family spend your days. I'm so glad you felt peace in your heart about your beautiful mother. It is not easy to watch our parents age, and go through hard times. God bless you my friend.

  22. I am glad you feel good about having your mom where she is. The journey is difficult.
    I miss Mom so much, but it makes me happy to see pictures of you with yours.

  23. The photo of your lovely girls with the bridge behind them is especially nice. That bridge is geometric artwork!

  24. Oh, I bet it was so nice to see Peyton again. Your macaroni and cheese always sounds Yummy to me. What a dear picture of your you and your mom and sister. That soft twiddle muff is nice, and will be perfect for your mom. That's a cute picture of Madison and Nicholas. And your pups look so comfy sitting right there next to you. I remember that cozy blanket. ; )

    Have a delightful rest of the week, Billie Jo.


  25. So many fun memories shared - and good food too! Always fun to have a night off from cooking, and just to relax! The jerk chicken and mango cucumber salad really sounds amazing! So precious that your Mom loved the gift you brought her. Loved seeing her happy face! Many blessings to you!


Thanks so much for saying hello!

Billie Jo