August 21, 2024

More Than Pumpkin Spice To Me

Yesterday was the day. Every year, about this time, I walk outside and sense the promise of fall. Yesterday was that day. The air all around felt cooler, and the hues of the leaves on the giant, old trees in my front yard appeared slightly muted. Overhead, the clouds created an overall touch of grey. And, of course, the first few leaves that only a few short months ago emerged bright green from tiny buds had detached and floated slowly down, the first part of their life complete. I breathed in that cooler air, and I knew. I knew my favorite time of year would soon arrive.

I am an autumn soul. I was one long before perfectly curated images of leaves, scarves, and coffee cups filled little squares on a website. I know this because yesterday, when I stepped outside and felt the first tangible bits of autumn, I was filled with pieces of moments in time I could see, feel, and smell in my soul. All these images, both physical and emotional, came together in one brief moment, and I knew that fall was near. What, though, is fall to me? 

Fall is the first day of school. Pictures in front of the fireplace with my sisters, all in our new school clothes. It is shiny floors that squeak beneath brand-new sneakers and smiling teachers standing in doorways welcoming you to your new classroom. It is the distinct smell of a new plastic lunchbox, maybe Benji or Charlie's Angels on the front, and a squished peanut butter and jelly sandwich inside.

Fall is last-period band practice outside on a Thursday afternoon before a Friday night football game. It is lining up with a baton in hand, marching onto the football field, hoping you remember the new routine you learned just last night. It is looking around and being in awe of the colorful range of mountains surrounding you, knowing it will last only a few days, and trying your best to soak it all to remember forever.

Fall is suddenly being the teacher and standing at the doorway of a second-grade classroom, welcoming the seven- and eight-year-olds who will become your world for the next nine months. It is watching as they go inside and smiling as they take in the decorations you so carefully laminated, cut, and hung around as they search the pencil-shaped name tags for their desks. It is starting at the beginning and knowing how far they will come together in a classroom overlooking a playground in Pennsylvania.

Fall is realizing your dream of pushing a stroller down the quiet road with your children on a cool, crisp morning, pointing out the colors of the leaves and the pumpkins on the porches. It is dressing those children in acorn sweaters, snuggling on the couch with cookies and milk, and watching Little Bear or Franklin as the wind swirls the leaves outside.

Fall is starting a brand new school year, this time in your own home, with books, pencils, crayons, and computers, sometimes with desks, other times on couches. It is chocolate chip pumpkin bread in the oven, pumpkin spice candles burning, soup on the stove, and jackets outside after dinner. It is earlier evenings and new episodes of favorite shows together.

Fall is crunchy leaves that smell so good. It is cozy throw blankets, soft sweaters, apple pie, and acorns falling onto faded grass. Fall is more than a season to mean. It is a compilation of many feelings, memories, scents, and tastes. It is a beginning all over again each year and a chance to slow down for real this time and take every single moment into my soul. And, of course, the time of year I love so much is, indeed, pumpkin spice coffee with a splash of creamer in a favorite mug, warming my soul at the start of another cozy day. 

It is only late August. I know we will see more hot, sunny days. Summer is not over yet. However, I am comforted by the fact that yesterday, I felt the promise of autumn. And that may be the best feeling of all.

Have a cozy day, my friends.

Billie Jo


  1. I'm still hanging on to Summer, but Fall is lovely and you described it so well here!

  2. Wow! You are an amazing writer. I do love autumn but I think you helped me to love it more and now I'm nostalgic in my own memories. Thank you for that!

  3. Dearest Billie Jo,
    First we will enjoy our Indian Summer and than immerse into the fabulous fall colors...
    You wrote a perfect ode to your favorite season!

  4. It certainly feels like an early fall here, too but I don't expect the cool temps to last. Bummer.

  5. It does not really feel like fall at all here, but last night after dark it was almost comfortable and I take that as a sign it is on its way.

  6. Hi Billie Jo! Yesterday I walked outside to get a few things off the porch and it felt cold. And wonderful! I decided that even though it was bright and sunny the cold air pulled me on a long walk (with a sweatshirt). I love you look back at fall. I love it so much too! Right now getting my classroom all set up for new students and all of those supplies. Right now I'm helping Anna pack up for another year at college. It's all fall coming and I can't wait! Hope you have a blessed day friend.

