August 16, 2024

Here's The Story ~ Where Do I Even Live?

Hello! And Happy Friday, my friends. I have had some questions recently about where I live and can certainly understand the confusion! So, here goes! Up until a year ago, we lived exclusively in our house on the lake in Pennsylvania. 

At the same time, we had a condo on the beach in Maryland, where we vacationed a few times a year. We used to go to the beach every summer when the kids were young, and we all loved it so much that we decided to purchase a condo rather than renting each time. This is our current condo, the one we go to almost every weekend when we are in Maryland.

Last year, Steve retired after owning and running several car dealerships in and around our hometown with his brothers. In fact, we met at one of those dealerships. He was sixteen, and I was seventeen! Because we love the ocean so much and knew we eventually wanted to make our forever home here, we bought a house about fifteen minutes from the beach and the condo. The funny thing is, we found this house, fell in love with it, and found out the owners were from our hometown after we bought it! The woman who built it said she wanted a "Pennsylvania" house near the ocean. No wonder I love it so much! For now, we intend to split our time between the two houses, this one in Maryland and the lake house in Pennsylvania. Madison and Nicolas and Rhett and Kyrstin have moved here to Maryland permanently. Peyton and Christopher are still in Pennsylvania, but we talk to Peyton daily while we are here. We want to keep our residence in Pennsylvania for several reasons, most notably because Peyton, Chris, my Mom, and sister Margie are there. Most of Steve's family lives there too. Also, Flynn is registered for homeschooling through that school district, so it is easiest to continue that way. But right now, we are here, at our house near the sea.

So there you have it. I apologize for the confusion! A younger Billie Jo would have struggled a bit with this, but honestly, I am very blessed to be taking a tip from my sweet Mom. She never got rattled or anxious about anything. Every single day was an adventure to be enjoyed. The older I get, the more I realize how true this is. As long as my family is near or a simple phone call away, I am home. 

Just a few pictures from the past week...

Flowers blooming in the front yard of the house

One more pretty ocean in the evening 

And my oldest and my youngest after new hair cuts!

Have a wonderful weekend, my friends!

Billie Jo

Pinterest for the image.


  1. Dearest Billie Jo,
    You both enjoy life the very way you want it!
    As long as you're physically capable of doing this—enjoy.
    And also because of the children this is a great escape.

  2. I love getting to know more about you. I did not know some of your kids moved to MD but it's great you still get to connect with them all no matter where you are. Both homes are so beautiful, oh how I'm so envious. Also, I wish both you and Flynn the best for the upcoming school year. It's great how homeschooling offers you that flexibility to learn no matter what house you decide to be in ;-)

  3. Love the pictures as usual. B and I thought about moving after retirement. Someplace where we don't have to deal with winter anymore but we weren't happy about leaving the house where the kids grew up. Although we did not move, our kids told us that to them home wasn't a building, it was where we were. I love those kids.

  4. What happened to your daughter's business? I thought your son and son in law worked for your husband's business? Boy I'm confused.

    1. Hi Cheryl! So, my son and son-in-law did work in the dealerships, but when Steve and his brother sold them, they both decided to relocate. Madison still owns and operates her business, along with the help of an amazing employee. I hope that helps!

    2. Well I'm usually confused but you explained well. I remember when your daughter opened the shop and how excited everyone was.

  5. I didn't know some of your kids were in Maryland. Nice to have places near family. Your homes are beautiful!

  6. Hi Billie Jo! Both Pennsylvania and Maryland are beautiful states! You and your family are blessed to have three beautiful homes and lots of friends and family close. As you know, as of last summer, we also have two homes - one in Northern Utah and one in Southern Utah. For now, we are renting the house in Southern Utah, but when I retire, we plan to sell our house here in Salt Lake City, and move to Southern Utah, but, because we will still have family up here, we may buy a condo to stay at and make frequent trips up here. I get it completely. So glad it is all working out for you!

  7. Even though I knew this, I still enjoyed SO much having you explain it to us. The pictures are beautiful...and I especaily like the meme at the end. I'm sure my "fun" would appear to be quite boring to some, but it makes me happy so I go with it. And you are wise to take your momma's sweet words of wisdom. xx

  8. Thanks for the update on where you live and beautiful photos. I often wanted a different house than the manufactured double wide house we live in. But NO. At least we have it paid off. One and a half hour from the beach, or a bit more, depending on where we travel. Have a good weekend, Becky

  9. I thought this was how it is, but it's still good to have you explain it. Both of your houses are so beautiful, and you make each feel like home, especially when you decorate them throughout the seasons. Xx

  10. Even though I feel like I am in the know and did indeed know much of this, I didn't realize Madison and Nicolas had fully relocated as well. Is the bridal shop moving or staying? Or will she have two?

