August 14, 2024

What Is In A Day

I genuinely believe this, although it took me many years to get to this point. I am thankful I finally embraced my love and contentment with being home and living a slow and intentional life. While this slow and homey life is different for each person, I thought I would share a small sample of my days when we are at the condo.

Each morning, I get out of bed as soon as I wake up. Usually, this is between 6:30 and 7:00; Mocha and Cosmo come with me and take their place on the sofa while I take my pills and make my coffee. Then, I join them on the couch and sip my coffee while I say my prayers. I am always the first one awake, so it is quiet and peaceful. I also use this time to write blog posts, read blog posts, and check online to see how my mom is doing. After a bit, Steve wakes up, comes out with the pups, and I change into my suit and head to the pool. 

After I finish, I head back up and shower. I put on a housedress, and although I look like a woman from The 1963 Sears Catalogue, I feel cozy and comfortable, so there's that. 

After my shower, we have breakfast or lunch together. It is usually eggs, fruit, toast, and cottage cheese. Then, I throw in a load of laundry or help clean up the kitchen. After a bit, I start to feel sleepy and head to my room for an afternoon nap. After I wake up, I usually finish the laundry, have a snack or cup of coffee, and visit. Then I change into some actual clothes, and we head down to the beach, just as everyone else is heading in. I take my book and read or just sit and watch the waves. 

Finally, we head back up to make dinner. Madison made this meal this week. It is absolutely delicious! She sent me a picture of the recipe she found in a magazine. She followed the recipe completely but added some ripe avocado. We had it with a French baguette.

Once dinner is cleaned and the kitchen is closed, we sit down and watch something together. We are almost finished with Gilmore Girls, and I am so sad! Although, I am sure I will rewatch it soon. I usually head to bed first, meaning I fall asleep reading, and Steve has to put my glasses and book away for me. And so ends another day.

We are back at the house now, and I need to get this day started. I hope you have a lovely Wednesday, my friends, however you choose to spend it. Thanks for visiting!

Billie Jo

(Pinterest for the images.)


  1. It's such a blessing to have a good husband and family, isn't it? I love your routine and enjoy reading about your life. We all lead such different lives but we are blessed. Hugs!

  2. Dearest Billie Jo,
    That sounds like a perfect day and well spent!

  3. When you find a pace of life that you are happy with, it gives joy to one’s life!

  4. I love how you embrace these slower days. It sounds perfect. Xx

  5. It's so fun when I get to read posts like this and get a peek into someone's day. You live a beautifully peaceful life in the very best ways. And you take care of every "realm" of you in such wonderful ways: spiritual realm (prayer), emotional realm (connecting with family), physical realm (healthy eating & swimming), mental realm (reading, enjoying nature etc). I think that's one beautifully balanced life. 😉💗

  6. Sounds like a lovely way to live your days! The recipe looks very good. I'd like to try it. Ann, Ann Austin

  7. Well, it sounds just perfect to me! Especially getting in some beach reading. I say soak it all in and enjoy! Madison's recipe looks so yummy!

  8. A simply lovely day...and such yummy meals you always enjoy! I have to admit that I get a tad bit confused with your lovely homes. Do you have three? The beach, the lake and one in-land? I would be terribly lost and confused, I do believe. And so much dusting!:)

    1. Jennifer, I was just thinking the same thing! I need Billie Jo to draw us a map of houses :)

    2. i agree...looks like there are three homes...i missed something...

  9. I may have to try this recipe, it looks wonderful. Your day would suit me to a T!!

  10. Sounds like a perfect day to me.

  11. It's lovely to be able to live your life like you wish, BJ. It all sounds very peaceful and suits you, which is most important, my friend.

  12. Such a wonderful day...sounds super relaxing and peaceful.....very nice!

  13. Your days there sound wonderful. I love the sound of a house dress. Those women knew what they were doing when they had them.

  14. Isn't it wonderful to be okay with living a slow and intentional life? I love it. Your days at the condo sound peaceful. xx

  15. I basically want to be you in this post and I want one of those house dresses :)

  16. Your day sounds so lovely!! Love it!!

  17. Your time at the condo sounds so nice and relaxing. I am looking forward to retiring so I can slow down my days. I am always up by five (on weekdays), reading scripture and praying before eating a light breakfast and exercising. I like being up early, but not that early. Still the early morning hours are peaceful and getting up early allows me a little "intentional time" before I leave for school and the rest of the day becomes a whir of activity. I am looking forward to the when I can sleep in just a bit (maybe to 6 or 6:30 a.m.) and take things a little slower. Thanks for a lovely post.

  18. Hi Billie Jo! It's always fun for me to look at my comments and see your beautiful, smiling face there! I loved this post! Reading about your day . . . It sounds perfect! There is so much to say about living a slow, intentional life! I love that you wear a house dress, Billie Jo! The beach is beautiful! I love the Gilmore Girls too, and start it from the very beginning on September first of every year, it's my, fall go to! Enjoy the rest of the week. Hugs, Barb

  19. I am also happy to live a slow and simple life. After all the busyness of raising children and working, B and I think that's what retirement is all about. Some may not agree but for us it works.

  20. Love the ad. So cute and brings back memories. I still wear Miss Elaine...a brand that makes similar nightwear. Enjoy your blog...

  21. Enjoyed this walk through your day, and especially that photo of the ocean waves!

  22. I am glad you are enjoying being at the condo close to the beach. Lovely photos you shared including the waves and adorable dog!!! I take a nap once in awhile. I did vacuum this afternoon when Megan left with her friend to go shopping. I finally figured out what to order through the Amazon gift card that I won thru your blog spot last week. 3 items will arrive next week and a cd arrives in Oct as it's coming soon so I preordered it. I need to go to bed as I am tired. Hugs and blessings, Becky

    1. P/S the food looks delicious that your daughter made!!


Thanks so much for saying hello!

Billie Jo