August 5, 2024

Monday Morning Coffee


Good Monday morning, my friends! We are back at the house near the ocean and settled in for a bit. This early morning, I am cozy on the couch with a throw blanket, my pups, and my new coffee mug. ( I found this and two more in the same design online at the Disney Store.) This past weekend was full of fun, friends, and food! Our dear friends Jon and Erica came to visit, and we ate out, stayed up way too late talking and laughing, went to the movies, and ate some more. They are safe and sound back home now, and we look forward to seeing them soon.

Mocha was ready to leave the condo and return to the house last week!

Remember this? The lovely water leak inside our bedroom wall? It now looks like this...

...and I am thankful to be back in my cozy bedroom. I must give a shoutout to Steve for instinctively knowing after thirty-three years of marriage that while I really do recognize this as an insignificant issue compared to things so many others face daily, I was quite anxious. Despite the brave face I put on, I really wanted to cry. I also want to thank Madison and Nicolas, who know I tend to freak out over chaos and who took care of things while we were gone, and I pretended like it never even happened. It takes a village, right?? In other not-so-dramatic news, here is the dessert menu from one of the restaurants we went to this past weekend. Any guesses about what I chose?

After careful consideration, I chose the Buttermilk Corncake and was so glad I did. While the others enjoyed their desserts, mine was the clear winner, and I was happy to share. It was delicious!

Here are a couple more random pictures from the past few days. I had a visitor while I was praying the other day. And we continue our love of BLT sandwiches here, with tomatoes and basil from the garden on delicious tomato and herb sourdough bread from the farmer's market—toasted, of course. 

Well, that is all for now. And if you missed Friday's post, you should check it out! The deadline for the giveaway is tomorrow! Have a cozy Monday, my friends. Prayers go out to all who are and will be impacted by the hurricane.

Billie Jo


  1. What a lovely and fun weekend you had! So glad you had time with your friends. That Buttermilk Corn Cake looks delicious. I'm so glad that you are able to be back in your cozy bedroom again...and who would have ever known of the catastrophe? Gorgeous! God bless Madison and Nicolas for their part in taking care of things.

    Have a wonderful week, my dear friend. xx

  2. I tried to fly home last night
    Flight delayed and delayed and finally my kids said no mom
    So next flight Thursday
    Family in Florida fine
    Family here in Indy fine
    And so it goes God always in charge

  3. P. S. Still love your sweet blog and just reread your book Brenda

  4. Dearest Billie Jo,
    So happy for you all that the bedroom 'disaster' has been completely recovered by now.
    Lovely visitor you captured through the window.

  5. I have never heard of corn cake. Hmmm…will have to search…

  6. I know you are so happy to be settled back in to your comfort place. Even those small mishaps can cause havoc on our minds. Your wall looks good and like nothing ever happened. You sure had a sweet visitor....Reminds me of the song...As the deer panteth for the water, so my soul panteth after thee. I've not had a corn cake, but the description of the one you had sounds super yummy. Your weekend sounds lovely..

  7. Looks like you had a nice weekend and your dessert looks divine! I'm intrigued by the corn cake! So glad the water leak is repaired - what a relief for you! Have a wonderful week!

  8. I'm so glad your room is fixed. Your dessert looks so good. I probably would have gone with chocolate just because, but I need to step out of my comfort zone!
    I've been doing mozzarella, tomato and basil grilled sandwiches. Yum!

  9. The photos of Mocha are adorable!! and what an awesome job on the damage! It looks beautiful now, and I love your table decor.

  10. When you said you freak out over chaos I felt that. Today I went into my son's room and definitely freaked out. He has accumulated so much stuff and is the least organized person I know. So while he's been at band camp I'm going through all of his stuff and purging as much as I can. Anyway, I'm glad your bedroom is looking better and you can enjoy some relaxing time by the water.

  11. Billie Jo, your posts make for an enjoyable read. Like you, I don't do well with chaos, and we've had a lot of that this year for a number of reasons. Also like you, it appears the chaos here is over or nearly so. I'm thankful!

    Commenting here from hurricane country, Debby has given us a lot of rain and wind but no damage. We are not flood-prone in our particular area, so all is good. MUCH for which to be thankful.

  12. Oh my, could that mug (or Mocha) be any more adorable? I'm so glad the water leak fiasco is now behind you. You are always there for your of course they learned how to be there for you. Love that! 💗 That bread sounds sooo good (big BLT lovers here too). I need to get to the farmers market - it's been ages. Have a very blessed week ahead. xoxo

  13. Hi Billie Jo! Wow, your bedroom wall looks great - just like nothing at all happened. That BLT looks great - one of my favorite easy meals. Your Dessert also looks delicious! Chaos also triggers my anxiety big time. I am glad that your family helped you stay calm and get things back to normal. Have a great week. See you again soon!

  14. Nice to see the water leak gone and the bedroom looking great once again.

  15. The food looks SO GOOD! I'm glad you had some good time away and were able to come back to a finished project. God is so good!! Happy week!

  16. What a great family to know you so well and take care of all that mess for you. Our son-in-law barbecued on July 4th and while everything was being brought to the table he came over to me and put separate meat on my plate. "It's not seasoned." Gotta love family! Love the pictures of Mocha.

  17. Cute mug!! Great happy Monday vibes!! Hooray for all the bedroom repairs finished...and those who helped you through it:) Sounds like a great's to a nice week as well!

  18. That is such a cute mug. I'm so glad your repairs are finished. And hooray for husbands that "get us". I have one of those too. Your dessert looks delicious and I'm glad that you've had a wonderful weekend with friends and fun.
    Blessings and hugs,

  19. You are very lucky to have a tribe who will isolate you from things that stress you!
    Your dessert looks wonderful.I wish I knew how it was made. It looks like something I would like to try and replicate.

  20. It looks like you had a lovely weekend in spite of your water leak and it's nice to see that it all got fixed so well. You would never know that it happened. I agree with the others your corn cake dessert sounds very intriguing. And I think a better choice than chocolate and marshmallow, sometimes I find desserts to be way too sweet. Yours looked perfect.
    Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving your sweet comment. I haven't posted in so long, I wasn't sure if I wouldn't be forgotten. God bless you and have a sweet day.

  21. PS if my name comes up in your drawing, please draw again. I went to your previous post and I'm not familiar with those stores. It's so nice of you to do a giveaway though. I haven't done one in a long time thanks for the inspiration.

  22. Someday, I am going to crash that beach house. You are entirely too comfortable. I will shake you up a bit.

  23. First, I love Mocha's blue rose collar, so cute. The buttermilk corncake looks really good. It sounds like cornbread? I'm glad you got the water leak fixed inside the bedroom wall. It's always unsettling when we have to take care of home projects. And that is the loveliest picture of the deer outside your window while you were praying. How special that is. I just saw a family of deer myself this morning trying to cross the highway, and slowed down for them. And lastly, I am loving your school book side bars. Can't believe school is already starting up for some. : )


  24. You got to see deer thru the window 🪟 . I rarely see any in our area. I'm glad you have delicious food and were with friends again. I'm going to the library where there's food and a concert that's outdoors. I'm going with Megan soon. Have a good night , my friend!!

  25. That mug is so cute! And now I want a bacon sandwich! Also, you're not alone with the freaking out thing. I am definitely a reactor when chaos happens. I need to calm down :) Working on that.

  26. I love your mug! I am so glad you were able to complete the work on your bedroom. My bedroom is my haven, so if something happened to it, I would cause me stress also! God bless you my dear friend!


Thanks so much for saying hello!

Billie Jo