August 12, 2024

Monday Morning Coffee

Good Monday morning, my friends! How was your weekend? We came to the condo Saturday after mass and dinner, and I am having some productive and relaxing days. Productive because I brought Flynn's curriculum to start organizing my thoughts into some sort of schedule and relaxing because we spend time on the shore watching the waves. There is something about the ocean that allows for a sense of peace and contentment. Here are a few pictures of the past few days.

Saturday evening dinner outside with Madison, Nicolas, and Flynn. It was a beautiful evening with some very good food.

Breakfast on Sunday was an impressive feat! Steve's scrambled eggs, garden tomatoes, cottage cheese, a slice of Dave's Killer Whole Grain Bread, and some yummy grapes.

Steve brought some of his garden tomatoes from the house, and Madison and I made the most amazing BLT sandwiches for lunch yesterday. The bread was whole grain from the Farmer's Market, and have I told you about discovering a new to us mayonnaise? It is called Duke's, and it looks like this.

It is delicious and doesn't add extra sugar. Trust me. It took a lot to try something other than Hellmanns!

August brings lots of people with pretty umbrellas who spend days at the beach. We are happy to wait until evening to enjoy the peaceful quiet that only the ocean waves can provide. The others went for a long walk while I stayed back and watched the chairs, which is my way of saying I did not walk on the beach! I am always happy to do that, you know. I was the one to watch the babies while everyone rode the rollercoasters at the amusement parks. I am the bag-and-phone-and-camera keeper, too. I am the one to stay back and watch the dogs while others go down to the boardwalk. I am happy to do all these things because that is who I am. An observer more than a participant. And glad to be so!

And look. I even made a friend while sitting there! 

Have a lovely Monday, my friends. 
Thanks for visiting!

Billie Jo

(Pinterest for the fun image.)


  1. I always lovwe your ocean pictures. I get my ocean 'fix' from them! Missing the shore.

  2. Lovely weekend times spent at the condo. Happy for you! xx

  3. I'm more of an observer too. At the beach my husband and the kids played in the arcade while I sat on the boardwalk watching the people pass by. In my younger days I was the one eager to hit those rollercoasters and do all the fun things and now I'm happy to just sit out while everyone else has their fun.

  4. Your ocean pictures look so peaceful (minus the one with the million people, LOL). It just depends on my mood whether I want to be the holder of the stuff or the one going. Hope you have a wonderful week!

  5. There are some folks that only use DUKES. They swear by it. Love that you had an enjoyable time and also, your camera does a great job with the foreground and background. Really nice.

  6. Beautiful pictures of you all enjoying summer's glory. Dukes has been my go to for many years. It is the BEST as you now can attest to. I hope you have a lovely week my friend.

  7. I am the happy observer too :) I like the behind-the-scenes jobs and I actually enjoy watching the others have the fun. That's fun to me :) Thanks for the comment on the blog today and the prayers. They are greatly appreciated!

  8. You're making me hungry with all this yummy looking and healthy food! Look at that protein power packed breakfast 😉 Sounds like it was a lovely weekend. I can't believe school is right around the corner!! But yay for cozy season ahead! And those beach photos with the waves and the clouds - absolutely stunning! 😍

  9. P.S. I switched from Hallmann's to Dukes several years ago.

  10. I enjoyed seeing your beach photos. So pretty.
    Down here in NC people swear by Duke's. Despite living here for 25 years, I've never bought it. Not even sure if I've tasted it. I guess I just tend to think mayo is mayo. I think I'll give it a try and see if I can tell any difference.

  11. Your ocean photos made me want to go to beach soon. 😁

  12. You got some lovely beach photos. Those meals look yum.

  13. I love your time at the beach! Great photos. I haven't been to the beach in several years and would like to go back. We need to make the trip to California! It's great that you have a condo near the beach. I will have to keep that new kind of mayo in mind. I just bought a new jar of mayo last week. We also love BLT sandwiches! I hope you have a good week as you prepare for back to school with Flynn! See you again soon, my friend!

  14. Your ocean pictures are beautiful.

  15. I hope you have some lovely time at the beach when it isn’t crowded this week.

  16. That's such a nice pic of you and Steve.
    I've heard Dukes is so good, but it isn't sold in Mich. :(
    Beautiful beach photos!

  17. Dearest Billie Jo,
    Family time with good food and a stroll along the beach sounds perfect.
    Even though you are more of an observer and 'watch dog'—which is a very noble task.

  18. Duke's mayo is the only one you will find in most Southern kitchens. Having any other brand is a bit no-no!! Glad you like it!! Your weekend sounds like it was wonderful. I am a happy observer as well!!

  19. Lovely photos from your weekend. I love the beach so you know I enjoy seeing yours. Dukes mayo is the only mayo in my opinion! Our daughter lives in New England and has to stock up when she visits as it is not sold in her town. We even mail it to her on occasion. Have a happy week!

  20. Oh, I just love to see your photographs of the beach. We've been going to the lake in an evening, as well. It's much quieter then. Xx

  21. Dukes is our go to mayo. I am so glad you found it, smiles. Thanks for the many smiles, Billie Jo.

  22. Ah, I love the beach and miss it so much since I moved from Florida to Tennessee! There is something so soothing and peaceful about listening to the waves come ashore.
    I'm the bag holder, place keeper in the family too. I remember going to Disney World with my son and family. They went on the fast rides, and I stayed back with the youngest in a stroller. That was fine with me!
    I discovered Duke's when I moved to TN and now that's all I use!
    Thanks again for the Dunkins card. I've got it loaded in my app and ready to go!

  23. I always like having Monday morning coffee with you.

  24. I may have missed this along the way but do you fly to the beach? And do you mind flying?

  25. That is such a nice photo of you and your hubbie. You look just like your mama there!! (Honestly!) Hooray for getting curriculum ordered. The new books are so much fun!:) Hope you are having a good week already! PS - I bought my first new fall mug:)

  26. Nice photo of you and Steve. Being on the beach is fun for me as well. Been there 2 times in July. Walked on the beach one spot on way home with Megan. Weekend was good especially making food for a friend and family on Saturday. She's still recovering from surgery. A bit later we went to a neighbor house for their wedding. Interesting that she invited us the day b4. Delicious food as well. I'm figuring out I need to do weekly. Have a good week my friend! ~~Becky

  27. Oh, I love that first coffee photo with friends. Reminds me of my mom's day when her friend used to come over out of the blue and stay for hours drinking coffee and visiting. While I'm not a sandy beach person, the ocean is beautiful. That second ocean picture is so pretty. Your BLT looks delicious, and there's nothing like home grown tomatoes. So good of you to be thinking of ideas for Flynn's new school year. Can't believe some have started back already. And a sweet picture of you and Steve.

    Have a terrific week, Billie Jo.


  28. Hi Billie Jo. We are also gearing up for the new school year. New books are arriving in the mail almost daily now. We start back on September 3rd. I'm ready to get back to a schedule and routine. I love your green dress here in the photo with Steve. It's one of my favorite colors and it looks so cute and comfy on you! Hope you are having a nice week. I agree, evenings at the beach really are the best!

  29. Guilty of being an observer as well!


Thanks so much for saying hello!

Billie Jo