Hello! On Fridays, I like to check my camera roll and see what we've been up to during the past week. Let's get started, shall we? First, we were riding in the car, going somewhere I cannot remember when I pulled out my phone. Before I even said a word, these two leaned in for a picture!

My first and my last, who sometimes, I still think of like this:

Sigh. Thanks a lot, time.

I wanted to update you on my sweet mother today. Remember a few weeks back when she was having a really rough time? Well, my sister Margie and I felt that although we knew she would progress through this crappy journey of Alzheimer's, something else was causing the sudden behavior change. Now, her nursing home is a beautiful facility filled with some very caring and compassionate people. It is clean and pleasant and offers many daily activities that stimulate her brain. However, I have found that some people are not as open to family members inquiring about or challenging care decisions. I am a very kindhearted person who was taught to respect everyone. I will, however, advocate for this amazing woman because she is the best person I know. So when I received no assistance in speaking with the doctor who treats Mom, and when I was treated less than kindly and respectfully on the phone, I felt it necessary to continue to call until I finally reached him. After discussing our concerns, I can report she is no longer taking a certain medication for an unspecified pain that she supposedly had, although she cannot verbalize what that could possibly be. This medication had immediately made Mom so groggy, so confused, and so unhappy. It also had some unpleasant side effects. He discontinued it, and although she is still tapering off it, she is clearly more alert, aware, and happy! I am thankful for your prayers, my friends. And never stop advocating for your loved ones. Doesn't she look amazing??

Do you ever wonder what your blogger friends are doing as they write the posts they share? Well, this is me. Puppies, a throw blanket, my laptop, and coffee.

While this may look like a random picture of a shoe rack to you, it is actually the fruit of very hard labor, my friends. Flynn and I spent an obscene amount of time assembling this "Easy to Assemble" shoe rack this week. Now, I know my strong points. Screws, screwdrivers, poorly written directions, and random pieces with letters to identify them are not along them. However, when the choices are giving it a shot versus seeing it sit in the box for weeks, I decided to take one for the team. Flynn took pity on me offered to help, and after an hour or so of some PG-rated language, hysterical laughter, and one phone call to the handiest guy we know, Peyton's husband Christopher, we turned this thing over and set it down. It didn't fall apart! It now sits by the front door, and I can see my carpet again! Lesson learned: Keep chasing your dreams, kids. Never give up.

