August 19, 2024

Monday Morning Coffee

Good Monday morning, my friends! And yep. That would be me drinking my Monday morning coffee in Pennsylvania! Steve, Flynn, and I came back for a week or so of lake fun before summer ends and autumn begins. 

I am blessed that Steve loves to drive, so I am happily relegated to the position of dog holder, podcast chooser, and snack handler. Here are a few pictures off of my phone from last week in Maryland.

Friends in the backyard, just like in Pennsylvania.

Fresh blueberry pies for dessert. Nicolas' friend and his beautiful family were visiting from Denmark, and we had them in for dinner. It was such a nice evening! I have posted this recipe several times before, but it is just that good. My friend Patty shared it with us years ago, and it has become a family favorite.

And my morning coffee time with my pups. It doesn't matter where we are. They know the drill.

And, for my fellow autumn-loving friends, it's almost here!

Too much? Ok. I'm done! 

Happy Monday!

Billie Jo

 ( Pinterest for the fall fun. )


  1. I'm right there with you waiting for Fall. I hope you have a lovely week!!

  2. Nice deers and delicious blueberry pies. It's getting cooler this week and rain coming again. I'm looking forward to autumn πŸ‚ next month. FYI:3 of the 4 items I ordered from my Amazon gift card that I won on your post, arrived last evening πŸ˜€. Other item was a pre-ordered cd that arrives in October. Thank you, Billie Jo!! Enjoy your day and beyond, Becky.

  3. I'm actually going to miss summer because, for us, it's a lot more relaxed. Tomorrow is back to school and that brings a whole lot of chaos. I love your pictures and I need to find out where I can get that Bambi mug. Soooo cute! Have a great week.

  4. I enjoy everything about summer except for the heat and humidity. I don't want time to fly but I would not mind a little cooler temperature.

  5. Sweet photos of the baby fawn! And it looks like your mug matches the fireplace!

  6. Darling photos of the fawn. The blueberry pies look great! It's always nice seeing your cozy homes. Have a lovely week.

  7. Such pretty pics you have today! Sounds like a lovely weekend and a great time with family!

  8. Those blueberry pies look awesome, my friend! xx

  9. Happy Monday beautiful blogging Bestie. Yay for lake time before back-to-school! And yay for delish looking blueberry pies! I already copied and put the recipe in my "blogging friends shared recipes" file. πŸ˜‰πŸ’• And you know I'm feeling it too. Those late summer butterflies when I see those signs of Fall pop up already. Fall is knocking!! πŸŒΌπŸπŸ’›

  10. The recipe looks like a keeper alright! Blueberry season is upon us too!

  11. Sounds like a nice time at the lake, and I'm sure Flynn enjoyed it before school starts. I love the lakes and rivers, they're so peaceful. And those deer - you always get the most delightful sightings of them. Thank you for the Fall pictures. I can tell it's coming - there's a nip in the air.

    Have a happy week, Billie Jo.


  12. Happy Monday, friend! Enjoy your lake time. And summer!:) It is still here! Just jokin with you:)

  13. You got me at the sour cream added to the pie! I've gotta try it! Sounds so delicious! So beautiful to see the wildlife at your lake home! God's rich blessings! Many blessings to you dear friend!

  14. Oh the pie looks yummy - I happen to have blueberries! And yes FALL- oh how I wish it lasted longer - to me it’s just perfect and too, too short.

  15. Yay...for you wonderful to spend a couple more weeks enjoying life. This blueberry pie recipe is a must try for me. it looks so good and we have plenty of fresh blueberries. The little fawns are so cute. you captured some good pictures of them. Even though we are nearing September, sadly, Fall is still a couple of months away for us here in Texas. I am so ready for cooler temps. Enjoy your next couple of weeks of rest and relaxation.

  16. Hi Billie Jo! Those blueberry pies look delicious! Glad you are back at the lake to make some end-of-the-summer memories! I am an avid podcast listener too. Maybe one day you will share some of your faves! Have a great week. See you again soon!

  17. In my neck of the woods, we wait too long for spring and summer to finally show up. I for one want summer to last as long as possible. Not a fan of Autumn or Winter.

  18. The blueberry pies look delicious. I'm intrigued by the sour cream in them. I need a teeny bit more of my summer, then we can have Fall. Hope you have a terrific week!

  19. Hi Billie Jo~ Never too much! I have to tell you, I'm ready for fall. I didn't think I would say it quite so soon, but, I'm pretty much done with the summer heat. Your photos are so pretty, and I'm glad I'm not the only one who likes to be in charge of podcasts and snacks ;0) The blueberry pie looks scrumptious, I really need to give it a try, my husband loves blueberries. Thanks for the recipe! Glad you made it home safely. Hugs, Barb

  20. lol on the snack handler. That's a hoot. Oh yeah, I'm done with summer. Was so cold this morning that the car needed the heat on. I love it!

  21. Those blueberries pies look amazing. I'm looking forward to the delights of autumn, but I'm still happy to cling on to summer for a little while longer :)


Thanks so much for saying hello!

Billie Jo