    I love all of your versions of home. They all reflect your desire for coziness so well!!

    1. Thank you, sweet friend. Her bridal shop is staying where it is. She is still running it from here and doing the business and social media. She has an absolutely wonderful woman who handles the in-person appointments.

  11. I enjoyed this explanation! It is always so nice to visit here and see the pictures of where you are living. God bless you!

  12. Love that your mom helped you. That's the best. And always fun to have options of where to live. That's cool too.

  13. Beautiful homes, Billie Jo!! Living in Florida, I have friends and neighbors who are "snowbirds" having two homes so it isn't strange to me hear about living in two different places. You are blessed, indeed!! xo

  14. Your homes are so gorgeous! and you decorate so well. I had figured you had two, and split your time between them.

  15. P.S. My kitchen cabinets look pretty much like yours!

  16. Looks like my first comment did not go through. You have gorgeous homes, and decorate so well!!

  17. Nice to have two places you love to live. :)

  18. I think it's a wonderful way to handle kind of living between 2 worlds. And they're both such beautiful cozy homes. I know one day Matt and I hope to build a house on his family lake property (that he bought to keep in the family after his Granny died and his folks "rent" from him in the summer) and maybe air b&b this house on the bay then. But for now this house is home base to my kiddos - so will be here a while. We also dream on having a little place in AZ for the winters, but that won't be for quite a while yet.
    Love what you say about embracing it all and living in the moment! That is always the absolute best policy and couldn't agree more. Blessings on your weekend. xoxo

  19. All of your homes are lovely. It's wonderful to have family close by, even if a phone call away. Happy weekend!

  20. Hi Billie Jo! You are truly blessed to be near a beautiful lake and the ocean! Your homes are beautiful and cozy, and full of love, and after all, that's the most important thing in the world! Home is where your heart is 💕 Barb

  21. I have been among your readers who wondered where you live, so thank you for answering that question. I didn't know if it would be improper for me to ask but now that you've shared it, I'm glad to know. I LOVE your ocean pictures and the views of both of your homes. One house is plenty for me at my age, so I'll live vicariously in your two homes, okay? But I'll probably spend most of my time at the beach house. (wink!)

  22. Beautiful...I think I would probably just prop up a chair at the beach, smiles. Wishing you a lovely Sunday (so, Madison closed her wedding dress shop?---Ok I am being just nosy, aren't I?)

    1. You are not being nosy! You have watched Madison grow up here! No. She didn't close her bridal boutique. She loves it too much! She is doing the business end and the buying and the social media from here. She has an amazing woman who handles the appointments. : )

  23. Charming photos and words Billie Jo :) This was such an enjoyable read. Thank you for sharing my friend.

  24. I'm so glad you cleared this up for us :) I am confused as to why you still have the condo, even after you bought the house by the beach. Inquiring minds want to know :) And I would be like your younger version...not handling multiple houses very well. We've moved several times in the past 7 years and it's so stressful trying to handle multiple houses at the same time. All of your houses are beautiful, though, and they all seem like a vacation.

  25. I have to confess, I was a bit confused as well. I knew about the lake house in Pennsylvania, but I wasn't sure about the condo or the house near the beach and the condo. You may have heard California housing is very expensive, and we are fortunate to be able to own one house. You decorate your houses so charming, and I just love those purple flowers along the stepping stones. Thanks for adding a bit on where the kids live too. You're right, as long as family is near or a simple phone call away, it's home. In California, northern California and Southern California are just an hour flight away, and they both are very different from one another, but that's what we love about it, so we visit each other often. You write so well, Billie Jo. I may have had a hard time doing this.


  26. What joy to be able to be with both parts of your family! This is so marvelous, dear friend, how happy I am for you! The ocean calls my name, having been born on PEI, and while I don't live on the island now, how I miss the ocean, the sea spray, the sea gulls call, and just the sand squishing between my toes. I'm just so happy for you, and the delightful season that you are in, able to enjoy being with all of your family! God's richest blessings to you dear friend!

  27. Oh boy, I almost missed this post. The other one that helped me clear the confusion. Every one of your homes is beautiful. I don't think I could pick a favorite (although to live on a lake would be a dream come true!) Thanks for sharing...and helping a girl out!:)

  28. I did not realize Madison had moved. Does she still have her house in Pennsylvania? Isn’t her bridal shop there, too?


Thanks so much for saying hello!

Billie Jo