Our favorite meal this week was an easy one! I made homemade chicken tenders and macaroni and cheese, and Madison prepared the zucchini. The entire meal is so easy to prepare but so delicious! I will link the recipes down below.
We celebrated Kyrstin's birthday this week with dinner out for her favorite crab legs and cupcakes Rhett made himself!! There were presents, cards, and a whole lot of laughs, too. Happy Birthday, Kyrstin!
I will wrap this up with some random pictures of life around here, starting with this young lady who somehow looks like a teenager, although I swear she was wearing smocked dresses and big hairbows yesterday!
Have a cozy weekend, my friends! Thank you for visiting!
Billie Jo
(I used Half and Half in place of the heavy cream for the macaroni and cheese and added a tablespoon of butter. And take the extra time to shred your own cheese! It makes a world of difference! )
Belated Birthday wishes to Kyrstin.
ReplyDeleteAw! Your lovely mum. She has the warmest smile. I'm so glad you managed to get hold of her doctor to have her medication adjusted. Like you say, it is so important to advocate for our loved ones.
I'll be checking out those recipes. Your meal looks delicious. Xx
Dearest Billie Jo,
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday week to Kyrstin!
The best news was that you called in on behalf of your dear Mom and got her off a certain medication!!! Yes, we have to become their voice if they no longer can stand up for themselves.
Your Mom seems to be a very happy and content lady.
I'm so glad you finally got answers about your mother and changes were made. You're right, it's only up to us to advocate for our loved ones. And, yes, Flynn looks more grown up all of a sudden. I wish I could give you the secret of how to slow down time but unfortunately I'm still trying to figure that out myself. Have a good weekend. Hopefully your side of PA has been dryer than mine.
ReplyDeleteHappy Friday to you! What a great post, I couldn’t agree more with those claims of “easy”assembly - when we assembled the new Rototiller – the video demonstration took six minutes. No way, it took three of us probably two hours with quite a bit of weeping, wailing, and gnashing of teeth as they say! So sorry that you had to fight so hard to get someone to listen to you regarding your mom – family know them best, sadly it just seems like we hit a brick wall sometimes. I’m so glad it turned out well. What a fun week of celebration and food – and it looks like you have some Gooseberry Patch cookbooks in the kitchen?? If you’re ever looking for an older one that might be out of print or hard to find, let me know – I was the Senior Boom Editor there for 14 years, and I have oodles of spares that I’m happy to share! Enjoy the weekend – Mary
ReplyDeleteI can't wait to go to the link for your recipes, they look so good! I am SO glad about your Mom! And I must say that although she is really so beautiful, whenever I saw her photos she looked so tired! How great that this doctor knew what to do and it was a simple thing.
ReplyDeleteMy heart goes out to you in regards to your mom. When my dad was living and in a care facility, we quickly learned that WE had to be strong Advocates for him. It took both of us and I'm glad to say that because of our determination to make his life as good as possible, we had good success. We were able to go every single day and check on my dad and the staff realized that we had every intention of making sure we knew exactly what was going on with his meds and his health needs. I have had a few of those "Easy" to put together situations. Needless to say, I'm not very good at these kind of things. Your family is adorable....great pictures.
ReplyDeleteJust love pictures of your sweet family! They sure do grow up so fast. I know it warms your heart how close they are. I'm also very glad to hear your mama seems to be doing better. I'm glad you didn't back down and was able to speak to her doctor about your concerns. I would be so tempted to find out who is over the person who was being unhelpful and voice my concerns about that as well. That was just wrong of them. But, your mama looks great in this picture and I pray she continues to improve! I will definitely have to give your mac and cheese a try. My son is crazy about it! Have a wonderful weekend!
ReplyDeleteMedication can cause so many problems. Glad you got it straighted out!!
ReplyDeleteFunny - I was thinking how cozy your house looks and you ended with saying have a cozy weekend. Cozy is good!
ReplyDeleteLove the pics of the girls. Time does fly by so quickly.
Good for you for advocating for your mom. She sure looks good.
Good news about your mom’s treatment! It was good that you persisted! Have a great weekend.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you got through to your mom's doctor and the change in medication has made a difference you can already see. You really do have to be the advocate for loved ones who are no longer able to make decisions like that. Bless you!! (I've been there a few times.) I enjoyed your photos and happy birthday fun!! xo
ReplyDeleteHi Billie Jo! We love chicken tenders and mac-n-cheese. Will give your version of the mac-n-cheese a try! So glad you figured out that your mom's medication was causing her additional problems. Good job on assembling that shoe rack! I have a talent for assembling things too (NOT) and in fact, one time, I assembled a wheelbarrow so that it was backwards. Not sure at all how I did it, but it was a good family joke for quite a while. You have such lovely surroundings in all of your homes, and your family is beautiful! I hope you have a good weekend, doing just what you want to do!
ReplyDeleteHi Billie Jo :) I was laughing thinking about you putting together the shoe rack :) I recently bought a desk organizer, but didn't realize it would come in pieces. I was determined to put it together myself. I just hope David never looks too closely at it, because it's as wonky as can be. It even came with screws and a screwdriver! For a desk organizer! But it's pink and matches my office, so it was worth it :) Flynn is definitely growing up. That's such a mix of emotions. My "baby" is 25 and I still feel like he's my baby. I guess he always will be. Have a great weekend!
ReplyDeleteSuch a beautiful post my friend...how time flies, sigh.
ReplyDeleteSo glad you fought for your mom! And won!! And I'm glad she's starting to improve. Great pictures. Flynn is so grown up now! It's kind of shocking how fast the time is going. Love how the girls automatically posed for the photo. They know you well! :)
ReplyDeleteGood for you for continuing on asking questions and trying to get a hold of the doctor for your dear mom, Billie Jo. My siblings all rallied together when my parents were sick, and some had different view points, and I listened, but I always spoke up. I'm glad the medication issue was discussed, and I hope your mom feels better now. The cupcakes Rhett made look so Yummy. Wish I had one to go with my coffee this morning. And such a cute picture of Flynn. That's great that you and Flynn put the shoe rack together. Sometimes the "easy to assemble" things are not easy at all. I love the outdoor photos, and the cozy candle inside.
ReplyDeleteHave a blessed and peaceful Sunday, my dear friend.
I'm glad your mom had you to advocate for her. You have to be persistent and I'm so glad to hear that she's improving after discontinuing one of her medicines.
ReplyDeleteI shudder whenever I buy something that assures me it's easy to assemble. That's not usually the case.
Lovely photos!
Glad your adorable mother is better... Beautiful photos! Thank you for your kindness.
ReplyDeleteOh my gosh - the pic of Madison and baby Flynn is so precious! Time is such a thief in a way isn't it. But so grateful for pics to remember and cherish! Good for you advocating for your sweet Momma!! I'm so happy to hear she's feeling better because of it. No doc or health care place is perfect and I couldn't agree more that is why we need to advocate for ourselves and our loved ones. You're such an amazing daughter and honor your Mom so beautifully Billie Jo. And bravo to you gals for not giving up on that darn shoe rack. Lol I'm impressed.
ReplyDeleteHappy bday to Kyrstin! 💝