  7. Beautiful post. I look forward to the season even more so now…thank you!

  8. So many wonderful things that Fall means to you, Billie Jo. I love many of them as well. Your pumpkin spice coffee sounds delightful, and it looks a little misty on the lake, so pretty. I hope all the kids have a wonderful school year, and a thank you to all the teachers who make their world a whole lot brighter. : )


  9. This is beautifully written and I could feel it all. Thanks for the sensory experience because here in North Central Florida, it's just not like that. But before coming here I had many of these same impressions in Colorado, South Dakota, Washington state, Virginia, New York and New Jersey.

  10. What a lovely post to read. It is beautiful written. I am definitely looking forward to some cooler weather her in Southern California. It has been one of the hottest summers that I can remember. I grew up in a suburb of Chicago and the season changes mean a lot more to me today.

  11. Loved reading your description of what fall means for you. I could almost picture all those moments you described. Of course, I'm over here looking forward to that last little bit of summer. Happy *almost fall* Wednesday to you!

  12. Such beautiful writing, Billie Jo. You've described Fall perfectly and brought back so many memories for me.

  13. Hello Billie Jo~ Oh my goodness, you just made me think of all the things I love about fall as well! When I was a girl I would always bring a little bouquet of orange and yellow marigolds to the teacher on the first day of school. I'm not sure she loved the smell, but I loved giving them to her. Thank you for reminding me of all the things I'd forgotten. Hugs, Barb

  14. You know how much I love this kindred Sister! We have had wonderfully deliciously moody cool days here lately and I've been soaking up the same promise of all that is to come. Beautifully said as you poetically put into pictures in my mind of exactly so much of what Fall means to me too! Enjoy these last lovely days of Summer with that giddy, cozy feeling tucked away in your heart - only for a short time now. 🍎🌼🍁

  15. Being a former teacher, so many of the things you described that speak autumn to you also resonate with me. I taught in a small private school and I always had fun at end of school ordering the curriculum for the following year, but my FAVORITE time was when I would get the call that said,"The books are in!". I couldn't get there fast enough. Just opening each box and taking in that new book fragrance was something that said autumn πŸπŸ‚ to me.

  16. Your memories and description are so vivid that they would even make someone who hates fall now love it! I love fall myself!

  17. Yes, in my world it has gotten cooler for a short time as well. Love, love Autumn. It cannot come too soon!!

  18. Billie Jo - so many wonderful memories here. I love they way you brought them to life! Great descriptions that reminded me of so much I enjoy (even love) about autumn - more than the pumpkin spice! All the memories almost makes it feel like fall is my favorite...but, really would I ever say that?? Ha! Such a lovely post today...I really enjoyed it!

  19. Oh sweet Billie Jo. this post warmed my heart. I sure enjoyed all of the ways you described the remembrances of your past Falls. I too love Fall and just the thoughts of all the fragrances, aromas, and feelings of Fall is so exciting. We are behind you all, so I know we still have while to sense these things, but I sure am longing for them.

  20. The older I get the more I love Autumn. And I'm ready for it. It seems we only got a month of summer here in the Seattle area, it arrives like clockwork on July 5. And already the leaves are changing colors, the days are cooler and we've have a couple major storms recently! Unheard of around here. I was in the Drill Team and was reminded of August practices with the band, learning new routines and practicing the football halftime shows. Such a great post Billie Jo!

  21. I'm not quite ready for the next season yet. They move on way too fast for me!! :)

  22. I am also ready for the cooler days of fall. I love how you describe the different years of your memories. I can almost smell the fall leaves. Thank you for your words today on my blog. I do appreciate you so much.

  23. Lovely post. Autumn memories are so wonderful. I am looking forward to fall as well. It's a beautiful time of year! Thanks for sharing what the season means to you.

  24. Yes! Fall baby here as well. Love it. Great post. Hello Autumn!

  25. Autumn is slowly creeping in. I can smell it in the early morning air. Xx

  26. You captured so many of my memories in this post! I can still remember the feeling of early morning drill team practices, with sponge rollers in my hair, marching on the field before classes started. The excitement of football Fridays, pep rallies, cool crisp air at night. Fall is basically magical.

  27. We got a taste of fall this week with temperatures in the mid 70's. I know it won't last, but I'm thoroughly enjoying some cooler weather along with low humidity. Stay cozy, dear friend!


Thanks so much for saying hello!

Billie Jo