August 7, 2024

Just For Fun And Giveaway Winners


Sometimes, we just need to forget all the drama, anxiety, and worry and smile for a few minutes. Thank you, Pinterest, for your help with that.

Now, we have some winners to announce! Following a highly technical and official drawing that consisted of Nicolas, a random number generator, and Flynn with her Notes app, I am happy to announce the winners of the giveaway! 

Amazon Gift Card


Nice family photos that you shared. I enjoy reading your blog. If I win, I don't have a Donkin donuts in our state. It's been warm outdoors and hopefully it doesn't get close to 100 degrees like it did days ago! God bless and congratulations on 12 years of blog posts. I think I am a bit longer than that and I keep forgetting to look when it started.!!! :-} --Becky

Antique Candle Company Gift Card


Love these pictures! I see this year's picture has a new gentleman and wonder if Flynn has a new special beau. Would love to be entered in your giveaway; I'm a long time follower.

( And that was actually Nicolas' brother Jakob, who was visiting from Denmark!)

And the Three Dunkin' Gift Cards


Twelve years of faithful blogging is nothing to sneeze at! Congratulations! I've blogged for a long time but it's changed names a couple of times. The first one was called "Joy in the Journey". My current one though isn't a continuation of that one.
It's fun to see a photo from each year.
Thank you for the drawing. Please enter me in.
Have a great weekend.


OH WOW!!! 12 YEARS!!!! NO WAY!!!! Congratulations and such lovely photos, my friend.

And Carrie

Happy Blogaversary dear Billie Jo! I'm so glad you acted on that whim all those years ago. I can't imagine my world without you in it.🙏🏻💕 Let alone keeping up with your beautiful family and the fact that some of my treasured recipes I got from you. Thank you so much for all that you share here! Cheers to many many more years ahead. 💗❌⭕️

To the winners, please email me with your email address, and I will send you your gift card! Please contact me by Friday, August 16, 2024.

To those who did not win this time, Thank you so much for entering, reading, and commenting. This little blog has opened so many doors to friendship, kindness, advice, and fun that I am forever grateful to be a part of it. 

Have a fun and cozy Wednesday, my friends!

Billie Jo


  1. Yay! Congrats to the winners! How blessed they are to get to know you and your family this way!!

  2. Wow! I actually won a gift card to Amazon!!! Thank you 😊 Billie Jo. I'll email you soon. Have a good day, Becky

  3. Congrats to winners. Brenda

  4. I love these quotes. I certainly can relate! Have a cozy day my friend!

  5. Awww...congratulations to the winners of the giveaway! You are so kind to do that, Billie Jo!

    Oh...and I appreciated all of the memes at the beginning....and for the same reasons that you gave for posting them. :) xx

  6. Lots of laughs here. I enjoyed all of the quotes and they provided some big smiles for me. Congratulations to you first of all for all that you do on your blog post to bring lots of Joy to us your readers. Congratulations to the winners... I know that they will each enjoy these Blessings.

  7. Congrats to all the winners 🎉 ! And Billie Jo - thanks for celebrating with all of us…here’s to many, many more years of fun, cozy posts!

  8. It was still fun, even though I didn't win anything. At my age, it is good to have SOMETHING to loo forward to. I love love love these funnies, they really made me laugh!!!! and they are so true!

  9. Hi Billie Jo,

    I just sent you an email (I hope I did it correctly!). I'm the blessed winner of the Antique Company Candle. Would you please make sure you received my email?

  10. Hi Billie Jo! Congrats to your winners. This post with all your funny memes made my afternoon! See you again soon!

  11. Thank you for the laughs. THey were much needed today!

  12. Congrats to all the winners! You have such a kind and generous spirit. I didn't say it in my comment but was hoping you didn't pick me since you had been generous to me already. I'm so glad this blogging world allowed us to meet. Also, I love the memes especially the jogging one. My son has been trying to get me to train for an upcoming 5k and I can definitely tell you there's never a smile on my face while I'm running lol. Happy Wednesday and hope you enjoy the rest of the week.

  13. Congratulations to the winners. Have a great evening!

  14. Congrats to all your winners!! What fun:) And thanks for the laughs....those were great!! And NO ONE smiles and jogs - for sure!

  15. "I can't believe how old people my age are," Have had similar thoughts since moving to a +55 retirement community. It's a reality!

  16. Congrats to the winners! This was so sweet of you to do.
    I love the memes you shared today.

  17. Congrats to the winners!! I had to steal one of your memes... that wheel of fortune one made me laugh out loud!!

  18. Love these quotes.
    Congratulations to the lucky winners! Xx

  19. Those memes are hilarious! Especially the one about the prank calls :) I guess we deserve that :) Did you ever do the 3-way calling and have one friend on the call secretly? We were bad kids! hahaha! Congrats to all the winners!

  20. Love the funny to give a lift for the day and this crazy world we live in some days! (ex: Taylor having to cancel her tour dates due to terrorist plans - like what?!?) So thank you for a dose of giggle and some real joy. And I COMPLETELY RELATE to the last one, as you know. 😉
    And yay to see my name as a winner!! You absolutely made my day!!! 😍💕 I can't say enough how grateful I am for you and the gifts you give through your blog. I thank God for you and this blogland community. I have found such treasured friends in such an unexpected way. I'm forever grateful. May you find continued joy blogging here and sharing for MANY more years to come!! 🙏🏻💗
    I sent my email with address, but if didn't go through just let me know. Thanks again for your sweet and generous giveaway!

  21. Congratulations to all the winners.
    Fun reading all the quotes. :)

  22. Those are fun to read. I remember candy jewelry. Halloween! I'm ready. Got our stuff out.

  23. I laughed outrageously at these memes. They are SO very true! Thank you for the giggles.
    And congratulations to the gift card winners. How fun is that? Have a wonderful Friday.

  24. Yaaay, for the winners of the giveaway. And I found some of those quotes to be very delightful. I still smile when I see those old-fashioned candy necklaces. Used to buy them along with other penny candy. Love the jogging quote.....and so true, right? And the vacuum quote is a good one too! Thanks for the chuckle today, Billie Jo. : )



Thanks so much for saying hello!

Billie Jo