August 22, 2024

Wrapping Up The Week

Well, that passed quickly! It is Friday morning already, and I am mentally back on Tuesday. We had a lovely week here at the lake, with cooler weather allowing for some cozy sweatshirt-wearing days. ( I guess they call them crewnecks these days. Not to be confused with hoodies, which are also sweatshirts, just with hoods. )We had some appointments here and there: a yearly checkup for Steve and two orthodontist appointments for Flynn, who is now the proud owner of a custom-made retainer! We had dinner with Peyton and Chris here, and Flynn and I had lunch with Peyton at her house, too. We were all happy to see our Peyton, including the pups!

On Tuesday night, my best friend Heather invited us over for dinner. She wanted to celebrate my birthday, which is in September, because we wouldn't be together then. She made Beef Stroganoff and the most delicious peanut butter pie. She even had candles so I could make a wish. After we watched and critiqued every outfit, date, and decision on The Bachelorette, she gave me some of the most thoughtful gifts, including my favorite, a sweatshirt from Loft that says Bestie. It is already washed and ready for the next cool day! It was a wonderful night.

Mocha picked up where she left off, finding all the cozy spaces to spend her days.

And Peyton and Chris took Flynn for a dinner and movie night! These two have so much fun together. It used to be Peyton pushing Flynn on the swings, or getting her milk and a bowl of strawberries while they watched Cinderella. Now, they go to Perkins and watch scary movies together. And they are starting to look quite a bit alike as well!

Tonight, we are having dinner with our neighbors. They are making jerk chicken, and I am adding my homemade macaroni and cheese and a new mango cucumber salad. Heather and her husband Dave are coming and bringing dessert. The weather should be nice, so I think we will eat outside. 

The remainder of the weekend involves a baseball game, mass, and visiting my mom! The weather is supposed to warm up, and this will adequately describe my feelings when it does.


Well, have a wonderful weekend, my friends! Enjoy these remaining August days!

Billie Jo


  1. Your week sounds delightful, my friend. Especially all of the time you were able to have with Peyton. I love it that Peyton and Flynn are so close! xx

  2. Always a wonderful week when it's precious time with family and cool enough days for sweatshirts! :) How sweet of your Friend to get to celebrate you early. 💝 And your girls are starting to look so alike and I love the relationships all of your kiddos have with another. Sounds like a great weekend ahead too! Have a blessed one. xo

  3. Love the Morticia Meme! have chronic migraine so when most people say how nice the sun is, I go hang upside down in a closet LOL. I'd be perfectly happy if I never had to leave my nest! Have a good weekend!

  4. Sounds like a lovely week! Yes, the girls are really starting to look alike. So nice that your family all enjoys one another so much. What a blessing!! Enjoy your visit with Mom this weekend. The weather is going to be dandy (almost like summer again!) Ha -

  5. Hi Billie Jo~ Sounds like you had a wonderful week! Family and friends always make me smile. We are also having a cool-down, I just don't know how long it will last. Peyton and Flynn do look so much alike, both beautiful! It's such a blessing to have children who are also friends... I just love that. I'm also ready for some cooler weather, sweatshirts, cozy blankets and hot drinks. It's on it's way! Hugs, Barb

  6. I love saying sweatshirts and hoodies. Those I'll always say though I love saying hoodie the best. Such a good name. LOOOVE the ghosties!!!!! Was cold here all week, needed heat on the way to work each morning. LOOOOOOVE that!!!! Happy Weekend.

  7. Okay, for just a moment I thought Peyton was Flynn in that first picture! Because Flynn is looking so grown up and those two are definitely siblings. What a great week you had, people deserts and sweatshirts? Yes please!

  8. It sounds like a perfect, friends, pups, food...who could ask for more? And, here, the weather HAS been ideal, high 40's at night and high 60's for the days! But I think that will change is after all still August. Oh how I want a looooong's just too short for me. Take care and enjoy the weekend, friend!

  9. Love the meme! It sounds like a great week, I love your outing with your friend. Your girls really are looking alike!

  10. I enjoyed your post and all the great photos!! You have a beautiful family!! God is so good. xo

  11. here...I enjoyed reading about your family and all the sweet pups in your lives!
    Happy weekend!

  12. You always make me smile. Wishing you beautiful weekend.

  13. A lovely week. And those are such thoughtful gifts from your friend. Xx

  14. I LOVE to wear sweatshirt hoodies!!!! I wish the Florida winters lasted longer so I could wear them longer.

  15. Oh, that Mocha and her blue rose collar - I can just give her a hug. That peanut butter pie looks amazing! And I love the Bestie sweatshirt. What a thoughtful gift. Yes, Peyton and Flyynn ARE starting to look alike. I'm glad you're safely back home, my friend. And I hope you get some cooler days coming up.



Thanks so much for saying hello!

Billie Jo